Kristen Davis and Ellie Newberry-Wortham join Missouri School of Journalism in crucial administrative roles

By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (March 16, 2023) — Two new staff members have joined the Missouri School of Journalism, where they are filling important roles supporting students both in the classroom and in the newsroom. As business support specialists, Kristen Davis and Ellie Newberry-Wortham help guide students through essential processes related to their education … Continued

A Texan Tiger

Not even the snow kept southerner Kristina Essig from deciding to attend the University of Missouri By Madalyn Murry Contact: Deidra Ashley, As a senior in high school, Texas native Kristina Essig was enamored — and a tad unprepared — during her first visit to the University of Missouri. On that January day in … Continued

Newsrooms come together to tackle problem of digital news preservation

Background photo: Massimo Botturi | Unsplash By Austin Fitzgerald Leadership from each of the Missouri School of Journalism’s professional media outlets gathered together in a conference room in late April, no small feat for a group in charge of “feeding the beast” of news media day after day while also juggling teaching responsibilities at the … Continued

KOMU wins regional Murrow award for ‘Excellence in Innovation’

(L-R) Anna Watson, Avery Everett and Matt McCabe By Austin Fitzgerald Columbia, Mo. (May 24, 2022) — KOMU-TV has won a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for “The Push for Precision,” a series of stories about the Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Institute and its place within the health care industry. The award recognizes “Excellence … Continued

Wondering about reporter safety after West Virginia reporter hit by car? Missouri School of Journalism prioritizes safety at professional TV newsroom

By Austin Fitzgerald Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 22, 2022) — West Virginia television reporter Tori Yorgey was struck by a car during a live broadcast in late January, an incident that reverberated throughout the journalism industry despite the reporter seemingly brushing it off at the time. The New York Times and others reported on the outrage … Continued