Douglas Bugger

Deputy Press Secretary at Office of Congressman John Shimkus

Douglas Bugger, BJ '86

Degree(s): BJ '86 (News Editorial)

Whereabouts: United States, Collinsville, Illinois

What do you do?
Deputy Press Secretary for Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-19).

How did you get your job?
Applied to join Congressman’s staff following 5-plus years in newspapers and 8-plus years in education.

What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School?
You are not going to make everyone happy.

What advice do you have for current students?
You are not going to make everyone happy.

What is your favorite J-School memory?
Getting my degree.

Any parting comments?
No matter how it appears, not everyone in journalism is liberal.

Updated: November 3, 2011