Missouri Journalism Faculty, Students to Present 50 Scholarly Papers, Lead 21 Sessions at Upcoming Research Conference
Five Papers Receive Top Honors; Vox Magazine Earns Four Awards
Columbia, Mo. (July 22, 2009) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty and students will present an impressive number of refereed scholarly papers — a total of 50 — at the 2009 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention Aug. 5-8 in Boston. For the first time an online master’s student had a paper accepted at the conference. Faculty and students also will participate in an additional 21 sessions as moderators, discussants and panelists. The conference is one of the leading journalism research conferences in the world.
Five papers were selected for top honors:
- A paper co-authored by doctoral student Hyojung Park received the $300 Plank Center Award and the “first-place student paper” designation in the public relations division. The research explores how corporate social responsibility can enhance publics’ attitudes, purchase intentions and supportive behaviors.
- Doctoral student Hans Meyer earned a “top-three student paper” award for a paper he co-authored on testing competing models of response to a media message in predicting participation.
- Doctoral students Saleem Alhabash and Hyojung Park and Assistant Professor Kevin Wise won second place the Communication Technology Division paper competition for their paper on emotional responses during Facebook use.
- Doctoral students Jeremy Littau and Liz Gardner and Professor Esther Thorson won second place in the Mass Communication and Society Division paper competition for their paper on the impact of the news voice on adolescent political efficacy.
- A paper co-authored by Associate Professor Amanda Hinnant and Elizabeth Hendrickson, MA ’05, PhD ’08, won third place in the Entertainment Studies Interest Group competition. Their research was a fantasy-theme analysis of celebrity health articles.
Professor Emeritus John Merrill will be recognized by the International Communication Division to honor his lifelong contributions to teaching, research and service. He will receive his plaque at the division’s annual business meeting on Thursday.
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Top row, from left: Saleem Alhabash, Petya Eckler, Elizabeth Gardner, Julien Gorbach, Jonathan Groves. Second row: Elizabeth Hendrickson, Jeesun Kim, Joonghwa Lee, Hyunmin Lee, Young Ah Lee. Third row: Jeremy Littau, Hans Meyer, Jongmin Park, Mark Poepsel, Aimee Wachtel.
Vox magazine won four awards in the AEJMC Student Magazine Contest: first place in the “online magazine” category; third place in the “single issue of an ongoing print magazine” category; and an honorable mention in both the “investigation and analysis” as well as the “service and information” categories for a consumer magazine article.
The AEJMC exists to promote the highest possible standards for education in journalism and mass communication and to defend and maintain freedom of expression in day-to-day living. It encourages a wide range of communication research and the implementation of a multi-cultural society in the classroom and curriculum. Founded in Chicago, in 1912, AEJMC has some 3,500 members around the world.
The following refereed research papers were authored or co-authored by Missouri journalism graduate students and faculty and will be presented at the conference. To view the entire program online, visit www.aejmc.org.
Advertising Division
1. Why People Pass Along Online Video Ads: from the Perspective of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Joonghwa Lee and Chang Dae Ham, doctoral students.
2. Understanding Consumer’s Creating Behavior of User-Generated Contents: An Application of Uses and Gratification and Theory of Reasoned Action. Chang Dae Ham and Joonghwa Lee, doctoral students.
3. A Mediation Model of the Impact of For- and Non-Profit Environmental Advertisement. Andrea Maruniak, master’s student; Glenn Leshner, journalism professor.
Communication Technology Division
4. Second Place Faculty Paper: Emotional Responses During Facebook Use: Two Conceptual Frameworks. Saleem Alhabash and Hyojung Park, doctoral students; Kevin Wise, journalism professor.
5. Anti-Smoking Videos on Social Media: Comparative Analysis of the Persuasive Attributes on YouTube Videos. Hyunmin Lee, doctoral student.
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
6. Top-Three Student Paper: Emotions vs. Cognitions? Testing Competing Models of Response to a Media Message in Predicting Participation. Hans Meyer, doctoral student.
7. Exploring Factors in the Hostile Media Phenomenon: Partisanship, Political Engagement and Media Use Patterns. Hyun Jee Oh, doctoral student, Jongmin Park (MA ’97, PhD ’99).
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
8. Advocating Advocacy: Acknowledging and Teaching Journalism As Persuasion. Margaret Duffy and Esther Thorson, journalism professors.
9. Antiauthoritarian Editorial Cartoons of the 2008 U.S. Bailout Bill. Christopher Matthews, master’s student.
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
10. Third Place for the Best of ESIG: Rhetorical Visions of Health: A Fantasy-Theme Analysis of Celebrity Articles. Amanda Hinnant, journalism professor, and Elizabeth Hendrickson, MA ’05, PhD ’08.
11. Upper-Class Women Reading Celebrity News: Audience Reception Study on Celebrity News Viewed Through the Lens of Class. Gwendolyn Heasley, master’s student.
History Division
12. Semi-Colonialism and Journalistic Sphere of Influence: American and British Press Competition in Early Twentieth-Century China. Yong Volz, journalism professor.
