Stacey Welsh
Digital Journalist at KENS-TV

Degree(s): BJ '13
Whereabouts: United States, San Antonio, Texas
Stacey Welsh, BJ ’13, visited MU and immediately knew it was the place for her to pursue her interests in journalism. Welsh’s education at the Missouri School of Journalism and experience at KOMU-TV provided her with the fundamental skills to succeed. Today, Welsh uses these same skills as a digital journalist at KENS-TV.
Why did you decide to come to Mizzou?
I went on a visit to campus, and I knew I wanted to come to Mizzou after touring the J-School and seeing the station at KOMU-TV. I already knew I wanted to major in journalism heading into college, and seeing everything Mizzou offers definitely solidified that decision.
How has the Missouri Method of education shaped your career?
From day one, the Missouri Method puts students into real-world situations. My experience shooting, writing and editing my own stories at KOMU-TV has helped me meet deadlines while working at KFOX-TV and KENS-TV. My experience at Mizzou made high-pressure stories easier for me. The Missouri School of Journalism also provides students with opportunities to learn. I am thankful that I learned Web-editing and online journalism skills here as those skills, along with traditional broadcast skills, are used in my job at KENS-TV. I also had the opportunity to intern for CNN during my senior year, and my skills writing for both broadcast and online platforms helped me earn good reviews from my supervisors. After turning in an online story, I remember one supervisor telling me they expected to make more edits on an intern’s work than my story needed.
When did you first realize what path you would take with your career?
I knew I wanted to work in multimedia journalism after spending a summer working at KOMU-TV. I got to learn about so many different jobs and train on everything from editing videos to managing social media. Journalism is always changing to adapt to new technology, and I hope to find new ways to innovate content as those changes happen.

What was your most beneficial J-School class?
I think Broadcast II was the most beneficial class I took. Anyone who has taken the class will tell you it’s tough, but it really teaches you to meet deadlines without making errors. You are responsible for turning in multiple aspects of a story, including a video and Web piece. I think the class improves your writing and prepares you for the multiple demands you’ll face after college.
Is there something you wish you would’ve known as a student that you know now?
Like learning AP Style and writing skills, I wish I would have learned more about social media metrics. Learning how the numbers behind social media work can help your organization gain followers and page views. This is especially valuable when you are working in a Web or social media-based job, but it could also help you improve your own social media strategy as a journalist. For example, you can take advantage of a strong social media following through crowdsourcing and calling on your followers for story ideas.
Advice for graduating seniors?
Even after you start working, continue updating your resume website, LinkedIn profile and the like. This can save you a lot of work when you do decide to look for another job. I received good advice in the past that you should try to join a new activity or make one new friend outside of work. It’s easy to get caught up in your job. Make sure you’re involved in something outside of work to help you stay balanced.
Did you ever think you would end up where you are now?
I didn’t think I would end up exactly where I am, but I’m excited to be involved with both digital producing and reporting at work. Those are two skills l learned and improved at Mizzou, and I definitely feel my education has helped me be successful in the working world so far. I am thankful to continue working in journalism.
Updated: June 2, 2016