AdZou Student Experience
Jumpstart your career. Get real agency experience and learn under industry professionals.
AdZou is the senior capstone course for strategic communication students and is based on the “Missouri Method” of learning by doing. By the end of the semester, you’ll have gained invaluable real-world, hands-on experience and have exceptionally high-quality work for your portfolio.
Students have a leg up on graduates from other universities, because the AdZou experience is one-of-a-kind. Directed by advertising and marketing professionals, students work in small teams to create a complete research-based campaign for a real company or organization.
Past AdZou clients have included AT&T, Fox Sports, The Blue Note, True/False Film Festival, Central Bank of Missouri, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Boone County, Southeast Missourian and more.
“Nothing can quite prepare you for what awaits after graduation, but AdZou provides a crucial understanding of the inner workings of an ad agency. You’ll learn what is expected of each department and flex various muscles along the way. I entered the workforce knowing the role and purpose of each cog in the agency machine. On day one of the job I was willing and ready to collaborate across departments, something that’s been fundamental at every level of my almost 10-year career in advertising.”
– Sarah Peterson, AdZou alumnus, Strategic Planning Director at FCB Chicago
“AdZou gave me the tools and experience I now use in my daily life. Learning how different roles interacted and worked together at an agency prepared me for what my professional life looks like now. Without the experience I gained in AdZou, agency life would have been a total mystery to me. Overall, I feel like my learnings from AdZou helped me nail my interviews and land a job post college.”
– Kate Sanchez, AdZou alumnus, Associate Art Director at Razorfish Health
Learn more about the AdZou client experience.