Paula Hrbacek, BJ ’77

Paula Hrbacek, BJ ’77, just published her fifth book: “Day Camp in Hawaii.” It a complete program guide for summer camp or summer school for elementary age students.

Donna Vandiver, BJ ’72

Donna Vandiver, BJ ’72, sends news that her agency, The Vandiver Group, is celebrating 20 years of business. TVG is a full-service strategic communications firm offering crisis communications, social media, research, training and strategic counsel. The firm’s headquarters is in St. Louis with satellite offices in Nashville, Tenn., and Los Angeles.

Mary Lawrence Deibel, MA ’72

Mary Lawrence Deibel, MA ’72, a reporter with the Washington D.C., bureau of Scripps Howard News Service for nearly 25 years specializing in coverage of the Supreme Court and economics, died May 3 from cancer. Deibel began a distinguished career in journalism at The Wilmington (Del.) News-Journal in 1971 and in 1976 joined the writing … Continued

Mike Bizelli, BJ ’72

Freelance photographer Mike Bizelli, BJ ’72, has been documenting the work of the Animal Cruelty Task Force for 15 years. His new 200-image exhibit, “Cruelty to Compassion,” will be presented April 5-7 at the Humane Society of Missouri, 1201 Macklind Ave. in St. Louis, on April 5-7. The exhibit includes Trooper, a dog who gained … Continued

David Thomasson, MA ’79

David Thomasson, MA ’79, has published a novel, “The First Impression,” a mystery available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions. Thomasson is a freelance writer in Washington, D.C.

Brad Thompson, MA ’75

Brad Thompson, MA ’75, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania after teaching at the University of Dar es Salaam’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Thompson was on sabbatical from Linfield College in Oregon.

Bruce Breslow, BJ ’77

Bruce Breslow, BJ ’77, was named the head of the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, effective Nov. 12. He most recently served as director of the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles.

Dennis Barnidge, BJ ’76

Dennis Barnidge, BJ ’76, died Oct. 20, 2012. He was the sports editor for the Jefferson County Journal and other papers in the St. Louis area during his career.