News Releases
J-School to Join Fight Against Arthritis
Columbia, Mo. (May 7, 2004) — The Missouri School of Journalism is launching a campaign to improve and expand coverage on arthritis among local and national media. The initiative is one of several research projects under way at MARRTC (Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center), the only federally funded arthritis center of its kind … Continued
School Expands Summer Course Offerings
Columbia, Mo. (May 5, 2004) — The Missouri School of Journalism is expanding the number of required courses it offers during the summer semester. Students entering the School now can enroll in Cross-Cultural Journalism and Principles of American Journalism. Cross-Cultural Journalism teaches students how to be an effective journalist in a multicultural world. The Principles … Continued
Journalism Students to Be Required to Have Wireless Laptop Computers
Columbia, Mo. (May 3, 2004) — Missouri School of Journalism undergraduate and graduate students will be required to have wireless laptop computers beginning with the fall 2005 semester. “It’s impossible for the journalist of today to be productive without an intimate knowledge of the technological tools the profession requires,” said Brian S. Brooks, associate dean for … Continued
Election Coverage Increasingly Focused on Presidential Candidates’ Wives, MU Researcher Finds
By Jessica Pollard Columbia, Mo. (April 27, 2004) — Twenty-first century media coverage of presidential and vice presidential candidates and their lives now encompasses another facet — their wives. A new study by a Missouri School of Journalism researcher found that these women are becoming increasingly noticed among journalists during the election campaign. Betty Winfield, … Continued
Cameron Named to National Advisory Board
Columbia, Mo. (April 27, 2004) –– Glen Cameron, a Missouri School of Journalism professor and co-director of the Health Communication Research Center, has been named to the International Food Information Council (IFIC). The IFIC’s purpose is to bridge the gap between science and communications. IFIC disseminates scientific information on food safety, nutrition and health, working with … Continued
Two Journalism Students to Participate in Hearst National Broadcast Championship
Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2004) — Two Missouri School of Journalism students are among the top five national finalists in the William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program. Broadcast news seniors Knez Walker and Katie Piper have been selected to participate in the National Broadcast Championship in TV in San Francisco in May. This is … Continued
Missouri Team Places First at Midwest Model European Union Conference
Columbia, Mo. (April 26, 2004) — A team of students from the Missouri School of Journalism placed first at the recent Midwest Model European Union Conference held at Indiana University – Purdue University in Indianapolis. This is the third time that Missouri has won the top spot in as many years. During the two-day competition students … Continued
KBIA Newsroom Wins Two Edward R. Murrow Awards from RTNDA
Columbia, Mo. (April 20, 2004) — KBIA recently won two Edward R. Murrow awards from the Radio-Television News Director Association (RTNDA). The Murrow Awards honor outstanding achievements in electronic journalism. KBIA is a National Public Radio member station and is owned and operated by the Missouri School of Journalism. The station received the regional award for Best … Continued
New Online Journalism Certification with Optional Master of Education Degree Now Available
Columbia, Mo. (April 19, 2004) — The Missouri School of Journalism and the College of Education have created a new partnership that offers students the option of journalism certification and/or a Master of Education degree. The new program provides practicing secondary teachers with a convenient way to complete courses leading to journalism certification, or to … Continued
Journalism Student Wins National Design Contest
Columbia, Mo. (April 18, 2004) — An original sketch of a design concept for the 2004 Dooney & Bourke It Bag line won Missouri School of Journalism junior Camille Styles a trip to New York and Florence and Milan, Italy. Styles, of Dallas, is studying strategic communication at the School. She was one of eight … Continued