Carolina Escudero

Director, Barcelona Program

Global Programs

280 Gannett Missouri School of Journalism Columbia, MO 65211-1200


B.S. in Journalism, Université Robert Schuman, France
M.A. in The Sexual Difference, University of Barcelona, Spain
Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Universidad Kennedy, Argentina
Postdoctorate in Social Psychology, Universidad Kennedy, Argentina

Areas of Expertise
  • Human Rights
  • Social Movements
  • Gender
  • Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
  • International News
  • Media Psychology
  • Reporting on Traumatic Events

CAROLINA ESCUDERO is the director of the Missouri School of Journalism’s Barcelona internship program.

As a journalist, Escudero has worked for numerous international news media outlets in Argentina, Belgium, France, Spain and Netherlands. Her research based on families victims of stolen babies inspired the documentary “How to tell you that I love you” produced by the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts of Argentina; the reseach and the documentary were named as historical memory material of public interest by the Honorable Chamber of Deputies and Senators of Entre Ríos, Argentina

Escudero received a Leonardo Da Vinci France (2001) grant, which allowed her to pursue communications-related work in European Union institutions and in Belgium, Brussels; the Women and Gender Studies Mizzou grant (2018) for the stolen babies research and the postdoctoral grant, Universidad Kennedy Argentina (2021).

Escudero has presented her research in more than 40 international conferences.  She is a research member of the “Gabiente de Comunicación y Educación” Faculty of Communication Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.

Scopus: 58162217200  

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Escudero, C. (2024). Media Coverage of Mediation: Before and During the Russian–Ukrainian War. Horizons of Politics, 15(51), 81–98. DOI: 10.35765/HP.2509

Escudero, C., Prola, T., Soriano Flores, E., Silva Alvarado, E. (2024) The Scope of Technostress and Care of The Self on Journalists During the Pandemic. Social Space Journal Volume 23 Issue 042023

Escudero, C. (2024) “Transforming Crises Into Opportunities: Self-Managed Media in Argentina.” Media and Communication. DOI: 10.17645/mac.7455

Escudero, C., Prola, T., Fraga, L., Soriano, E. (2023) Emotional Management in Journalism and Communication Studies. Social Space Journal. Vol 23, Issue 02.

Escudero, C. (2023). Argentine journalists producing news during COVID-19: Stress and job satisfaction. World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies, 4: 28–47. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.4.2023.2

Escudero, C. (2023) Cultura de paz en la campaña TEB sobre desapariciones forzadas en España. Revista CoPaLa. Construyendo Paz Latinoamericana. Colombia. DOI: 10.35600/25008870.2023.18.0283

Escudero, C.  & Tejedor Calvo, S. (2023) “Collective Heroism in Argentinean Women’s Football”. Philippines. Humanities Diliman Journal.

Escudero, C. (2023) “Communication and Emotions: The Art of Distinguishing, Processing and Reacting.” Insights into Language, Culture and Communication Journal, Egypt. DOI: 10.21622/ILCC.2023.03.1.001

Escudero, C. (2023) Media Co-ops in Argentina and Uruguay in the Digital Age. World of Media, Russia. DOI: 10.30547/worldofmedia.1.2023.3

Escudero, C. (2022) “La gestión emocional, una asignatura pendiente en los estudios de periodismo y comunicación” Compiladora: M. Meléndez-Domínguez en “Avances en Educación Superior e Investigación”. Spain, Volumen 2. ISBN: 978-84-1122-609-7 Editorial Dykinson.

Escudero, C. (2022) “A Digital Health App for Families Victims of Enforced Disappearances”.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD. Thailand. DOI:10.2015/IJIRMF/IMSRC-2022/008

Escudero, C. (2022) “Mutación digital: Una aproximación teórica” Revista Internacional de Humanidades. Estados Unidos

Escudero, C. (2022) Children Playing Video Games During COVID-19 In Spain. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (vol.9). England. DOI:10.14738/assrj.99.13153

Escudero, C. (2022) “The Audacious Searching of Spanish Mothers. The appropriation of Babies During and After the Dictatorship”. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 9, no. 3. 134-143. England.  DOI: 10.14738/assrj.93.12031

Escudero, C. (2020) “Recovered Media in Argentina: An Inclusive Digital Movement.” International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165. Volume 5, Issue 7, July – 2020.

Escudero, C. (2020) “Digital mutation, a result of motivation and resilience. Stolen Babies in Catalunya”Review of Journalism and Mass Communication. Vol. 8 No. 1.DOI: 10.15640/rjmc.v8n1a1

Escudero, C. (2020) “From trauma to resilience through artistic mediation. Stolen babies families from Spain: the bus experience” Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH). Vol.1; No. 29 February 2020 ISSN 2690-070X (Print) 2690-0718 (Online)

Escudero, C. (2020) “Stolen Babies in Spain: Mediated Stories for Recovery. Mothers’ activism through online campaigns”.International Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol. 11 No. 3DOI: 10.30845/ijbss.v11n3p3

Escudero, C. (2020) “Giving voice to the traumatic event, Spanish mothers of stolen babies. Three strategies to silence mothers during and after the dictatorship”. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS). Vol.10 No.4. DOI: 10.30845/ijhss.v10n3p1

Escudero, C. (2011) “State advertising: the soft censorship in Latin American countries” in Money and Media. International Press Institute (IPI), Reynolds Organization and University of Missouripp. (24-27) ISBN 978-3-9503007-2-7 USA. 

