Missouri School of Journalism’s documentary film program receives transformative $10 million gift

Jonathan Murray, center, with University of Missouri and Missouri School of Journalism leaders. The gift will strengthen the School of Journalism’s role as the Midwest’s hub for documentary storytelling By Austin FitzgeraldPhotos by Nate Brown Contact: Sara Diedrich, diedrichs@missouri.edu Leaders from the University of Missouri and Missouri School of Journalism’s Jonathan B. Murray Center for … Continued

Based on a True Story documentary film conference kicks off Feb. 26

Based on a True Story (BOATS), a three-day lineup of documentary film master classes and workshops organized by the Murray Center for Documentary Journalism, returns Feb. 26-28. Based at the Missouri School of Journalism, the Murray Center’s programming will offer opportunities for students and the public alike to be immersed in documentary film conversations and … Continued

Documentary seeks to heal rift between public and news industry with trauma-informed approach to gun violence

Jessica Beard and Oronde McClain “The Second Trauma” hopes to bring an end to sensationalized, episodic coverage of America’s signature brand of violent crime By Austin FitzgeraldPhotos by Nate Brown This week, a panel of educators, journalists and experts in public health and trauma visited the Missouri School of Journalism to present “The Second Trauma,” … Continued

Jonathan Murray, ‘father of reality television,’ still finding new ways to tell stories half a century into illustrious career

By Austin Fitzgerald When MTV’s “The Real World” featured Pedro Zamora in its third season, the result was a watershed moment. As an openly gay man who was also HIV positive, his presence brought attention to seminal cultural issues, and former president Bill Clinton credited Zamora with putting “a human face” on the AIDS epidemic. … Continued