Missouri Faculty, Students Present 36 Papers at ICA Conference
One on Health News Agenda-Building Selected as a Top Public Relations Paper Columbia, Mo. (May 19, 2009) — Missouri School of Journalism continues to be well represented in research on the national scene, as 36 papers written or co-authored by current students and faculty were accepted for the upcoming International Communication Association convention in Chicago. ICA … Continued
Graduate Student Earns Prestigious Smith/Patterson Fellowship in Health Communication
Columbia, Mo. (April 22, 2009) — Growing up in rural Marthasville, Mo., in a family of nurses, doctors and pharmacists, the new Smith/Patterson Fellow at the University of Missouri learned about health and science every night around the dinner table. Teresa Shipley, inspired by these conversations, responded to these challenges in her own way – … Continued
Traditional Media Provides More Comprehensive News Than Citizen Media and Blogs, MU Researchers Find
Columbia, Mo. (April 7, 2009) — Researchers from the Missouri School of Journalism recently completed a comprehensive comparison of citizen journalism sites (news sites and blogs) and traditional media Web sites. They found that despite ongoing reports of financial troubles and cutbacks, legacy media are more comprehensive and more technologically advanced than citizen media and … Continued
HCD Research Partners with Missouri School of Journalism to Conduct Advanced Consumer Advertising Research
Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 14, 2008) — The Missouri School of Journalism and HCD Research formally announced today that they are joining forces to conduct consumer advertising research studies using sophisticated research techniques and advanced online methodologies. HCD Research is partnering with the Psychological Research on Information and Media Effects (PRIME) Lab, while the project is funded … Continued
Research Reveals Effective Anti-Tobacco Ads Should Either Scare or Disgust Viewers
However, Combining Both Fear and Disgust Appeals in the Same Ad Decreases Viewers’ Attention, Understanding By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 24, 2008) — Anti-tobacco public service announcements have been around for decades, designed to encourage people to quit smoking or to refrain from starting. Often these ads try to encourage people … Continued
Researchers Advance Health Communication for At-Risk Populations
The $8.6 Million Grant Will Fund Efforts to Improve Health Literacy, Health Outcomes By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 24, 2008) — The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has awarded an $8.6 million grant to the University of Missouri Health Communication Research Center (HCRC), in partnership with Washington University in St. Louis, to advance … Continued
New Book Highlights the Role of the News Media in Eliminating Racial Differences in Health Care
Journalism Professor, Alumna, Hope to Promote Smart Health Decisions By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 15, 2008) — News media outlets reported last year the results of two studies that highlighted the increasing problem of health disparities. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines health disparities as population-specific differences in … Continued
Advergames: Theme of Game Is Secret to Success
MU Researchers Find that Advergames Thematically Related to Brand Are Most Effective By Emily Smith MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 8, 2008) — It’s all fun and games when it comes to the current trend in online advertising. Advergames, online video games used to advertise a product or brand, increasingly are being used by … Continued
Professor Betty Winfield Wins Inaugural Award from American Journalism Historians Association
Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 23, 2008) — University of Missouri Curators’ Professor Betty Houchin Winfield of the Missouri School of Journalism was recently named the first recipient of the National Award for Excellence in Teaching awarded by the American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA). The inaugural award, which honors excellence in the teaching of journalism and mass communication history, was created earlier … Continued
Technology Summit Brings Leading Innovators and Entrepreneurs to New Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism
Technology Pioneers Share Vision for Improving Journalism in the 21st Century Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 3, 2008) — Twenty-seven media entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and digital innovators will converge at the new Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) and the Missouri School of Journalism Sept. 12 for a Technology Summit, an exceptional gathering of technology pioneers with … Continued