Tag: Science and Agricultural Journalism
11 Missouri Journalism Students Selected for Mizzou 39
The Annual Mizzou Alumni Association Award Recognizes Outstanding Academic Achievement, Leadership and Service Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 20, 2014) — Eleven Missouri School of Journalism students are among the 39 outstanding seniors recognized for their academic achievement, leadership and service to the University of Missouri and community. The annual honor, sponsored by the Mizzou Alumni Association … Continued
Students Use Google Glass to Cover the World Food Prize Conference
The New Wearable Technology Has Potential for Journalism By Bill Allen Des Moines, Iowa (Oct. 21, 2013) — It started when Bruce Rasa walked into the pressroom Thursday afternoon in the Marriott Hotel Downtown wearing Google Glass. It ended with Kate Hrdina and Rachel Zamzow, two University of Missouri students, pioneering in using Google Glass … Continued