Missouri Sunshine Law Upgrade Announced at School

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 25, 2003) — Attorney General Jay Nixon and state Rep. Jeff Harris, of Columbia, today unveiled legislation at the Missouri School of Journalism that will greatly improve access to information regarding governmental decision making. Nixon and Harris proposed the Sunshine Upgrade Act, a bill that opens electronic records and meetings and prohibits … Continued

New Book by Missouri Journalism Professor Focuses on the Benefits of GIS in Journalism

Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 10, 2003) — Mapping the News: Case Studies in GIS and Journalism,  a new book by Missouri School of Journalism assistant professor David Herzog, details how geographic information systems (GIS) technology guides journalists to where news is happening as they strive to bring information to the world. Herzog specializes in using geographic information systems … Continued

Mass Media Damaging African-American Women’s Body Esteem, MU Journalism Studies Find

Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 8, 2003) — Media images of stereotypically thin, attractive women confront women of all colors. While previous research says these images cause Caucasian women to practice unhealthy behaviors and become extremely dissatisfied with their body image, African-American women supposedly are less concerned with weight. However, two new studies by a Missouri School … Continued

Journalism Researchers Propose New Model for Receiving Spam

Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 5, 2003) — According to the International Data Corporation, more than one trillion unsolicited e-mail messages, commonly referred to as “spam,” will be sent in 2003. Brightmail, an anti-spam technology company, estimated that 41 percent of all e-mail messages sent daily are spam. Most people find dealing with this new form of … Continued

Panel Discusses, Offers Tips Regarding Journalistic Accountability

Washington (June 5, 2003) — Journalists shaken by five weeks of scandal at The New York Times were reminded Thursday that living up to their own standards is the first line of defense. The panel, examining the fallout from the Jayson Blair misdeeds, and the resignation of the two top Times editors, was co-sponsored by … Continued