Missouri Journalism Faculty, Graduate Students and Alumni to Present More Than 60 Papers at AEJMC Conference

Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present more than 60 peer-reviewed research papers at the AEJMC conference Aug. 7-10 in Toronto, Canada. Dean David Kurpius will co-host a reception along with several SEC schools for convention-goers from 6:45-8:15 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel.
Six papers earned top research awards; more than 40 Missouri journalism scholars to serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders.
Columbia, Mo. (July 24, 2019) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present more than 60 peer-reviewed research papers at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference Aug. 7-10 in Toronto, Canada.
More than 2,000 journalism and mass communication scholars are expected to attend the 2019 AEJMC annual conference. Dean David Kurpius will co-host a Missouri School of Journalism reception along with several SEC schools for convention-goers from 6:45-8:15 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8 at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel.
Among the top awards:
- Edward L. Bliss Award for Distinguished Broadcast Journalism Education awarded to Kent Collins, Professor Emeritus University of Missouri
- Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in JMC Research awarded to Esther Thorson, Michigan State, Professor Emerita University of Missouri
Seven papers earned top research awards in seven divisions and interest groups: Community Journalism, Magazine Media Division, Mass Communication and Society Division, Media Ethics, Small Programs Interest Group, Newspaper and Online News Division, Cultural and Critical Studies Division.
In addition, more than 40 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Council of Affiliates
- Errors, Requests, Apologies: A Case Study of 50 Years of Corrections in a College Newspaper. Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran and Alyssa Appelman (MA ’09), Northern Kentucky
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
- Distinguishing Fake from Real News. Miglena Sternadori (PhD ’08), Texas Tech
Advertising Division
- Puffing on Instagram: Effects of Puffery Claim Types on Assessment of Persuasive Intentions and Knowledge. Saleem Alhabash (PhD ’11), Olivia JuYoung Lee, Anastasia Kononova (PhD ’10), Jef Richards, Na Rae Park, Tao Deng, and Jessica Hirsch, Michigan State
Commission on the Status of Women
- Between Subject and Object: How Mass Media Industries Have Enabled Sexual Misconduct and Harassment – and How they also Exposed Them. Jacqueline Lambiase, Texas Christian; Tracy Everbach (PhD ’08), North Texas and Carolyn Bronstein, DePaul
- Framing Campus Sexual Assault in College News: Peer Education and Counter-Power in a Rape-Supportive Environment. Barbara Friedman (PhD ’04), North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- From F-Bombs to Kissing Students: Media Framing of Male and Female Professors Accused of Sexual Harassment. Bethany Pitchford, Miglena Sternadori (PhD ’08), Jesse Starkey and Amy Koerber, Texas Tech
- Nasty Writers: Uses and Gratifications of Private, Online Space in the Age of Trump. Kelsey Husnick and Rosie Jahng (PhD ’12), Wayne State
Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division
- Acquisition and Processing of Health Enhancement Advice and Behavioral Outcomes. Yang Liu (MA ’12), Sun Yat-Sen University; and Xigen Li, Shanghai University; City University of Hong Kong
- Cautionary Tales: Social Representation of Risk in News Coverage of Cyberbullying Victims. Rachel Young (PhD ’13), Iowa; Li Chen, West Texas A&M; Ge Zhu, Iowa; and Roma Subramanian (PhD ’16), Nebraska-Omaha
- Constructing and Influencing Perceived Authenticity in Science Communication: Experimenting with Narrative, Lise Saffran, Sisi Hu, Amanda Hinnant, and Susan Nagel, Missouri; and Laura Scherer, Colorado
- Difficult Conversations and Para-Social Relationships in Medical Shows: Analysis of Real-Time Tweets from Viewers of New Amsterdam Medical Drama, James Ndone, Missouri
- Effects of Message Presentation Type on GM food Risk Perception, Similarity Judgement, and Attitude, Namyeon Lee, Ciera Dockter, and Sungkyoung Lee, Missouri
