KBIA, KOMU Faculty and Students Win Regional Edward R. Murrow Awards

Columbia, Mo. (May 5, 2009) — Faculty and students of two of the Missouri School of Journalism’s news outlets recently won seven regional Edward R. Murrow Awards, competing against professional news organizations throughout the area. KBIA, an NPR-member station, won five awards, including one in the category of overall excellence. Three students were among the … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism Places Second Overall in 2008-2009 Hearst Competition, Wins $5,000 in Prizes

Matthew Harris Wins First Place in the Writing Competition and $2,000 in Prizes Columbia, Mo. (May 4, 2009) — The Missouri School of Journalism placed second overall in the 2008-2009 Hearst Journalism Awards Program, one of the most elite national collegiate journalism competitions. In total, five of the School’s students placed in the Intercollegiate Writing … Continued

Stacey Woelfel Becomes Chair of the Radio-Television News Directors Association

Las Vegas (April 30, 2009) — The chairman’s gavel was passed to Stacey Woelfel at the close of the recent meeting of the Radio-Television News Directors Association held in conjunction with the National Association of Broadcasters. Woelfel, BJ ’81, is an associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism and the news director for KOMU-TV, … Continued

13 Students Honored with SPJ Region 7 Mark of Excellence Awards

Columbia, Mo. (April 28, 2009) — The published work of 13 Missouri School of Journalism students has earned Region 7 Mark of Excellence Awards, a competition sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists for the best in student journalism. Several students received multiple awards. SPJ Region 7 includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. This year, … Continued

KOMU-TV Rolls Out New Studio Set Design

New Look Provides One-of-a-Kind Educational and Viewing Experience Columbia, Mo. (April 27, 2009) — KOMU-TV unveiled a new high-definition set design this April, which provides unique opportunities for the station’s news team and new learning experiences for the more than 150 journalism students who prepare for their industry careers at KOMU 8 each semester. “The new … Continued

Magazine Journalism Junior Named a Harry S. Truman Foundation Finalist

Columbia, Mo. (April 27 2009) — Taylor Rausch, a junior who is studying magazine journalism at the Missouri School of Journalism, recently earned the distinction of being selected as a 2009 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation finalist. The foundation funds an annual scholarship for 65 students across the nation who plan to pursue a career in … Continued

Missouri School of Journalism, Reynolds Journalism Institute to Host National Online Chat with T. Boone Pickens on U.S. Foreign Oil Dependency, Current State of Energy Reporting

Subsequent Journalism Sessions to Feature Student Energy Research Projects, Presentation by CNBC Energy Reporter Sharon Epperson Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2009) — More than 200 journalism faculty, students and energy reporters across the country are expected to participate in a national “virtual chat” with energy visionary T. Boone Pickens on Wednesday, April 22, at the … Continued

Graduate Student Earns Prestigious Smith/Patterson Fellowship in Health Communication

Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2009) — Growing up in rural Marthasville, Mo., in a family of nurses, doctors and pharmacists, the new Smith/Patterson Fellow at the University of Missouri learned about health and science every night around the dinner table. Teresa Shipley, inspired by these conversations, responded to these challenges in her own way – … Continued

25 Members of the School’s Chapter of National Association of Black Journalists Visit News Media, Meet Alumni, during Trip to Washington, D.C.

Columbia, Mo. (April 9, 2009) — An action-packed whirlwind trip to Washington, D.C., by 25 members of the University of Missouri‘s Alé Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists provided plenty of opportunities for the group to visit media outlets and network with alumni and journalism professionals. The group’s impressive itinerary took them to … Continued