STRANjERS: Sandy Davidson

It’s smart, passionate, resilient, quirky and creative people who make the Missouri School of Journalism so special. Meet them in “STRANjERS.”
Sandy Davidson (with Harley Davidson)
- Professor of Journalism
- Curator’s Teaching Professor
- Adjunct Professor, MU School of Law
“Harley Davidson I saw at the shelter. He was sick and was really skinny. I had given a small donation to the Humane Society to get him antibiotics; Harley had kennel cough and I was afraid he might make the other dogs sick. But next week, all I could think about was this one. So I went back and got Harley, and he’s just been a perfect love. I always say for a rescue dog, it’s ‘a mutual rescue.’ You rescue the dog, and the dog rescues you. He’s my constant buddy. When I work, he’s under my work table. I like to take my shoes off and put my feet on him if it’s a cold day. Perfect warmer.”
Updated: September 15, 2020