Trish Houts Reeves

Degree(s): BJ ’69
EducationMFA, Warren Wilson College
Whereabouts: United States, Kansas
It has been a while. I hope my J-School classmates are thriving. After MU, I followed a career in creative writing that ultimately led to receiving fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, Yaddo, Keck, and the Kansas Arts Commission. My first book, Returning the Question, won the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Prize. My most recent book, The Receipt, was published by Cynren Press in April 2023. My poems have been anthologized and published in numerous journals, including Ploughshares, New Letters, Women’s Review of Books, Prairie Schooner, and Leon Literary Review. I’ve also published short fiction. For 21 years, I taught English and creative writing at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS, where my teaching honors included the American Indian College Fund Faculty of the Year and the Haskell Teaching Excellence Award. For 22 years, I led Changing Lives Through Literature for Johnson County Kansas Corrections, and remain a Humanities Kansas Scholar in literature. After MU, I received a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Warren Wilson College. More information is available at
Updated: August 10, 2023