- The Impact of Source Credibility and Topic Relevance on Audience Responses to Health Podcasts, Ciera Dockter and Sungkyoung Lee, Missouri
- “Why Would I Choose to Live Less?”: Millennial Cancer Clinical Trial Message Frame Preference, Brandon Nutting, Nebraska-Lincoln and Monique Luisi, Missouri
Communication Technology Division
- A Cross-Cultural Study Comparing United States, Germany, and South Korea. Haseon Park, Joonghwa Lee (PhD ’12), and Soojung Kim, North Dakota
- Motivations, Interaction, Knowledge, and Participation: An O-S-R-O-R Model of Second Screening’s Political Effects in China. Yiben Liu, Alabama, Shuhua Zhou, and Hongzhong Zhang, Missouri
- Predicting Parasocial Relationships, Binge Watching and Social Media Engagement from Favorite TV Character Perceived Personality Attributes. Heather Shoenberger (PhD ’14), Pennsylvania State; Freya Sukalla, Leipzig University and Ryan Tan, Pennsylvania State
- Social Media Literacy: A Hierarchy of Competencies. Edson Tandoc (PhD ’13), Jeremy Ong, Ysa Marie Cayabyab, Duan Xu, Han Zheng, Matthew Chew, Janelle Ng, Cui Min Lim, and Lydia Rui Jun Cheng, Nanyang Technological
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- Classifying Twitter Bots: Mike Kearney, Lingshu Hu and Iuliia Alieva, Missouri
- Climate Frame Dynamics Over Time: Computer-assisted Detection and Identification of News Frames. Yingying Chen and Kjerstin Thorson (MA ’07),and John Andrew Lavaccare, Michigan State
- Theorizing News Literacy: A Proposed Framework for Unifying a Fractured Field. Emily Vraga, Melissa Tully and Adam Maksl (PhD ’12), Indiana-Southeast; Stephanie Craft (MA ’90), Illinois at Urbana Champaign; and Seth Ashley (PhD ’11), Boise State
- Why Defining Automation in Journalism is Not Automatic. Jia Yao Lim, Ruoming Zheng, Edson Tandoc (PhD ’13), Andrew Prahl, and Shangyuan Wu, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Community Journalism Interest Group
- VR as Community News Solution – Connecting Communities, Helping Audiences Trust Community Journalists More with Immersive Technology. Aaron Atkins, Hans Meyer (PhD ’09) and Samantha Peko, Ohio
- ‘Life Is Harder:” The Perceived Impact of a Newspaper Closure on a Community. Nick Mathews (BJ ’01, MA ’19)
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- Top Student Paper: #WhiteWednesdays, Femonationalism, and Authenticity: A Twitter Discourse Analysis on the Role of the Hijab in Feminist Activism. Sara Shaban, Missouri
Electronic News Division
- Toward a New Conceptualization and Typology of Journalistic Competency: A Job Announcement Analysis of U.S. Broadcasting. Lei Guo and Yong Volz, Missouri
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- Facing the Music: Analyzing the Depiction and Objectification of Women in American Music Journalism. Kelsey Whipple and Renita Coleman (PhD ’01), Texas at Austin
History Division
- “Highways to Hope”: Samuel L. Adams’ Investigation into Public Accommodations Compliance Under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Michael Fuhlhage (MA ’07), Keena Neal and Jalisa Patrick, Wayne State
International Communication Division
- Gatekeeping and the Panama Papers: An Analysis of Transnational Journalism Culture, Nana Naskidashvili (MA ’17), Beverly Horvit, Astrid Benoelken, and Diana Fidarova, Missouri
- Public Diplomacy for the Media: A Survey of Exchange Program Alumni. Emily Metzgar, Indiana and Yusuf Kalyango (PhD ’08), Ohio
- Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendo (Radio Station): A Case Study of Music and Political Messaging in Bangladesh’s Independence Struggle. Mohammad Delwar Hossain, South Alabama and Uche Onyebadi (PhD ’08), Texas Christian
- The Grassroots Hero?: Political Messaging of Chinese Rapper GAI. Zhaoxi (Josie) Liu (MA ’04), Trinity University Texas
Law and Policy Division
- Forum Delegation: The Birth and Transposition of a New Approach to Public Forum Doctrine. Brett Johnson and Shane Epping, Missouri
Magazine Media Division
- Second-Place Faculty Paper: Picturing the President: Visual Analysis of the Donald Trump Presidency on U.S. Magazine Covers Between 2016 and 2018 Newly Paul, North Texas and Gregory Perreault (PhD ’15), Appalachian State
