J-School Advising FAQs
Which J-School adivising session is right for you?
How are Mizzou Summer Welcome and the J-Advising session different?
- Mizzou Summer Welcome serves as the university’s general summer orientation, and all incoming MU students must attend. All incoming students have a separate advising session with their assigned academic unit (major) when they enroll in classes. The Missouri School of Journalism offers a distinct advising process with sessions tailored specifically to our students.
Do I have to attend both Mizzou Summer Welcome and a J-Advising session?
- YES! Mizzou Summer Welcome is required for all incoming MU students, and the J-Advising session is required for all incoming Journalism students. Students must attend a J-Advising session to complete enrollment for fall classes.
Can I combine the two orientations to maximize my travel time?
- Yes! When you register for an in-person Mizzou Summer Welcome session, we will schedule your standard in-person J-Advising session for the following morning. Virtual sessions will occur on select dates and may not be immediately following your Mizzou Summer Welcome.
- Planning to attend J-Advising: Special Edition? We recommend registering for the June 9 Special Edition date and the June 10 Mizzou Summer Welcome date.
How do I sign up for Mizzou Summer Welcome?
- Watch the Mizzou Summer Welcome webinar that will guide incoming students through the process of registering for orientation, scheduling your advising appointment for Mizzou and what to expect during your Summer Welcome session with New Student Programs: Webinars // New Student Programs
Which J-Advising Session type should I choose? Which option will benefit me the most?
- If you are a first-generation student, have never visited campus, or your family has many questions, we would recommend the J-Advising: Special Edition. The J-Advising: Special Edition is an invaluable opportunity for students to start their academic journey on the right foot.
- This half-day, in-person program offers a deeper level of engagement than standard advising sessions. Students can explore the MU J-School, build connections with advisors, and participate in personalized, hands-on experiences tailored specifically for those entering the Journalism School.
- By attending this program, students gain a clearer understanding of their degree path, access to campus resources, and a stronger foundation for academic and professional success. This comprehensive introduction ensures a confident and informed transition into college life.
- If your travel dates are limited, select the in-person Mizzou Summer Welcome date that works best for you, and your in-person J-Advising session will be scheduled for the following morning. We recommend you plan to stay overnight to maximize your travel.
- Can’t attend in-person Mizzou Summer Welcome or cannot stay for the advising session the following morning? A virtual J-Advising session may work best.
How should I prepare for the J-Advising Session?
- Please bring or complete the following items to ensure a productive advising session:
- A laptop
- Student pawprint and password (MU login info) a[WE1] nd Student ID number
- A writing utensil and a notepad[WE2]
- Prepared questions for the advisors and a list of incoming credit (dual/transfer credit, AP/IB exam credit)
- Complete Pre-Advising Questionnaire in MU Connect
- Complete incoming student placement tests:
- MyMath Placement Test (Intermediate Algebra Test with a score of 70% or higher)
- World Language Placement Test (offered for Spanish, French, and German)
Can I bring my official transcripts and test scores with me to campus when I visit?
- No, official scores & transcripts must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions. After You Apply – Mizzou Admissions [WE3]
How many people can I bring with me to the J-Advising: Special Edition?
- You may bring up to two adults with you. Please note that our advising day may not be as engaging for young children, as the information, lectures, and activities are tailored for college students and their adult support network.[WE4]
- For standard in-person advising sessions, there is a lounge area with activities for family as they wait for their student’s advising session to conclude.
Why can’t family members attend the advising appointment with students?
- Families are an essential part of a student’s support system, and we value your involvement in the academic journey. However, student advising sessions are designed to foster independence and personal accountability, allowing students to take ownership of their educational goals and decisions. This one-on-one setting provides a space for students to discuss their academic plans, address questions, and receive tailored guidance from their advisor.
- Students will leave their advising session with materials to share with their family or support network.
- For families who want to be more involved, we recommend registering for J-Advising: Special Edition. This event includes in-depth sessions designed for parents and families on how to help your student navigate their academic journey.
Where should I park? Can I stay overnight on campus?
- For details on campus parking and on-campus overnight accommodations: Travel, Parking, and Check-In // New Student Programs [WE5]
How much time will this take?
- Mizzou Summer Welcome
- In-Person: 1 full day
- Virtual: Half day morning
- J-Advising Sessions
- Special Edition: Half day afternoon on May 23 or June 9
- Standard In-Person Session: 1.5-2 hours, the morning following your in-person Mizzou Summer Welcome
- Standard Virtual Advising: 1.5-2 hours, morning or afternoon, on select dates.
What happens if I can’t attend an in-person advising session?
- If you are registered for an in-person Mizzou Summer Welcome date but cannot stay to attend the in-person advising session the next morning, please email Journalism Student Services[WE6] to schedule a virtual advising session for a later date.
If I can’t attend an advising session in June, will I still have course options in July?
- Yes, there will still be plenty of courses to choose from as departments release seats throughout the summer.
Questions regarding J-School Advising?
Contact the MU J-School Advising Office:
- Phone: (573) 882-1045
- Email Address: journalismstudentservices@umsystem.edu
- Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday