Missouri School of Journalism Faculty, Students and Alumni to Present 100-Plus Papers at International Conference; 18 Earn Top Paper Awards

3 Alumnae to Receive Special Recognition at the Montreal Meeting
Columbia, Mo. (July 24, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present an impressive 117 peer-reviewed research papers – 18 of these earning top research awards – at the upcoming Aug. 6-9 conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Montreal.

Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Virginia Commonwealth, will receive the Kreighbaum Under-40 Award during the meeting. This honor is given to AEJMC members under 40 years of age who have shown outstanding achievement and effort in teaching, research and public service. The late Hillier Krieghbaum, former New York University professor emeritus and 1972 AEJMC president, created and funded the award in 1980. Jin is Missouri’s first recipient of the award.
The Newspaper and Online News Division will present Carrie Brown-Smith, PhD ’08, with its Educator of the Year award. Her enthusiasm for journalism education, research and innovative approaches were among the reasons for her selection. Associate Dean Emeritus Brian Brooks received the award in 2012.

The Mass Communication and Society Division will recognize Jensen Moore-Copple, PhD ’07, Louisiana State, as the third-place winner in its Promising Professor competition.
In addition, 31 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference. More than 2,000 scholars from the U.S. and abroad are expected to attend.
The annual paper competition attracted 1,734 submissions from some of the top educators and students in journalism and mass communication from around the world. Of this number, 53 percent, were accepted for presentation at the conference. Roughly 13 percent of all accepted papers have a Missouri School of Journalism connection.

Eighteen top paper awards were earned in 15 divisions and interest groups: Advertising; Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk; Communication Technology; Communication Theory and Methodology; Community Journalism; Graduate Student; History; Korean American Communication Association; Magazine; Mass Communication and Society; Media Ethics; Media Management and Economics; Newspaper and Online News; Scholastic Journalism; and Visual Communication.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Council of Affiliates (College Media Association)
- A Uses and Gratification Examination of Social Media and College Media Advisers by Vince Filak, PhD ’03, Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
AEJMC Emerging Scholars
- Roles of Visuals During Syrian Conflicts: Toward a Theoretical Model of Visual Propaganda in Social Media Age by Hyunjin Seo, MA ’07, Kansas.
Advertising Division
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Segmenting The U.S. Product Placement Market: On the Basis of Consumers’ Cognitive and Attitudinal Responses to Advertising in General by Chang Dae Ham, PhD ’11, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jin Seong Park and Sejin Park, Tennessee.
- Development of an Other Minds Confidence Scale for Advertising by Esther Thorson, Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Eunseon Kwon and Heather Shoenberger, Missouri.
- From Clicks to Behaviors: The Mediating Effect of Viral Behavioral Intentions on the Relationship between Attitudes and Offline Behavioral Intentions by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11; Anna McAlister, Chen Lou and Amy Hagerstrom, Michigan State.
- Let’s Conserve Energy but You Recycle! Environmental Claim Types and Responsibility Attributions in Green Ads by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University and Margaret Duffy, Missouri.
- Mouse Tracking as a Method to Explore Brand Personality Distinctiveness Zongyuan Wang and Russell Clayton, Missouri.
- A New Perspective on Brand Avoidance Behaviors: Attention to Social Comparison Information Matters! by Eunjin (Anna) Kim and Eunseon Kwon, Missouri.
- Perceived Norms and Consumer Responses to Social Media Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Study of Facebook Sponsored Stories among Americans and Koreans by Soojung Kim, Minnesota, Twin Cities, and Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, Middle Tennessee State.
- Product Placement in Hollywood Movies: A Longitudinal Analysis by Huan Chen, Pennsylvania State Erie, and Ye Wang, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Missouri at Kansas City.
- The Role of Personal and Societal Norms in Understanding Social Media Advertising Effects: A Study of Sponsored Stories on Facebook by Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, Middle Tennessee State; Soojung Kim, Minnesota, Twin Cities; and Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03, Oklahoma.
Commission on the Status of Women
- Are Men from Mars and Women from Venus in Terms of Twitter and Facebook Use? And How about Whites and Non-Whites – Are They on Different Planets? by Geri Alumit Zeldes, Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11; and Elizabeth Quilliam, Michigan State.

Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Fourth Place Faculty Paper. Truth, Objectivity, and False Balance in Public Health Reporting: Michele Bachmann, HPV, and “Mental Retardation” by Ryan Thomas, Missouri; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; and Amanda Hinnant, Missouri.
- The Effect of “Headless Fatties” vs. Whole Beings in Obesity Health Campaign Imagery by Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa; Roma Subramanian and Amanda Hinnant, Missouri.
- Motivating Citizens: An Assessment of Individual Motivation to Share Warning Messages through Social Networking Sites Mimi Perreault, Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, and Grace Park, Missouri.
- Representations of the Environment on Television, and Their Effects James Shanahan, Katherine McComas, BJ ’90, and Mary Beth Deline, Cornell.
- Toward Worldview-Incongruent Environmental Messages? Sungjong Roh and Katherine McComas, BJ ’90, Cornell; Laura Rickard, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; and Daniel Decker, Cornell.
Communication Technology Division
- First Place Paper. The Extended iSelf: The Impact of iPhone Separation on Cognition, Emotion, and Physiology During Cognitive Tasks by Russell Clayton and Glenn Leshner, Missouri.
- Attacks by “Anons”: A Content Analysis of Status Negotiations in Aggressive Posts, Victim Responses, and Bystander Interventions on a Social Media Site Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, and Stephanie Miles, Iowa.
- But Where Does it Lead People Next? by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological, and Erika Johnson, Missouri.
- Cyberbullying YouTube Videos: What Makes Them Different and What Makes Them Viral? by Karen Smreker, Tegan Smischney and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- I Thought You Would Like to Know: Exploring Motivations for Sharing Sports News on Twitter by Jan Boehmer, Michigan State and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
- Take a Break: Examining College Students’ Multitasking Activities During a Study- or Work-Related Task by Shupei Yuan and Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Michigan State.
- Understanding Generational Differences in the Relationship Between Online Banking and Online Security by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11; Shelia Cotten, Hsin-yi Tsai, Nora Rifon and Robert LaRose, Michigan State.
- Who Sets the News Agenda on Twitter? Journalists’ Posts During the 2013 Government Shutdown by Frank Russell, Marina Hendricks, Heesook Choi and Elizabeth Conner Stephens, Missouri.
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- Top Student Paper. Social Dominance as a Gateway to Racism in Homicide News Processing by Erika Johnson, Missouri.
- Communicating with Key Publics in Crisis Communication: The Synthetic Approach to the Public Segmentation in CAPS (Communicative Action in Problem Solving) by Young Kim, Andrea Miller, PhD ’03, and Myounggi Chon, Louisiana State.
- Perceived Source Similarity and Processing of Social Media Health Messages: Extending Construal Level Theory to Message Sources by Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa.
- A Quarter-century of Reliability in Communication Content Analyses: Simple Agreement and Chance-corrected Reliability in Three Top Journals by Jennette Lovejoy, Portland; Brendan Watson, MA ’08, Minnesota; Stephen Lacy, Michigan State; Daniel Riffe, North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Community Journalism Interest Group
- Top Faculty Paper, First Place. Follow the leader: How leadership can affect the future of community journalism by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- You ARE Talking to the Man: Female Newspaper Editors’ Career Paths in Appalachia by Candace Nelson and Bob Britten, MA ’04, PhD ’08, West Virginia.
Cultural and Critical Studies
- Obama Hands Out Condoms, Hires Half-Naked People: Individualized and Personalized Discourse in Echo Chamber 2.0 by Fred Vultee, MA ’04, PhD ’07, Wayne State.
- Critically Analyzing Media System Structure: A Comparison of the Origins of U.S. and British Broadcasting, 1927-1935 by Seth Ashley, MA ’02, PhD ’11, Boise State.
- “Perfectly Preggers:” Media Representations of Mommies and the Cultural Capital of the Ideal Pregnant Body by Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, Minnesota.
Electronic News Division
- Digitally Influential: How Technology Affects Construction of News Processes by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- The Lean Newsroom: A Manifesto for Risk by Jonathan Groves, BJ ’91, PhD ’09, Drury, and Carrie Brown, PhD ’08, Memphis.
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- Market Matters: How Market-driven is The Newsroom? by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley, and Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico.
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Group
- Moral Panic in a Pandemic: A Historical Analysis of HIV Coverage and the America Responds to AIDS Campaign in 1987 by Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, Minnesota.
Graduate Student Interest Group
- Second Place Paper. Journalistic Values, A Concept Explication: Personal and Professional Norms, Entrepreneurship, and Media Innovation by Frank Russell, Missouri.
- Silicon Valley and Hollywood: Newspaper Coverage of Regional Business Clusters by Frank Russell, Missouri.
- Stigmatizing Content and Missing Messages in Anti-Stigma PSAs on Mental Illness by Roma Subramanian, Missouri.
History Division
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Legitimizing News Judgments: The Early Historical Construction of Journalism’s Gatekeeping Role by Tim Vos and Teri Finneman, Missouri.
- Josiah Gregg’s Vision of New Mexico: Early Othering about Mexicans in Commerce of the Prairies by Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State.
- The Past as Persuader in The Great Speckled Bird by Janice Hume, BJ ’81, MA ’95, PhD ’97, Georgia.
International Communication Division
- Audience Fragmentation on the World Wide Web by Harsh Taneja, Missouri.
- Borrowing the News and Spreading Officialdom: the Work of the Big Three by Beverly Horvit and Mikkel Christensen, Missouri.
- Internet Wags the World: Understanding Web-Credibility in the Context of Citizen Journalism, Micro-blogs, and the Iranian Green Revolution by Shahira Fahmy, PhD ’03, Arizona and Rico Neumann, UN mandated University for Peace.
- Qatar on the World Stage: A Comparative Analysis of Labor Rights Coverage in the Guardian, Gulf Times, and The Kathmandu Post by Elizabeth Lance, MA ’11, Northwestern, Qatar, and Ivana Vasic Chalmers, Leicester.
- Visual Framing of Muslim Women in the Arab Spring by Shugofa Dastgeer and Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma.
Internships and Careers Interest Group
- Punctuation Professionals: A Historical Analysis of Newsroom Copy Editing by Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Pennsylvania State.
Korean American Communication Association
- Top Paper. Building Bridge Between STOPS and Effective Crisis Communication: Understanding the 2013 Asiana Airlines Crash Crisis through Situational Theory of Problem Solving (STOPS) by Myoung-Gi Chon, Young Kim and Andrea Miller, PhD ’03, Louisiana State.
Law and Policy Division
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Free Speech? Visions of the Future of Copyright, Privacy, and the First Amendment in Science Fiction by Daxton “Chip” Stewart, MA ’04, LLM ’07, PhD ’09, Texas Christian.
- The “Sovereigns of Cyberspace” and State Action by Jonathan Peters, PhD ’13, Kansas.
Magazine Division
- Top Student Paper. Fashionable Feminism or Feminist Fashion? Women’s Strife for Equality as Portrayed in Cosmopolitan and Vogue by Mandy Hagseth and Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, South Dakota.
- Second Place Student Paper. The Women’s Magazine Diet: A Content Analysis of Nutrition and Fitness Articles in Women’s and Women’s Health Magazines by Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, and Susan LoRusso, Minnesota.
- Public Roles and Private Negotiations: Considering City Magazines’ Public Service and Market Functions by Joy Jenkins, Missouri.
Mass Communication and Society Division
- Second Place Paper Open Competition. The Power of The Cover: Symbolic Contests Around The Boston Bombing Suspect’s Rolling Stone Cover by Joy Jenkins, Missouri, and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
- Are We Reading The Same Crisis News? A Comparative Framing and Message Strategy Analysis of Crisis News Coverage Within Different Cultural Dimensions by Andrea Miller, PhD ’03, Young Kim and Myounggi Chon, Louisiana State.
- The Effect of E-Health Literacy And Readability of Online Magazine Articles on Sexual Health Knowledge And Condom Use Intentions Among 18- To 24-Year-Old Women by Maria Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Kyung Jung Han and Erika Johnson, Missouri.
- A Fatal Attraction: The Effect of TV Viewing On Smoking Initiation In Young Women by Erika Johnson, Kyung Jung Han and Maria Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Missouri.