13. The Newspaper as Mirror: A History of a Metaphor. Tim Vos, journalism professor.
14. Outstanding American Female Journalists in the 1960s: Organizational Promotion of A Professional Identity. You Li, doctoral student.
15. When the Journalist Becomes the Story: Lippmann, Stone, Liebling, Jewish Identity, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Julien Gorbach, doctoral student.
International Communication Division
16. Chinese Foreign Correspondents’ Perception on Their Journalistic Role in Sino-U.S. Relations. Xianglin Liu, MA ’08.
17. Thin as Paper, Light as Air: The Weight of Print, Broadcast Freedom on Interstate Conflict. Jeffrey Joe Pe-Aguirre, doctoral student.
18. World Systems Theory and Second-Level Agenda-Setting in Mexican News Online. Mark Poepsel, doctoral student.
19. Cross-National Content Analysis of the Russia-Georgia Conflict Coverage. Petya Eckler, doctoral student.
20. A Myopic View of Asia? How U.S. News Organizations Covered the Region in 2006. Beverly Horvit, journalism professor, and Maria Garcia, doctoral student.
21. Who Frames the Nuclear Test: A Study of Frames and News Sources in the U.S. and South Korean News Coverage of the North Korean Nuclear Test. Mi Jahng, doctoral student.
International Communication, Communication Technology and Communication Theory and Methodology Divisions
22. Denying Destiny: Viewtron and the Refusal to Recognize Mutual Shaping of Technology. Mark Poepsel and Seth Ashley, doctoral students.
Korean American Communication Association
23. Who’s to Blame?: Analysis of the Changes in Framing Responsibility for HIV/AIDS in South Korea. Hyunmin Lee, doctoral student.
24. What Makes Bloggers Say Who They Are? Blogging and Bloggers’ Identity Exposure in the Blogosphere. Nohil Park, a visiting scholar at Missouri, and JiYeon Jeong, doctoral student.
Magazine Division
25. Reading Travel Magazines: Frames of the Colonial “Other” and Post-Modern Authenticity in Feature-Stories Featuring Non-Westerners. Aimee Wachtel, master’s student, and Amanda Hinnant, journalism professor.
Mass Communication and Society Division
26. Second Place, Division Paper Competition: The Impact of News “Voice” on Adolescent Political Efficacy. Jeremy Littau and Liz Gardner, doctoral students; Esther Thorson, journalism professor.
27. Black Newspaper Media Dependency for Self Understanding and for Health and Cancer Information. María Len-Ríos, journalism professor.
28. Youngsters’ Political Talk with Those Outside School and Family: The Hierarchy of Political Socialization. Mi Jahng and Hans Meyer, doctoral students; Esther Thorson, journalism professor.
29. Roles of Traditional Media in Internet Manhunt. Jing Su, master’s student.
30. When Bloggers Attack: Examining the Effect of Negative Citizen-Initiated Campaigning in 2008 Presidential Election. Hans Meyer, doctoral student.
Media Ethics Division
31. Negotiating Privacy in the 21st Century: The Millennial View. Seth Ashley, doctoral student, Lee Wilkins, journalism professor, and Amanda Wysocki, undergraduate student.
32. Multi-Contextual, Visual Ethical Analysis of Privacy and Ritual in Corpse Images from Sichuan Earthquake. Yang Liu, master’s student.
Minorities and Communication Division
33. Assessing Cross-Cultural Learning and the Effects of Personality and Negative Attitudes on Journalism Students’ Knowledge. María Len-Ríos and Earnest L. Perry, journalism professors.
Newspaper Division
34. National Survey Finds Health Journalists Are Earnest about Their Educator Roles, Especially Newspaper Journalists. JiYeon Jeong, doctoral student; María Len-Ríos, Amanda Hinnant, Glen Cameron, journalism professors.
35. The Impact of Newsroom Cutbacks on Newspaper Revenue: An Empirical Financial Analysis. Shrihari Sridhar, doctoral student; Esther Thorson, journalism professor; Murali Mantrala, MU professor of marketing.
36. Adoption of Digital Photographic Archives by U.S. Newspapers and Potential Effects on the Historical Record. Keith Greenwood, journalism professor.
Newspaper and Mass Communication and Society Divisions
37. Personality’s Effect on News Content. Tim Vos, journalism professor, and Mark Poepsel, doctoral student.
38. The Effect of Positive versus Negative Frame of CSR Messages: Exploring the Moderating Role of Gender in the Context of Organ Donation Sponsorship. Hyo Kim, doctoral student.
Public Relations Division
39. First-Place Student Paper ($300 Plank Center Award): Exploring How Corporate Social Responsibility Can Enhance Publics’ Attitudes, Purchase Intentions, and Supportive Behaviors. Hyojung Park, doctoral student.
40. Can Public Relations Professionals Help Span the Boundaries Between Scientists and Journalists, and Does this Function Help Increase Accuracy of News Articles About Public Health? Emily Gresham Wherle, MA ’08, online master’s student.
41. An Extension of the Situational Theory of Publics in Political Context. Hyehyun Hong and Youngah Lee, doctoral students; Jongmin Park (MA ’97, PhD ’99).
42. Toward a Publics-Driven, Emotion-Based System in Crisis Communication: Unearthing Dominant Emotions in Multi-Staged Testing on the Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model. Glen Cameron, journalism professor.
43. Examination of Scholarly Networks in Public Relations Research (2004-2008). Chang Dae Ham, doctoral student.
44. Product Categories Matter? The Effects of Crisis Type and Involvement on Emotions. Jeesun Kim, doctoral student.
45. Seeing is Believing: Assessment of Motion Media on Audience Judgments of Believability and Source Credibility. Hyunmin Lee, Sun-A Park and Youngah Lee, doctoral students.
46. Extension of Symbolic Convergence Theory: “About Us” Web Page Analysis of Fortune Top 100 Corporations. Hyunmin Lee, doctoral student, and Jongmin Park (MA ’97, PhD ’99).
Radio-Television Journalism Division
47. New Media, Enduring Values: How Three News Organizations Managed Change in an Age of Uncertainty. Carrie Brown, PhD ’08, and Jonathan Groves, doctoral student.
Science Communication Interest Group and Communication Theory and Methodology Division
48. The Influence of Health Consciousness on Individual Processing of Television Health News and Message Acceptance. Hyehyun Hong, doctoral student.
Visual Communication Division
49. Animated Web Political Cartoonists of 2008 Presidential Campaign: Finding Their Voice? Karon Speckman, journalism professor.
50. Self-Trained and Self-Motivated: Newspaper Photojournalists Strive for Quality during Technological Challenges. Keith Greenwood, journalism professor.
Missouri journalism faculty and students also will participate in numerous sessions as moderators, discussants and panelists as well as lead pre-convention workshops. They include:
Advertising Teaching Workshop
51. Innovations in Teaching Advertising: Just Another Face(book) in the Crowd: Connecting and Maintaining Student/Professor Relationships on Facebook. Cynthia Frisby, journalism professor, panelist.
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Research
52. Integrity of the Review Process. Earnest Perry, journalism professor, panelist.
Chinese Communication Association
53. Chinese Press in Transition: Deviance and Social Significance. Ming Dai, doctoral student, panelist.
Civic & Citizen Journalism Interest Group and Media Ethics Division
54. American Education K-12: Can the Gutenbergers, Web Natives and Hyper/Local Hybrids Make a Difference in the 21st Century? Ed Lambeth, professor emeritus, organizer of the panel and panelist.
Communication Technology and Communication Theory and Methodology
55. The Media Habits of Tomorrow: What Teenagers Are Doing with New and Traditional Media. Esther Thorson, journalism professor, panelist.
International Communication, Communication Technology and Communication Theory and Methodology Divisions
56. Health Communication and Public Relations. María Len-Ríos, journalism professor, discussant.
International Communication and History Divisions
57. The Role of Journalism and Journalist Diversity in Developing Nations: PRC/University of Hong Kong International Journalism Ethics. John Merrill, journalism professor, panelist.
Kappa Tau Alpha
58. Chapter Advisers’ Breakfast/Business Meeting. Keith Sanders, journalism professor, moderator.
Law and Policy Division
59. Solutions for Secrecy: Judicial and Statutory Avenues for Fostering Freedom of Information. Charles Davis, journalism professor, discussant.
Magazine Division
60. Magazine Marathon: Learning by Doing in Real World Service Stories. John Fennell, journalism professor, panelist.
Magazine and International Communication Divisions
61. Teaching on the Fly: Out of the Classroom and Into the Travel Seminar. Sandra Davidson, journalism professor, discussant.
Magazine and Visual Communication Divisions
62. Slate, Salon and Beyond: The New Promise of Web-Only Magazines. John Fennell, journalism professor, panelist.
Media Ethics Division
63. Teaching Ethics Workshop, International Media. Lee Wilkins, journalism professor, panelist.
Media Ethics and Magazine Divisions
64. Challenges to Ethical Reporting During a Media “Frenzy.” Stephanie Craft, journalism professor, panelist.
Minorities and Communication Division
65. The “Looking Glass” of Minority Television Images. Cynthia Frisby, journalism professor, moderator.
Minorities and Communication Division and Religion and Media Interest Group
66. The Intersection of Race and Religion in the 2008 Presidential Campaign. Debra Mason, journalism professor, panelist.
Newspaper Division and Community Journalism Interest Group
67. Pushing Students Outside Their Comfort Zones: The Challenges of Teaching the Sheltered Student Generation. Katherine Reed, journalism professor, panelist.
Science Communication Interest Group, Magazine and Media Management and Economics Divisions
68. Barriers to Delivering Health Information to the Public. Amanda Hinnant, journalism professor, moderator.
Visual Communication Division
69. Eye Tracking: A Research Method for the 21st Century. Keith Greenwood, journalism professor, moderator.
70. Preparing the Next Generation of VisCom Scholars. Keith Greenwood, journalism professor, panelist.
Visual Communication, Communication Theory and Methodology and Media Ethics Divisions
71. Brain and Media: The Ethical Imperative for Embracing Neuroscience in Journalism and Communication. Lee Wilkins, journalism professor, discussant.
Updated: August 28, 2020