Escudero, C. (2008)  “Mujeres al ¿poder?” (Women in power?), Nuestro Tiempo magazine, Faculty of Communication, Navarra University, pp. (56-61), Spain.

Scott, B., Escudero, C., Litvak, A. (2006) “Media, Memory and Forgiveness”, Chapter on Argentina and the press during the last dictatorship. Journal of Dispute and Resolution, Journal of Dispute Resolution, Vol. 2007, Iss. 1 [2007], Art. 14pp. (204-210),USA.

Book Chapters

Escudero, C. (2024) “Apropiaciones de bebés en España: madres buscadoras inspiradas en el caso argentino”, [ Babies’ appropriations in Spain: mothers inspired by the Argentine case” in: “Los logros de la gobernabilidad en América Latina”, Editorial Dykinson,  ISBN 978-84-1070-245-5.

Escudero, C. (2024) “El abordaje de la salud emocional en los estudios de Periodismo y Comunicación” [Addressing emotional health in Journalism and Communication studies] in “Buenas prácticas universitarias para la mejora del compromiso educativo y social”, Editorial Dykinson,  ISBN 978-84-1070-060-4. 

Escudero, C. “La IA en los estudios de periodismo y comunicación: desafíos y compromisos éticos” [AI in journalism and communication studies: challenges and ethical commitments] in “Buenas prácticas universitarias para la mejora del compromiso educativo y social”, Editorial Dykinson, ISBN 978-84-1070-060-4. 

Escudero, C. (2024) “El rol de los medios autogestionados en la información local” [The role of self-managed media in local information] in “Exigencias de gobernabilidad, sostenibilidad y perspectiva de género en la atención al mundo rural”  Editorial Dykinson, ISBN 978-84-1170-760-2.

Escudero, C. (2024)  “Media and User-Generated Content Images during the Terrorist Attacks in Catalonia: Recommendations and Remediation” pp. 234-268 In Lithgow M & Martin, M. Eyewitness Textures. User-Generated Content and Journalism in the Twenty-First Century. McGill-Queen’s University Press. Canada ISBN 9780228019237

Escudero, C. (2023). Recovered Media in Argentina: A Resilient Response to Instability and Precariousness. En Bebawi, S., Onilov, O. (eds), Different Global Journalisms. Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Escudero, C. (2023) “Conectar es cuidar. Trabajo periodístico con familias de desaparecidos” en Dirección y Edición, Santiago Tejedor “Frontera Crónica”, Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB).

Escudero, C. (2023) “Discurso de odio en la era digital: Volver al 36″  en Luchessi, L. y Heim, D. (editoras) “Mil palabras para entender los discursos de odio”. Editores del Sur, Argentina. ISBN 978-631-6518-14-9.

Escudero, C. (2023) “Volar es renovar antiguas ilusiones” en Santiago Tejedor Editor “Viajar: cartografía del sector viajero” Gabinete de Comunicación y educación, Máster en Periodismo de Viajes, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. ISBN: 978-84-127367-8-6

Escudero, C. (2023) “Recovered Media in Argentina: A Resilient Response to Instability and Precariousness” chapter for the publication “Different Journalisms”, Springer/Palgrave  Studies in Journalism and the Global South.

Escudero, C. (2021) “Missing People in Spain, An App for Trauma Recovery. A Digital Health Intervention for Survivors” in the publication “Handbook of Research on Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations” IGI Global, USA. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6705-0.

Escudero, C. (2016)  “Digital natives” & “Digital immigrants”: the current situation of the impact of mass media on the brain. Empathy, compassion and new forms of altruism”. Presented and published as a book chapter III Conference on Social Psychology in Argentina. “Propuestas actuales de la Psicología Social” Editorial Eclecta, Argentina ISBN: 978-987-45597-1-5 pp.(120-128).

Escudero, C. (2009) “La política siendo territorio masculino…y su cobertura mediática también”, capítulo en el libro “Las palabras tienen sexo” Artemisa Comunicación Ediciones and the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) pp. (206-225), Argentina. ISBN978-987-23611-0-5.

Accepted book chapters to be published

Escudero, C., Yoshkov, I.  “Do-it-yourself teaching during the pandemic. When teachers and professors transcend digital inequalities” chapter in the publication “Digital inequalities in multicultural contexts: a global perspective” Routledge.

Updated: July 18, 2024