- Health Reporting and Public Attitudes Towards Media and Government Accountability In Five West African Countries by Stephanie Smith, Yusuf Kalyango, MA ’04, PhD ’08, and Kingsley Antwi-Boasiako, Ohio.
- Is Doing Well Doing Any Good? How Web Analytics And Social Media Are Changing Journalists’ Perceptions of News Quality by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological, and Ryan Thomas, Missouri.
- Is Mobile Expanding Political Participation?: The Digital Divide and Demographic In Telephone, Web, And Mobile-Based Requests For City Services by Brendan Watson, MA ’08, Minnesota.
Mass Communication and Society and Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Divisions
- Beyond Gory or Happy Sensation on Facebook: Effects of Emotionality in Anti-Drunk Driving PSAs on College Students’ Drunk-Driving Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions by Chen Lou and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Health Immersion Conference and Its Effects on Diet and Health Behavior Change: An Extension of the Health Belief Model Desiree Markham and Liz Gardner, PhD ’10, Texas Tech.
- Mourning and Grief on Facebook: An Examination of Motivations for Interacting with the Deceased by Erin Willis, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Memphis, and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- Sharing Means Everything: Friend Group Perceptions and Parenting Behaviors on Facebook by Bob Britten, MA ’04, PhD ’08, and Jessica Troilo, West Virginia.
Media Ethics
- Top Faculty Paper. To Post or Not to Post: Ethical Considerations in Using Gun Permit Data Online by David Craig, PhD ’97, Oklahoma, S. Ketterer, PhD ’00, Oklahoma State, and M. Yousuf, Oklahoma.
- ‘His Women Problem’: An Analysis of Gender on The Newsroom by Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico, and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- Out of Bounds: Professional Norms as Boundary Markers by Jane Singer, PhD ’96, University London/Iowa.
Media Management and Economics Division
- Second Place Faculty Paper. Gratification Niches of Blogs and Online Legacy News Media: A Study of Competition and Coexistence by Mohammad Yousuf and Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma.
- Entrepreneurial Journalism: Shifting Journalistic Capital? by Tim Vos, Missouri and Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University London/Iowa.
Media Ethics and Media Management and Economics Divisions
- Turning Data Journalists into Corporate Spies by Ginny Whitehouse, MA ’93, PhD ’97, Eastern Kentucky.
Minorities and Communication Division
- The Cultural Capital of Ethnic Immigrant Newspapers in the U.S. by Tim Vos and Yulia Medvedeva, Missouri.
- Richard Sherman Speaks and Almost Breaks the Internet: Race, Media, and Football by Margaret Duffy, Missouri, Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington, Cynthia Frisby and Brad Best, Missouri.
Minorities and Communication Division and History Division
- The Fourteenth Amendment: From Brown to Obamacare to Marriage Equality by Earnest Perry, Missouri.
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Top Faculty Paper. A Tale of Two Newsrooms: How Market Orientation Influences Web Analytics Use by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological, and Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- Third Place Faculty Paper. Cultural Convergence 10 Years Later: A Reexamination of Intergroup Bias Among Journalists in the Digital Media Age by Vince Filak, PhD ’03, Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
- Bouncing Back from Stress: Psychological Resiliency Among Journalism School Students by Clyde Bentley, Tom Warhover and Ed Morris, Missouri; David Wallace and Jim Koller, Missouri Counseling Center, and Tina Hoffman, Central Iowa Psychological Services.
- Characteristics of Newspaper Stories For and Against Tobacco Control by Zongyuan Wang, Ginny Chadwick and Shelly Rodgers, Missouri.
- Converging on Quality: Integrating the St. Louis Beacon and St. Louis Public Radio Newsrooms by Frank Russell, Esther Thorson, Margaret Duffy and Heesook Choi, Missouri.
- The Effect of Correction Impact on News Perceptions: An Analysis of Democratic Theory by Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Pennsylvania State, and Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran.
- Effect of News Tweets on Users’ Liking, Trust, and Intention to Share and Use Information by Brian Houston, Mitchell McKinney, Esther Thorson, Joshua Hawthorne, David Wolfgang and Alecia Swasy, Missouri.
