Nancy Bishop
Editor and Publisher at Third Coast Review

Degree(s): BJ '57
Whereabouts: United States, Chicago, Illinois
What do you do?
I’m the editor and publisher of a Chicago arts and culture website founded in 2016 by a group of writers. As part of our “meet the staff” series, this profile/interview with me was recently posted.
How did you get your job?
A group of writers was working for another website ( when it went on hiatus. We decided to start our own new website and I took the lead in organizing, funding and managing the site. The new site is
What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School?
If your original goal or circumstances change, grab a new goal and don’t give up.
What advice do you have for current students?
It’s hard for young writers to get started on a writing career with which they can support themselves. Take any opportunity you can find to get your writing vetted and published.
What is your favorite J-School memory?
“Cutting copy” in the pressroom for copyediting class.
Any additional comments?
I was also the co-editor of Showme, the Mizzou humor magazine, in 1956-57.
Updated: April 6, 2018