A leader in journalism education and research, the School awarded the first doctor of philosophy degree in 1934. Beyond teaching and administration, our doctoral graduates add value to corporations, media entities, strategic communication firms and other organizations through their research and understanding theoretical approaches. Doctoral students:

  • conduct research with world-renowned faculty;
  • collaborate with world-class scholars and professionals in journalism and strategic communication;
  • gain experience as an educator alongside award-winning faculty.

Doctoral Faculty

The eight research areas of study prepare our doctoral students for careers in the academy and industry:

Selecting the right doctoral program is a major decision. At the Missouri School of Journalism, our students will have the mentorship and assistance in job placement they need. Missouri graduates are represented in colleges and universities around the world, serving as deans, chairs and professors. Recent doctoral graduates are now on the faculties of Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Iowa, Colorado, Louisiana State, Georgia and other accredited journalism programs.

Admission Criteria

Here is a look at our doctoral admission and graduation by year, as well as our student’s dissertations, chairs and graduate year.


Call 573-882-4852 or email us at JourGraduateStudies@missouri.edu to talk with an adviser or schedule a campus visit.