- Effects of Candidate Lateral Location and Eye Gaze Direction in Political Ads:Evidence from Self-Report and Eye Movement Patterns. Saleem Alhabash (PhD ’11), Esther Thorson, Weiyue Chen, Tao Deng, Duygu Kanver, Mengyan Ma, Na Rae Park, Jessica Hirsch, and Alan Smith, Michigan State
Mass Communication and Society Division
- First Place, Moeller Competition: Post Facto: Experimental Test of a Game-Based News Literacy Intervention. Tamar Wilner (MA .18), Texas at Austin
- A Crisis in Pictures: Visual Framing of the Opioid Epidemic by the Cincinnati Enquirer. Matthew J. Haught, Memphis; Erin Willis (PhD ’11); and Kathleen I. Alaimo, Colorado
- Credibility Effects of Fact-Checking Labels on Social Media News Posts. Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Connecticut; Mike Schmierbach, Pennsylvania State; Alyssa Appelman (MA ’09), Northern Kentucky; and Michael Boyle, West Chester
- It Takes a Village: Communitarianism and Spotlight. Chad Painter (PhD ’12) and Alexandra Scherb, Dayton
- Local Civic Information Beyond the News: Computational Identification of Civic Content on Social Media. Yingying Chen, Kourtnie Rodgers, Kjerstin Thorson (MA ’07), Kelley Cotter, and Sevgi Baykaldi, Michigan State
- The Rise of Fact-Checking in Asia. Edson Tandoc (PhD ’13), Lim Darren, Weng Wai Mak, and Shawn Tan, Nanyang Technological
- Serial Tweeters: The Individuals and Organizations that Sustain Attention to the Climate Issue on Twitter. Luping Wang, Cornell; Aimei Yang, Southern California; and Kjerstin Thorson (MA ’07), Michigan State
- They Said It’s “Fake”: Effect of “Fake News” Online Comments on Information Quality Judgments and Information Authentication. Rosie Jahng (PhD ’12), Elizabeth Stoycheff, Scott Burgess, Annisa Meirita Patimurani Rochadiat, and Kai Xu, Wayne State
- Third-Person Effects of Fake News on Social Media. Yang Cheng (PhD ’17), North Carolina State and Zifei Chen, San Francisco
Media Ethics Division
- Winner of Carol Burnett Award and Top Student Paper: Why Should We Care about Care: The Potential for Feminist Moral, Environmental, and Political Philosophy in Journalism Ethics* Joseph Jones, Missouri
- Moral Reasoning and Development Across Industries of Mass Communication. Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13) and Erin Schauster (PhD ’13), Colorado-Boulder; Edson Tandoc (PhD ’13), Nanyang Technological and Marlene Neill (PhD ’07), Baylor
- Seeing is Believing? Ethical Implications for AR, VR, and 360-Degree Technologies in Journalism. Margaret Duffy, Missouri and Janis Page (PhD ’05), George Washington
- Source Matters: The Normative Anchor of News Values When Covering Social Media #Boycotts. Elizabeth Bent, Missouri
Minorities and Communication Division
- Buying Blackness: Black Audience Decoding of Nike Advertisements. Diamond Stacker (MA ’18), Missouri
- Latino Trust in Journalists and the 2016 U.S. General Election: An Analysis of Voter Responses. Maria Len-Rios (PhD ’02), Georgia; Patricia Moy, Washington; and Ivanka Pjesivac, Georgia
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Third Place Faculty Paper: Keepers of the Comments: How Comment Moderators Handle Audience Contributions. David Wolfgang (PhD ’16), Hayley Blackburn, and Stephen McConnell, Colorado State
- Commenters as a Threat to Journalism? How Comment Moderators Perceive the Role of the Audience. David Wolfgang (PhD ’16), Stephen McConnell, and Hayley Blackburn, Colorado State, Alyssa Appelman (MA ’09), Northern Kentucky and Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran
- Framing of the 2016 Presidential Election of Donald Trump from the World Press. Yu-li Chang (MA ’91), Bethel
- Here’s What to Know About Clickbait: Effects of Image, Headline and Editing on Audience Attitudes. Fred Vultee (PhD ’07), Scott Burgess, Darryl Frazier, and Kelsey Husnick, Wayne State
- Understanding the Typology of Native Advertising on News Websites. You Li (PhD ’12), Eastern Michigan and Ye Wang (PhD ’11), Missouri-Kansas City
- “Why the H**l is There a White House Correspondents’ Dinner?” Field Theory in Political Journalism, Gregory Perreault (PhD ’15), Appalachian State; Kellie Stanfield (PhD ’17), Missouri; and Shelby Luttman, Appalachian State
- Written in Code: Exploring the Negative Effects of Acronyms and Abbreviations in News Headlines. Alyssa Appelman (MA ’09), Northern Kentucky
