Amy Zlatic

Group Communications Manager at Ceva Animal Health

Degree(s): BJ '96

Whereabouts: United States, St. Louis, Missouri

What do you do?
I currently serve as group communications manager, North America, for Ceva Animal Health, an international animal health company.

How did you get your job?
Networking! I posted that I was leaving my job on Facebook, and a previous colleague got me in touch with the hiring manager at my current employer. It was all word-of-mouth and personal references.

What is the best professional lesson you learned at the J-School?
The best lesson I learned was to not be married to my writing. In other words, be open to critique and criticism.

What advice do you have for current students?
Work your rear-end off and “pay your dues” when you first graduate. And don’t assume anything. Ever.

What is your favorite J-School memory?
There are so many that it’s hard to choose just one. Probably participating in the Advertising Club and taking a road trip to Omaha for a regional competition.

Updated: November 15, 2011