Missouri Honor Medal Winners: Organizations
Listed alphabetically.
Organization | Year |
“60 Minutes” (Don Hewitt, CBS) | 1976 |
A Noite (Rio De Janeiro) | 1944 |
AAF Mosaic Center for Multiculturalism | 2016 |
ABC Sports | 1977 |
Advertising Age | 1972 |
The Advertising Council, Inc. | 2003 |
American Association of Advertising | 1979 |
ANPA Research Institute | 1973 |
Arkansas Gazette | 1962 |
Asian American Journalists Association | 1995 |
Atlanta Journal | 1948 |
Atlantic Monthly | 1944 |
Baltimore Sun | 1931 |
Boston Globe | 1972 |
Burrell Communications Group | 2019 |
Chicago Daily News | 1941 |
Chicago Tribune | 1981 |
Christian Century | 1958 |
Christian Science Monitor | 1943 |
Chronicle of Current Events (Ivan Kovalev, Tatiana Osipova, Natalya Gorbahveskava) | 1990 |
Cleveland Plain Dealer | 1942 |
Cleveland Press | 1954 |
CNN (Ted Turner) | 1987 |
CNN Digital | 2015 |
Columbia Mo. Daily Tribune (Henry J. Waters III) | 1980 |
Committee of Concerned Journalists (Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel) | 2006 |
Dallas News | 1935 |
Des Moines Register & Tribune | 1934 |
Detroit Free Press | 1969 |
Detroit News | 1964 |
Die Presse | 1973 |
Die Welt (Hamburg, Esses & Berlin) | 1967 |
Dong-A-llbo (Newspaper Est. by Kim Sung-Soe) | 1985 |
El University of Mexico City | 1943 |
Encylopedia Britannica | 1968 |
Eugene (Ore.) Register-Guard | 1966 |
Fairchild Publications, Inc. | 1966 |
FleishmanHillard | 2013 |
Fortune Magazine | 1971 |
Foundation for the Freedom of the Press (FLiP) | 2010 |
Frankfurter Zeitung | 1932 |
FRONTLINE | 2011 |
Gazeta Wyborcza (Piotr Pacewicz) | 1990 |
Glasnost Defense Foundation | 2001 |
Goteborg Handels-och Sjoforts-Tidni (Goteborg, Sweden) | 1946 |
Grit Magazine | 1959 |
The Guardian | 2014 |
Guy, Harry D. | 1954 |
Ha’aretz | 2002 |
Hannibal Mo. Courier-Post | 1962 |
Harper’s Magazine | 1945 |
Hartford Courant | 1965 |
Hearst Television | 2013 |
Honolulu Star Bulletin | 1957 |
Ifra Media | 2003 |
Indianapolis Star | 1958 |
IndyStar | 2018 |
Japan Advertiser | 1933 |
Kansas City Star | 1933 |
Kansas City Times | 1982 |
KHOU 11 News Defenders | 2005 |
KMOX Radio, St. Louis | 1963 |
Kyiv Post | 2014 |
LaCossitt, Henry | 1959 |
Ladies’ Home Journal | 1946 |
LaPrensa, Buenos Aires | 1930 |
LeFigaro, Paris | 1954 |
LeMonde, Paris | 1970 |
Life | 1948 |
London Daily Express | 1945 |
Los Angeles Times | 1956 |
“Lou Grant” (Gene Reynolds, CBS) | 1982 |
Louisville Courier-Journal | 1939 |
Louisville Courier-Journal | 1978 |
MacNeil-Lehrer Report (Jim Lehrer, Robert MacNeil) | 1980 |
Mail & Guardian, South Africa | 1996 |
Maine Times | 1976 |
Manchester Guardian | 1931 |
Marsteller & Burson-Marsteller, Inc. | 1975 |
Meet The Press | 1973 |
Melbourne Press, Melbourne, Australia | 1934 |
Memphis Commercial Appeal | 1949 |
Miami Herald | 1963 |
Milwaukee Journal | 1944 |
Minneapolis Star & Tribune | 1951 |
Missouri Press Association | 1995 |
MissouriNet | 2001 |
Montreal Star | 1935 |
Morris, Joe Alex | 1950 |
Nation | 1979 |
National Association of Black Journalists, Reston, Va. | 1994 |
National Geographic Magazine | 1954 |
National Observer | 1974 |
National Public Radio | 1982 |
Navajo Times | 2000 |
Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Zurich, Switzerland | 1955 |
New Orleans Times-Picayune | 1937 |
New Republic | 1982 |
New York Daily News | 1968 |
New York Herald-Tribune | 1936 |
New York Times | 1930 |
New York Times | 1970 |
New York Times Graphics Dept. | 2012 |
New Yorker | 1972 |
Newsday | 1977 |
Newspaper Enterprise Association | 1975 |
Newspaper Fund, Inc. | 1968 |
Newsweek | 1977 |
Nieuve Rotterdamse Courant, Rotterdam, Holland | 1950 |
Omaha World-Telegram | 1955 |
Palmyra Mo. Spectator | 1963 |
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin | 1946 |
Philadelphia Inquirer | 1979 |
Politico | 2016 |
Portland Oregonian | 1940 |
POV | 2016 |
Providence Journal & The Evening Bulletin | 1952 |
Radio Television News Directors Association | 2001 |
San Francisco Chronicle | 1947 |
Sarajevo Oslobodjenje, Sarajevo, Bosnia | 1995 |
Saturday Evening Post | 1949 |
Saturday Review | 1968 |
Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland | 1963 |
Seattle Times | 1984 |
Sedalia MO Democrat | 1970 |
Slate Magazine | 2009 |
South Bend Tribune | 1971 |
Southeast Missourian Cape Girardeau, MO | 1941 |
Sporting News | 1986 |
Sports Illustrated | 1975 |
Sports Journalism Institute | 2015 |
St. Joseph Mo. News Press & Gazette | 1955 |
The St. Louis American | 2003 |
St. Louis Argus | 1978 |
St. Louis Globe-Democrat | 1967 |
St. Louis Post-Dispatch | 1932 |
St. Louis Post-Dispatch | 1975 |
St. Louis Star-Times | 1950 |
St. Petersburg Times | 1961 |
Stamford Mercury, Stamford, England | 1965 |
Süddeutsche Zeitung | 2011 |
Sunday Times of London | 1974 |
Sungkok Journalism Foundation Seoul, Korea | 1994 |
Ta Kung Pao Chungking, China | 1941 |
TEMPO Magazine | 2004 |
Times of India | 1939 |
Times of London | 1933 |
Today Show | 1968 |
Tokyo Asahi | 1936 |
Toronto Star | 1938 |
United Church of Christ (Office of Communication Beverly Chain) | 1991 |
Wall Street Journal | 1960 |
Washington (Mo.) Missourian | 1964 |
Washington Post | 1945 |
Washington Post | 1973 |
Washington Star | 1953 |
WCKT-TV (Sunbeam TV Corp., Miami) | 1967 |
WIRED | 2014 |
ZETA Weekly Newspaper | 2010 |
Showing 1 to 159 of 159 entries