Sandi Orent Strother
Executive Director at Veterinary Cancer Society

Degree(s): BJ '86
Whereabouts: United States, Columbia, Missouri
What do you do?
I am the executive director for the Veterinary Cancer Society, an international association comprised of veterinary oncologists, technicians, students, residents and interns. My responsibilities include planning, organizing and preparing for any association conferences around the world as well as managing our international membership.
How did you get your job?
I worked at the University of Missouri Conference Office, and the Veterinary Cancer Society became one of my clients. I planned their conferences each year and built a strong relationship with both their executive director and board of directors. During this time, I was informed that the director would be retiring, and I was asked if I would be interested in taking on this role. I accepted the opportunity. Since then, we moved the association from its headquarters in San Diego, Calif., to Columbia, Mo., from where we now operate.
What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School?
To always think creatively and to find creative solutions. I was a student in Henry Hager’s first ad copy class, and he taught me to be creative in so many ways. He pushed me to work harder, think more creatively and concisely, and to always thoroughly prepare for meetings and for client presentations.
What advice do you have for current students?
Look beyond the books. Life’s lessons are oftentimes much more important than what you will read in a book or learn in a lecture. Get out in the field and live what you want to do in your career.
What is your favorite J-School memory?
Sitting in front of Brad Pitt in my ad copy class. Henry Hager would always talk about how my volleyball team did the previous night in a match, and he would hang news articles about me on the walls.
Updated: November 11, 2011