Missouri School of Journalism Welcomes Fall 2010 Students

By Amy Brachmann Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 17, 2010) — The Missouri School of Journalism recently welcomed new and transfer students to campus and returning students back to campus with its annual Fall Welcome event. Counting all upperclassmen, directly admitted freshmen and pre-journalism students, the School now has 2,013 undergraduate students, which is an … Continued

Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop Provides Hands-On Print, Broadcast Experience for 19 High School Students

By Brian Jarvis Master’s Student Columbia, Mo. (August 16, 2010) — “Many dreams have been realized by this program,” noted Lissette Argenal of the Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop, one of the longest-running high school journalism programs in the nation. Nineteen high school students from around the country attended the 40th annual workshop in July at … Continued

African-American Children from Low-Income Families Want to Engage in Healthy Behaviors, Research Indicates

Results of an Undergraduate Study to Be Presented at Upcoming CDC Conference in Atlanta Columbia, Mo. (July 28, 2010) — Low-income African-American children living in public housing would like to be encouraged to engage in healthy behaviors by parents and friends, according to a spring 2010 research project conducted by Missouri School of Journalism undergraduate … Continued

MOJO Ad Provides Seed.com and AOL Creative Integrated Marketing Solutions

Melanie Buford Public Relations Account Executive MOJO Ad Columbia, Mo. (May 10, 2010) — With Seed.com‘s new entrance into the marketplace, AOL turned to MOJO Ad to introduce this subsidiary of AOL to 18-24 year old aficionados to help build their pool of quality writers. MOJO Ad, the Missouri School of Journalism’s student-staffed strategic communication … Continued

Social Media Focus of Daylong Seminar

VML Hosts Strategic Communication Students at KC Office Columbia, Mo. (May 4, 2010) — Social media has created a fundamental shift in our personal relationships, including the one between a brand and its customers. The implications for advertising and public relations were discussed during a daylong seminar on social media at VML. The program provided … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Publishes Commemorative Centennial Book

“The J-School” Celebrates 100 Years in Journalism and the Reynolds Journalism Institute Dedication Columbia, Mo. (April 7, 2010) — “The J-School: Celebrating One Hundred Years in Journalism and the Reynolds Journalism Institute Dedication,” the hardcover commemorative book celebrating the first century in journalism education at the Missouri School of Journalism and the dedication of the … Continued