DETOUR, Ron Stodghill’s Black travel magazine, expands reach while offering unique opportunities for students at Missouri School of Journalism

Detour student contributors in the RJI studio with founder Ron Stodghill. Back row, from left: Kristin Kuchno, Rylee Fels, Lucy Caile, Taylor Schmitt. Front row, from left: Olivia Gyapong, Brooke Muckerman, Ron Stodghill, Cela Migan By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (March 4, 2024) — DETOUR, a digital magazine and multimedia brand focused on Black travel, … Continued

Lawmakers wander into news deserts

Photo: Sergey Pesterev | Unsplash Seeing the link with democracy, legislators put forward bills to protect local news By Jared Schroeder and Joy Jenkins California Assemblymember Buffy Wicks wanted to support local journalism in her state. Her solution was the California Journalism Preservation Act, which she proposed in February 2023. She framed it as a … Continued

Kathy Kiely wins 2024 Mel Carnahan Public Service Award

Missouri School of Journalism alum Lukas Parrish, a former student of Kiely’s, will also receive a scholarship at the ceremony By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Feb. 5, 2024) — Kathy Kiely, the Lee Hills Chair in Free-Press Studies, has won the 2024 Mel Carnahan Public Service Award. The award, bestowed by the Carnahan Policy Institute … Continued

How are communicators really using AI? Missouri School of Journalism’s Jon Stemmle has answers

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Jan. 24, 2024) — Professor Jon Stemmle at the Missouri School of Journalism has co-authored a research paper that examines how public relations professionals are using artificial intelligence in their work. Based on a survey of 75 communication professionals, the paper is designed to aid communicators and organizations looking to … Continued

Tracy Draksler Brown and David Salisbury join Missouri School of Journalism strategic communication faculty

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Jan. 11, 2024) — The Missouri School of Journalism welcomes two new strategic communication professors to campus this January. Tracy Draksler Brown, BJ ’00, and David Salisbury join the School as assistant professional practice professors and will teach their first courses in the upcoming spring semester. “Together, Tracy and David … Continued

Nick Mathews study of Facebook vs. community newspapers lands in acclaimed Digital Journalism journal

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Jan. 10, 2024) — Nick Mathews, an assistant professor at the Missouri School of Journalism’s Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI), has published a research study in Digital Journalism, a premier research journal in the journalism field. The study analyzes the impact of Facebook on rural and small-town news organizations’ … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism’s Damon Kiesow publishes first-ever textbook on news product management

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. — Damon Kiesow, the Knight Chair in Journalism Innovation at the Missouri School of Journalism, has authored his first book: a textbook on the increasingly important field of news product management published last month. But that’s not the only first. “An Introduction to News Product Management: Innovation for Newsrooms and … Continued

Yong Volz makes her mark on history at Missouri School of Journalism

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Aug. 24, 2023) — Yong Volz, the Roger Gafke Distinguished Faculty Fellow and chair of the Journalism Studies faculty at the Missouri School of Journalism, grew up learning about the School of Journalism in middle school. This might not come as a surprise unless one knows that Volz was born … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism promotes five, welcomes four new faculty members

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (Aug. 17, 2023) — With the fall 2023 semester set to begin on Aug. 21, the Missouri School of Journalism today announced several faculty promotions and welcomes four new faculty members. Those promoted to professional faculty professor are Elizabeth Brixey, Holly Higginbotham, Heather Isherwood and Laura Johnston. Additionally, Kellie Stanfield … Continued