Jason Mudd
President/CEO at Axia Public Relations

Degree(s): BJ '98
Whereabouts: United States, Amelia Island, Florida
What do you do, and what is most interesting about it?
I’m the chief executive officer of a growing public relations firm. Every day is different. We represent a variety of clients who want to grow their visibility and sales across the U.S.
How did you get your job?
I developed a reputation for success in the public relations field and then I branched out on my own in 2002 after winning a few awards and industry honors.
Best professional lesson learned at the J-School?
How to operate successfully in a bureaucratic environment.
What would be your best advice to current students?
Nothing can replace “real-world” experience and very few “real” situations exist on a college campus. Gain experience outside of the classroom before graduation and certainly before considering an advanced degree. In addition, every student needs to hone great communication skills and especially excellent writing skills. Students looking to work in PR must know the difference between a goal and an objective as well as a strategy and a tactic. If I could do college all over again, I’d identify contacts in 10 companies that I want to work for and ask them to mentor me. I’d then meet with them by phone or in person at least quarterly. You’d better believe that network will help you find a great job after college and be a great resource to you in the future if you make the right impression.
What are you working on currently?
We are actively recruiting new clients while simultaneously recruiting experienced, enthusiastic PR professionals in the major metropolitan markets into which our public relations firm wants to expand.
What are your next career steps?
Expanding my public relations firm’s footprint and leadership team while instilling the same high-touch service that our public relations firm clients have come to expect and enjoy.
What do you consider to be your greatest professional achievement?
Creating a successful public relations firm from nothing within nine months, without any financing or existing resources.
What skill would you most like to have?
Photographic memory.
Updated: October 20, 2023