Two Missouri Journalism Faculty Elected to Key AEJMC Committees
Columbia, Mo. (April 13, 2010) — Charles Davis and Lee Wilkins have been elected to two key committees of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Each will serve a three-year term.

Davis, an associate professor of journalism studies and executive director of the National Freedom of Information Coalition, was named to the Teaching Committee. The members of this committee focus on standards regarding areas such academic and professional preparation for teachers in the field, faculty-administration relationships, equipment and facilities for instruction and related issues.
Davis’ scholarly research focuses on access to governmental information and media law. He has published in law reviews and scholarly journals on issues ranging from federal and state freedom of information laws to libel law, privacy and broadcast regulation. In 2008, Davis was named the Scripps Howard Foundation National Journalism Teacher of the Year.

Wilkins, a Curator’s Teaching Professor in the radio-television emphasis area, will serve on the Professional Freedom and Responsibility Committee. This group provides annual constructive reviews of activities of AEJMC divisions and groups in the five areas of professional freedom and responsibility. The areas are Free Expression; Ethics; Media Criticism and Accountability; Racial, Gender, and Cultural Inclusiveness; and Public Service.
Her research and teaching focus on media ethics and media coverage of disasters and risk. She teaches regularly at the AEJMC pre-convention ethics workshop, has served as chair of the Council of Divisions, and has held one previous term on the Professional Freedom & Responsibility standing committee. This year Wilkins is working as a faculty fellow at the University of Missouri Graduate School. She is a member of the founding editorial board and currently serves as editor of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics.
AEJMC is a non-profit, educational association of journalism and mass communication faculty, administrators, students and media professionals. Dedicated to promoting the highest standards for education, the Association provides an abundance of resources for news, research and career opportunities, including a multicultural network of practitioners from every discipline of journalism and mass communication.
Updated: May 7, 2020