Student Clubs and Organizations
Get involved! Students at the J-School have a wide range of options when it comes to extracurricular activities.

AAF Mizzou
The American Advertising Federation (AAF) at Mizzou gives you the chance to have fun while advancing your career. Despite its name, the club’s emphasis is not only on advertising but also public relations, promotions, marketing, and merchandising. Attend ice cream socials and meet with leading professionals in monthly club meetings. Take trips to places like New York, Kansas City, Chicago, and St. Louis to meet leaders in their fields and network. In addition, AAF Mizzou offers mock interviews and helps publicize internship opportunities. Pre-journalism students and students from other departments are welcome! For more information, contact or visit them on Instagram.
Asian American Journalists Association
The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is the student-run chapter at the University of Missouri. AAJA works toward fostering discussions about diversity and inclusion within newsrooms. Members are given networking opportunities at social events as well as panels with keynote speakers. AAJA is an Asian-interest, but not Asian-exclusive organization for journalism, strategic communication, or communications undergraduate or graduate students. AAJA looks to create a community for journalism students to meet like-minded individuals that serve as both colleagues and friends. For more information, email AAJA at and stay up to date with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Association for Women in Sports Media
The Missouri student chapter of the Association for Women in Sports Media is open to those who desire a career in sports media. Monthly meetings focus on professional development and include guest speakers who are professionals in sports media. Occasional social gatherings are held. Check out AWSM on Instagram and Twitter.
Journalism Ambassadors
Journalism Ambassadors represent the Missouri School of Journalism to prospective students and their parents, alumni and distinguished guests. Activities include providing tours and representing the J-School at occasional events in St. Louis and Kansas City. All students who have completed one semester at the School are eligible to apply. For more information, please contact Leah Glasser in 76G Gannett Hall or email
Kappa Alpha Mu
Kappa Alpha Mu (KAM) is a photojournalism society designed to enhance photojournalism education at the University of Missouri. KAM has existed at MU or longer than anyone can remember and is affiliated with the student chapter of the National Press Photographers Association (NPPA). KAM/NPPA helps students with the challenges of gaining photojournalism experience and building a portfolio for their future careers. To help photographers gain real-world experience, KAM maintains an internship catalog with firsthand accounts of internship experiences. The organization also serves as a liaison between faculty and students in the Missouri School of Journalism’s photojournalism emphasis area. Anyone can join, whether you are a photojournalism student or not, and there are no membership dues. We have organizational meetings each semester, and we provide many services, workshops and resources. Find them on Instagram.
Kappa Tau Alpha
Kappa Tau Alpha is a college honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication. Membership, which is by invitation only, must be earned by excellence in academic work. Selection for membership is a mark of highest distinction and honor. The seventh-oldest national honor society, Kappa Tau Alpha was founded at the Missouri School of Journalism in 1910.
Magazine Club
Are you a magazine journalism student looking to network with fellow students, faculty and professionals in the industry? If so, the Missouri School of Journalism’s Magazine Club is the organization for you! The club’s members, who range from freshmen to graduate students, typically meet twice a month during the school year. We host speakers, hold resume and intern panels, discuss issues in the industry, and make annual trips to magazines in both St. Louis and New York City. Past students have been able to network with staff at such publications as New York Magazine, Cosmopolitan, HGTV Magazine, Buzzfeed, Entertainment Weekly, Vanity Fair, St. Louis Magazine and Feast. Our trips to these media-centered cities help students get an idea of what working in the magazine industry is all about by having them meet face-to-face with editors, art directors and photographers. As part of the annual trip to the Big Apple, students also have the opportunity to meet MU alumni in prominent media positions during a special evening social event. Interested in joining the magazine club? Great…it’s easy and costs just $10 per year! Visit the Vox office in 320 Lee Hills Hall to sign up and get on our e-mail list, which will notify you of upcoming meetings and special events. Also check out the club’s Instagram.
MU Documentary Club
The MU Doc Club connects students with the Jonathan B. Murray Center for Documentary Journalism, getting freshmen and sophomores started on their path to the documentary program. The club holds several documentary screenings each semester, hosts guest speakers and works to get underclassmen introduced to upperclassmen already in the Murray Center. Some students are able to get involved in documentary productions as a result of those connections. Contact: or visit Instagram.
Mizzou Esports Media Club
The Mizzou Esports Club consists of multimedia departments such as reporting and writing, graphics and design, shout-casting, and many more. Our club creates media projects ranging from covering internal Mizzou esports matches to creating media graphics for community streamers, all while promoting and fostering the esports community at Mizzou. We are open to anyone wanting experience and attempting to create an impressive resume. If you are interested in esports media, we can find a place for you! Join our discord: for more information.