- Framing Building in News Coverage of School Shootings by Brian Houston, Mitchell McKinney, Esther Thorson, Joshua Hawthorne, David Wolfgang and Alecia Swasy, Missouri.
- How U.S. Daily Newspapers Decide to Design and Implement Paywalls by Mike Jenner, Esther Thorson and Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Missouri.
- Journalist’s Perceived Knowledge and Use of Heuristics in Selecting Sources and Story Ideas for Health News Reporting by Heather Shoenberger and Shelly Rodgers, Missouri.
- The News Agenda Online: Hyperlinks on Traditional Prestige Media and Internet-Only Websites by Frank Russell, Missouri.
- The Objectivity Question: A Q Study of Journalism Students’ Perceptions of Objectivity as a Normative Value Amanda Kehrberg, Christina DeWalt, Joonil Kim and Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma.
- Participation and Newspaper Coverage of Municipal Elections In Small-Town America by Esther Thorson, Scott Swafford and Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Missouri.
- Primary Differences: How Market Orientation Can Affect Content by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley.
- Weibo as News: Credibility Judgments in the Context of Chinese Political Microblogging by Xue Dong and Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Pennsylvania State; and Chun Liu, Southwest Jiaotong.
- Why Web Analytics Click: Factors Affecting the Ways Journalists Use Audience Metrics by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Gender, Social Cue and Interactivity in Social Media: Investigation of Journalists’ Social Media Use and Credibility by Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Hope, and Jeremy Littau, MA ’07, PhD ’09, Lehigh.
- Self-Governance on Trial: A Public Sphere Analysis of News Website Forum Comments by David Wolfgang, Missouri.
Political Communication Interest Group
- Connecting Facebook Content Flows to Political Knowledge and Participation by Chris Wells, Wisconsin-Madison, and Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California.
- Does Political Advertising Lead to Online Information Seeking? A Real-World Test Using Google Search Data by Elizabeth Housholder, Brendan Watson, MA ’08, Susan LoRusso, Jordan Dolbin and Shaurav Raj Adhikari, Minnesota.
- For Values, Community, or Show: Connecting Motivations for “Going Green” to Media Use and Participation by Melissa Gotlieb, Texas Tech, and Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California.
- Heuristic-Systematic Processing and Politics: Investigating the Effects of Verbal vs. Visual Characteristics in Gubernatorial Debates by Nicole Racadag, American Industrial Hygiene Association, and Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State.
- North Korea’s image Depicted in Political Cartoons: South Korea vs. the U.S. Joonil Kim, Sang Chon Kim, Seunghyun Kim and Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03, Oklahoma.
Public Relations Division
- A Content Analysis Of Facebook Responses To Abercrombie and Fitch’s Post-Crisis Message by Emily Faulkner, Vallory Leaders and Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Saint Louis.
- Effects of Source Credibility and Virality on Evaluations of Company Response via Facebook: An Experiment in Online Crisis Communication Shupei Yuan and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- How Do We Perceive Crisis Responsibility Differently? An Analysis of Different Publics’ Perceptions of Crisis Responsibility through News Framing in Crisis Communication Young Kim, Andrea Miller, PhD ’03, and Myounggi Chon, Louisiana State.
- The Interactive Role of Political Ideology and Media Preference in Building Trust: A PR Perspective by Michael Cacciatore and Juan Meng, Georgia; Alan VanderMolen, Edelman; and Bryan Reber, PhD ’01, Georgia.
- Integrated Influence? Exploring Public Relations Power in Integrated Marketing Communication by Katie Place, Saint Louis; Brian Smith, Purdue; and Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Saint Louis.
- Joining the Movement?: Investigating Standardization of Measurement and Evaluation Within Public Relations by Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Emily Gee, Jun Jiang, Zijun Lu and Grace Luan, Southern California; David Michaelson, Teneo Strategy; Sha-Lene Pung, Yihan Qin, Kaylee Weatherly and Jing Xu, Southern California.
- Refining the Social-Mediated Crisis Communication Model: Expanding Understanding of Cognitive and Affective Disaster Responses by Julia Daisy Fraustino and Brooke Fisher Liu, MA ’03, Maryland; and Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Virginia Commonwealth.
- Social Media Use During Natural Disasters: Using Q Methodology to Identify Millennials’ Surveillance Preferences Kristen Meadows, CARAT USA and Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State.
