Sebastián Martínez Valdivia

Assistant Professor

Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism, Journalism Professions

Supervising Producer

243A Walter Williams Hall

Missouri School of Journalism

Columbia, Mo. 65211


BA ’13 in Russian, University of Missouri
BJ ’13, University of Missouri
MA ’17, Documentary Journalism, University of Missouri

Sebastián Martínez Valdivia serves as the supervising producer at the Murray Center for Documentary Journalism at the University of Missouri. He is an award-winning journalist and documentary filmmaker, whose previous work has appeared on NPR, Kaiser Health News and PBS. Before joining the Murray Center, he reported for KBIA, covering the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicaid expansion, and other public health issues. A native Spanish speaker and lifelong Missouri resident, Martínez is interested in the often overlooked and under-covered world of immigrant life in the rural Midwest.

Updated: May 28, 2024