National Association of Black Journalists
The MU Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is the student chapter for the University of Missouri. NABJ-MU aims to strive for excellence by encouraging diversity, educating through mentorship and promoting unity in the field of journalism. The chapter plans and executes an annual media tour in major media cities across the country. There, they meet with internship coordinators and employers in their respective journalism areas to further enrich their knowledge about journalism and the job search effort. The chapter also hosts an annual MU Unity Conference, an interactive, one-day professional development conference. The chapter holds biweekly meetings and has a robust mentorship program that includes community service. NABJ-MU traditionally oversees The Blackout Online website that MU’s black student body originally founded as a magazine in 1969. NABJ-MU is open to pre-journalism, pre-communication, undergraduate and graduate students. Check it out on Twitter and Instagram.
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Come find your familia at the MU Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), a student-run chapter dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics/Latinx in the news industry. At biweekly chapter meetings, the chapter strives to foster a greater understanding of the unique cultural identity, interests, and concerns of Hispanic/Latinx journalists, to encourage and support the study and practice of journalism and communication, and to further employment opportunities and career development for Hispanic/Latinx in the news media. The chapter hosts guest speakers from the industry, workshops to hone networking and community-building skills, and a professional development workshop for all members, including pre-journalism, pre-communication, undergraduate, and graduate students. For more information, email NAHJ at and stay up to date on our lnstagram or Twitter.
Queer Media Association
The Queer Media Association (QMA), housed at the Missouri School of Journalism, is a student chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. We promote fair and accurate coverage of LGBTQ issues and oppose workplace bias within the news industry. QMA also hosts speakers, professional development events and social activities for aspiring LGBTQ journalists and allies. In the past, we have hosted a People magazine journalist to discuss trans coverage in the news media; hosted a screening of an LGBTQ film during the annual True/False Film Festival; brought in a New York Times best-selling author to discuss writing tips; brought in a HuffPost blogger to discuss trans media coverage; and hosted a screening of “The Blue Hour.” The association is open to any students, faculty, or staff who wish to attend. There is no membership fee for this local chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. Follow QMA on Instagram and Twitter. Fill out the interest form here.
PRSSA: Public Relations Student Society of America
The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Chapter at Mizzou provides students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of PR and communications, acquire new skills, and gain hands-on experience. Meetings typically include industry guest speakers, resume workshops, communication exercises, and semester-end socials. Nationally, students can take advantage of multiple conferences, networking opportunities, and skill development workshops with chapter members from across the country. Additionally, PRSSA provides optional real-world experience through our year-long pro bono project. Open to all ages and majors, there is a place for everyone in PRSSA. For more information, email, follow our Instagram, or contact faculty advisors Tracy Brown ( or Jon Stemmle (
Radio-Television Digital News Association
The Missouri School of Journalism offers a student chapter of the Radio-Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). RTDNA is the largest and most important of the professional organizations in our field. Membership goes far beyond news directors to include other professional journalists, educators and students. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., this group represents radio and television journalists in hearings before Congressional committees and with special interest groups. RTDNA has a code of ethics subscribed to by most of the major radio and television news operations in America, and it regularly leads or participates in court actions in defense of the First Amendment, freedom of the press, and for access by journalists and the public to records and documents. The J-School has long played a major role at RTDNA: More Missouri graduates have served as the elected chairman of the board than have graduates from any other school. The MU chapter meets for discussions and field trips during the school year. Learn more on Twitter and Instagram.
Science, Health and Environmental Journalism @ Mizzou
Climate change, health trends, space exploration — if you care about topics like these, then SHEJ is for you! Science, Health and Environmental Journalism @ Mizzou is open to everyone. We give students the opportunity to expand their science, health and environmental journalism skills on traditional and emerging platforms and to network with leading professionals in those fields. We offer travel funding for conferences, bring award-winning speakers to campus, collaborate with other departments on campus and more. Join at or visit Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Society of Professional Journalists
If you can’t get enough journalism in your life, then the Society of Professional Journalists — known throughout the world as SPJ — is your kind of group. Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, SPJ is the United States’ largest and most broad-based journalism organization. With 10,000-plus members, this nonprofit group is dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism, stimulating high standards of ethical behavior and perpetuating a free press. The Missouri School of Journalism’s student chapter is among the nation’s largest, with more than 100 active members, and has been recognized in the past as the best student chapter in its region. We host speakers, training workshops and the occasional party, offering our members an invaluable way to connect to the J-School the moment they begin their college career. Follow them on Instagram.
Visual Communications Club
Whether you’re an aspiring designer, a seasoned artist or simply someone who appreciates good design, the Visual Communications Club (VCC) is here to inspire, educate and connect you with like-minded individuals. Join us for exciting workshops, insightful guest speakers and collaborative projects that will elevate your design skills and expand your creative horizons. Let’s create and innovate together! Contact: Visit the club’s Instagram here.
Women in Media
Women in Media (WIM) strives to bring together students and professionals working in media-related areas. The organization seeks to foster a better understanding of the issues, challenges and opportunities unique to women in the professional field. Women in Media members will provide a network to help empower women who want to enter the industry. The campus-wide group is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in any school or college who want to pursue a career in journalism, advertising, marketing or communications. Students interested in joining can sign up for updates at the Get Involved page and follow WIM on Twitter and Instagram for information about upcoming events and workshops. Contact: