Tami Custard

Study Abroad Director

Global Programs

280D Gannett Missouri School of Journalism Columbia, MO 65211-1200

Tami L. Custard is the Director of Study Abroad for the Global Programs Office at the Missouri School of Journalism, working with both outgoing study abroad students and incoming exchange students.

Over the past 10 years, Custard has helped start internship programs in Barcelona, Costa Rica, Delhi, Hong Kong and Tokyo, while maintaining the School of Journalism’s internship programs in Beijing, Brussels, London, New York City, Prague, and Washington, D.C. 

In 2020, Custard was awarded the Amy Lenk Staff Excellence Award for her years of service and dedication to the Missouri School of Journalism. 

Custard has served as a member of the NAFSA Region IV leadership team, helping to plan yearly regional conferences and one national conference for an international higher education association.

Before starting her career at Mizzou in 2009, Custard studied International Business and Business Management at Columbia College and took part in a study abroad program in London, England.

Updated: October 7, 2022