- What Activists Expect vs. What the Public Expects: The Interplay Between Message Discrepancy and Involvement on Public Evaluation of Activists by Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Hope, and Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Webster.
- Who is Responsible for What? Examining Strategic Roles in Social Media Management by Marlene Neill, MA ’07, and Mia Moody-Ramirez, Baylor.
Religion and Media Group
- Just Add a Verse from the Quran: Effects of Religious Rhetoric in Gain (and Loss) Framed Anti-alcohol Messages with a Palestinian Sample by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, and Nasser Almutairi, Michigan State, and Mohammed Abu Rub, Birzeit University.
- Magazine Iconography: Portrayals of Religion on Magazine Covers by Joy Jenkins, Mimi Perreault and Gregory Perreault, Missouri.
Scholastic Journalism Division
- Top Faculty Paper. Laurence Campbell Research Award, Why Be A Journalist? Students’ Motivations and Role Conceptions in the New Age of Journalism by Renita Coleman, MA ’97, PhD ‘01, Texas at Austin; Joon Yea Lee, Alabama; Carolyn Yaschur, MA ’00, Augustana College; Aimee Meader, Winthrop; and Kathleen McElroy, Oklahoma State.
Scholastic Journalism Division, Concordia University, the National Scholastic Journalism Association, and the Journalism Education Association
- The Social Media Toolbox by Marina Hendricks, Missouri.
Sports Communication Interest Group
- Foul Ball: Audience-held Stereotypes of Baseball Players by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico, and David Wolfgang, Missouri.
- Opening the Sports Closet: Media Coverage of the Self-Outings of Jason Collins and Britney Griner by Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas, and Lori Dann, Eastfield College.
Visual Communication Division
- First Place Faculty Paper. Sticking It to Obamacare: The Visual Rhetoric of Affordable Care Act Advertising in Social Media by Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington; Margaret Duffy and Greg Perreault, Missouri.
- Second Place Student Paper. Picturing Health and Community: A Visual Perspective of Photovoice Missouri by Tatsiana Karaliova, Heesook Choi, Mikkel Christensen, Frank Russell and Ryan Thomas, Missouri.
Faculty and doctoral students who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders are: Amanda Hinnant, Berkley Hudson, Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Glenn Leshner, Debra Mason, Earnest Perry, Esther Thorson, Yong Volz, Tim Vos, Tom Warhover and Lee Wilkins.
Missouri School of Journalism alumni who will serve in these roles are:
- Fred Blevens, PhD ’95, Florida International.
- Bob Britten, MA ’04, PhD ’08, West Virginia.
- Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas.
- Caryl Cooper, MA ’93, PhD ’96, Alabama.
- Aimee Edmondson, PhD ’08, Ohio.
- Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas.
- Lillie Fears, PhD ’97, Arkansas State.
- Vince Filak, PhD ’03, Wisconsin-Oshkosh.
- Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma.
- Liz Gardner, PhD ’10, Texas Tech.
- Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Virginia Commonwealth.
- Yusuf Kalyango Jr., MA ’04, PhD ’08, Ohio.
- Kim Komenich, MA ’07, San José State.
- Jeremy Littau, MA ’07, PhD ’09, Lehigh.
- Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast.
- Andrew Mendelson, PhD ’97, Temple.
- Hans K. Meyer, MA ’06, PhD ’09, Ohio.
- Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State.
- Jonathan Peters, PhD ’13, Kansas.
- Robert Picard, PhD ’83, Oxford.
- Mark Poepsel, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois, Edwardsville.
- Keith P. Sanders, Missouri.
- Charles Self, BJ ’83, 277 International.
- Hyunjin Seo, MA ’07, Kansas.
- Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University London/Iowa.
- Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, South Dakota.
- Daxton “Chip” Stewart, MA ’04, LLM ’07, PhD ’09, Texas Christian.
- George Sylvie, MA ’78, Texas at Austin.
- Kjerstin Thorsen, MA ’07, Southern California.
- Ginny Whitehouse, MA ’93, PhD ’97, Eastern Kentucky.
- Bu Zhong, MA ’00, Pennsylvania State.
Updated: July 27, 2020