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Deep Participation in Underserved Communities: A Quantitative Analysis of Hearken’s Model for Engagement Journalism. Jennifer Cox, Salisbury and Mark Poepsel (PhD ’11), Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
Political Communication Interest Group
- Motivations of Personal and Portable Interactive Devices and Citizen Participation: A Uses and Gratifications and O-S-R-O-R Approach. Winston Teo, Auckland; Edson Tandoc (PhD ’13), Nuri Kim, Andrew Duffy, and Richard Ling, Nanyang Technological
- Third-Person Effect and Hate Speech Censorship on Facebook. Lei Guo and Brett Johnson, Missouri
Public Relations Division
- A Concept Explication of Stance: The Leading Strategy to an Organization’s Crisis Response, Courtney Boman, Missouri
- A Human Touch and Content Matter for Consumer Engagement. Hyojung Park (PhD ’11) and Yangzhi Jiang, Louisiana State
- Information Vetting as a Key Component in Social-mediated Crisis Communication: An Exploratory Study. Xuerong Lu, Yan Jin (PhD ’05), and Taeyeon Kim, Georgia
- Is Fake News the New Social Media Crisis? Examining the Public Evaluation of Crisis Management for Organizations Targeted in Viral Fake News. Rosie Jahng (PhD ’12), Scott Burgess and Maria Clara Martucci, Wayne State
- Is the Organization Ever the Victim? Reassessing Crisis Responsibility. Erika Schneider, Missouri
- Mining the Gap: Research to Guide CSR Communications. Janis Page (PhD ’05), George Washington
- The Role of Social Distance, Crisis Severity, and Crisis Response Strategy in Crisis Communication: A Construal Level Perspective. Jeesun Kim (PhD ’09), Incheon National University; HyunJee Oh, Hong Kong Baptist and Chang-Dae Ham (PhD ’11), Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Small Programs Interest Group
- First Place Paper, Small Programs Interest Group: Effects of Developmental Communicative Feedback. Malena Price and YoungAh Lee (PhD ’11), Ball State
Visual Communication Division
- No, Memes No! Digital Persuasion in the #MeToo Era. Shahira Fahmy (PhD ’03), affiliation and Omneya Ibrahim, American University in Cairo
- On the Boundaries: Professional Photojournalists Navigating Identity in an Age of Technological Democratization. Patrick Ferrucci (PhD ’13), Colorado
Moderators, Discussants, Panelists and Workshop Leaders
Alumni, faculty and doctoral students who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders are:
- Christopher Beaudoin, PhD ’01, Boston
- Carrie Brown, PhD ’08, City University of New York
- Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas
- Renita Coleman, PhD ’01, Texas
- Bill Davie, PhD ’77, Louisiana, Lafayette
- Margaret Duffy, Missouri
- Sonya Duhe, PhD ’93, Loyola-New Orleans
- Aimee Edmondson, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas
- Lillie M. Fears, PhD ’97, Arkansas State
- Terri Finneman, PhD ’15, Kansas
- Barbara Friedman, PhD ’04, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Michael Fulhage, MA ’07, Wayne State
- Jonathan Groves, PhD ’09, Drury
- Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’16, California State, Bakersfield
- Marina Hendricks, PhD ’17, South Dakota State
- Elizabeth Hendrickson, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Beverly J. Horvit, Missouri
- Berkley Hudson, Missouri
- Samir Husni, PhD ’83, Mississippi
- Cathy M. Jackson, PhD ’04, Norfolk State
- Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17, Oxford
- Brett Johnson, Missouri
- Jeremy Littau, PhD ’09, Lehigh
- Monique Luisi, Missouri
- Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor
- Chad Painter, PhD ’12, Dayton
- Earnest Perry, Missouri
- Shelly Rodgers, PhD ’00, Missouri
- Laura Ruel, MA ’93, North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- B. William Silcock, PhD ’01, Arizona State
- Jane Singer, PhD ’96, City University of London
- Judd Slivka, Missouri
- Diamond Stacker, MA ’18, Missouri
- Daxton “Chip” Stewart, PhD ’09, Texas Christian
- Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State
- Yong Volz, Missouri
- Fred Vultee, PhD ’07, Wayne State
- Ginny Whitehouse, PhD ’97, Eastern Kentucky
- Lee Wilkins, Wayne State and Missouri
- David Wolfgang, PhD ’16, Colorado State
- Jing Yang, MA ’19, Loyola-Chicago
- Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa
- Shuhua Zhou, Missouri
Updated: November 10, 2020