Jim Harnar, BJ ’75

Jim Harnar, BJ ’75, retired in the spring of 2015. He was a founder and executive director of the Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership in Portland, Maine. Harnar previously served as a U.S. Navy officer, retiring with the rank of captain in 2006 after a 25-year career. Harnar and his wife plan to visit … Continued

Theodore E. (Ted) Hoffman, MA ’66

Theodore E. (Ted) Hoffman, MA ’66, died Aug. 11, 2015, at age 92 in Aurora, Colorado. He was a World War II veteran, a newspaper editor and later, public affairs officer, Bureau of Reclamation, Coulee Dam, Washington, and Phoenix. Hoffman was assistant agricultural editor, University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Columbia, 1963-67 and 1969-72. The … Continued

Benjamin James Pope Jr., BJ ’51

Benjamin James Pope Jr., BJ ’51, died Sept. 1. While an undergrad at the J-School, Pope met his future wife, Rosanne (Stiles) Pope, BJ ’51. They married soon after graduation and enjoyed 47 years together until her death in 1998. Upon graduating from MU, he worked for newspapers in Memphis and Richmond, moving into the … Continued

Stephen Earle, BJ ’42

Stephen “Steve” Earle, BJ ’42, died peacefully at his L.A. home Sept. 19, 2014. Earle, 95, was described as “a self-made man” from the Depression era.

Kevin Carlson, BJ ’03

Kevin Carlson, BJ ’03, has joined Visionworks Marketing Group in Columbia, Missouri, as an account manager.

Sol Sanders, BJ ’46

Sol Sanders, BJ ’46, at age 89, has put the highlights of his life and career down on paper. “People!: Vignettes gathered along the way through a long life” (Deeds Publishing) is his memoir told in 55 short chapters, each focused on a character or an incident from his reporter’s notebook. Sanders penetrated high places … Continued

Charles Curry Yarbro, BJ ’49

Charles Curry Yarbro, BJ ’49 (Advertising), died March 13, 2005, at his home in Dyersburg, Tennessee. Yarbro worked as a commodities broker for Bunge Corporation for 46 years.

Noel E. Tomas, BJ ’59

Lt. Col. Noel E. Tomas (USAFR Retired), BJ ’59, was awarded the Korean government’s Peace Keepers Medal at a recent gathering honoring Korean Conflict Veterans on the 65th anniversary of the war. The recognition luncheon was sponsored by the Korean-American Charity Foundation and held in Cromwell, Connecticut. Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman presented the medal to … Continued

Amy (Zielinski) Zlatic, BJ ’96

Amy (Zielinski) Zlatic, BJ ’96, won first place in the 2014 St. Louis Writers Guild Annual Short Story Contest for her story “Swallow.” Since its founding in 1920, St. Louis Writers Guild has sponsored this contest, making it one of the oldest in the country. Tennessee Williams won first place in 1935 for his story … Continued