Author: Jon Stemmle
Students network with agency recruiters from across the country in order to “level up” their futures By Mackenzie Chaney, Callie Hines and Brooke Saharovici Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 28, 2019) — The Missouri School of Journalism brought students and recruiters together for a successful day of networking at the annual Strategic Communication Career Fest on Feb. … Continued
MOJO Ad Hosts Strategic Communication Career Fest
Students network with agency recruiters from across the country in order to “level up” their futures By Mackenzie Chaney, Callie Hines and Brooke Saharovici Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 28, 2019) — The Missouri School of Journalism brought students and recruiters together for a successful day of networking at the annual Strategic Communication Career Fest on Feb. … Continued
MOJO Ad Hosts Resume and Portfolio Best Practices Prep Session
By Elizabeth Berg, Emily Pagano and Keena Patel MOJO Ad Public Relations Account Executives Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 3, 2017) — MOJO Ad hosted a Resume and Portfolio Best Practices event at the Missouri School of Journalism for students to gain insights from industry professionals into what makes a resume and portfolio stand out. The event, … Continued