Missouri Journalism Faculty, Graduate Students Present 36 Papers at AEJMC Conference
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 8, 2008) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty and students made an impressive showing at the 2008 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication convention, one of the leading journalism research conferences in the world. A total of 36 papers were accepted to the Aug. 5-9 convention in Chicago.

Presenting to several of AEJMC’s academic divisions and numerous interest groups, the Missouri researchers discussed wide-ranging issues in journalism, mass communication, public relations and advertising. Additionally, more than 20 current or former Missouri students and faculty participated in the conference as a panelist, moderator or discussant.
Students and faculty won several of the top awards at the convention. Graduate Dean Esther Thorson received the Outstanding Woman in Journalism and Mass Communication Education award from the Commission on the Status of Women. She was nominated by professors Margaret Duffy and Lee Wilkins for her outstanding contribution in the field of women in media content and her commitment to gender equity both in the classroom and in academics.
Professor Betty Winfield received the 24th annual Covert Award in Mass Communication History along with Janice Hume, BJ ’81, MA ’95, PhD ’97, for their article “The Continuous Past: Historical Referents in Nineteenth-Century American Journalism,” which was published in Journalism & Communication Monographs in 2007. The award is given to the best history article or chapter published in the field of mass communication during the previous year, and the two winners were among 11 nominations. Hume is now an associate professor at the University of Georgia.
Current faculty and students scored several awards among the papers accepted to the convention. Master’s student Kate LaRue and Assistant Professor Amanda Hinnant took second place for “Innocence in Iraq: A Content Analysis of Youth, Gender, and Agency in Canadian and U.S. Newsmagazine War Photography.” Hinnant and fellow Assistant Professor María Len-Ríos teamed up for a top faculty paper, “Tacit Understandings of Health Literacy: Interview and Survey Research with Health Journalists.”
Doctoral student Kyle Heim also won two awards. He took a third-place award for “Blogs and the Iraq War: A Time-Series Analysis of Intermedia Agenda Setting and Agenda Building,” as well as being honored as a runner-up for the Carol Burnett Award in the Media Ethics Division for “Fair Comment? The Ethics of Anonymous Postings on News Web Sites.”
The following Missouri Journalism graduate students and faculty presented refereed research papers at the conference:
- Seeing What’s Important: Graham Nash and the Evolution of the Photography Collection, Robert Britten, MA ’04; and C. Zoe Smith, MU journalism professor
- Teaching Strategic Conflict Management: Using Conflict Resolution Methods, Glen T. Cameron, MU journalism professor
- Pluralistic Ignorance and Social Distance of Public Relations Practitioners and Journalists in the Source-Reporter Relationship, Jae-Hwa Shin, PhD ’03, now at Southern Mississippi; Jongmin Park, MA ’97, PhD ’99; Glen Cameron, MU journalism professor; with other co-authors
- How Do Different Publics in Crises Feel? Insights From Integrated Crisis Mapping (ICM) Model in Crisis Communication, Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, now at Virginia Commonwealth; Augustine Pang, PhD ’06, now at Nanyang Technological University; and Glen Cameron, MU journalism professor
- Packing Heat: A Gun Battle Between Privacy and Access, Aimee Edmondson, doctoral student
- Examining Use of the Internet and Traditional Media in Chinese College Students, Linsen Su, visiting scholar, and Kenneth Fleming, PhD ’05
- Teaching in an Age of Entitlement: From the Faculty’s Perspective, Cynthia Frisby, MU journalism professor
- Blogs and the Iraq War: A Time-Series Analysis of Intermedia Agenda Setting and Agenda Building, (Third Place Student Paper) Kyle Heim, doctoral student
- Fair Comment? The Ethics of Anonymous Postings on News Web Sites, (Runner-up, Carol Burnett Award) Kyle Heim, doctoral student
- Effects of Congruity, Sponsor Type and News Story Valence on E-newspaper Outcomes, Kyle Heim, doctoral student; and Shelly Rodgers, MU journalism professor
- Tacit Understandings of Health Literacy: Interview and Survey Research With Health Journalists, (Top Faculty Paper) Amanda Hinnant, MU journalism professor; and María Len-Ríos, MU journalism professor
- A Functional Analysis of the 2007 South Korean Presidential Campaign Blogs, Sungwook Hwang, doctoral student
- A Functional Analysis of the 2007 South Korean Presidential Campaign News Releases, Sungwook Hwang, doctoral student
- Culture and Technology in South Korean and U.S. Online Military Strategic Communications, Sungwook Hwang, doctoral student
- A Functional Analysis of the 2006 South Korean Seoul Mayoral Debates, Sungwook Hwang, doctoral student; and William L. Benoit, MU communication professor
- What’s Ethics In Public Relations? PR Practitioners’ Perceptions of Their Ethics in Global PR Firms in Korea, Jiyeon Jeong, doctoral student
- Finding Primary Publics: A Test of the Third-person Effect in Corporate Crisis, Jeesun Kim, doctoral student, and Hyo Kim, visiting research scholar
- Embedding a Social Cause in the News: The Effects of Corporate Sponsorship and News Proximity on Consumer Attitudes and Participation Intentions, Hyo Kim, visiting research scholar, and Esther Thorson, graduate dean
- Identifying the Key Targets for CSR Marketing: Associating the Consumer Characteristics with Purchase Intentions of CSR-Marketed Products, Hyo Kim, visiting research scholar, and Esther Thorson, graduate dean
- Newsroom Culture Changes Alter Our Understanding of How News Organizations Learn and React to Change, Damian Kostiuk, doctoral student
- Innocence in Iraq: A Content Analysis of Youth, Gender, and Agency in Canadian and U.S. Newsmagazine War Photography, (Second Place Student Paper) Kate LaRue, master’s student, and Amanda Hinnant, MU journalism professor
- A Rules Theory Approach to Understanding How Health Journalists Judge Public Relations Sources, María Len-Ríos, MU journalism professor; Amanda Hinnant, MU journalism professor; and Sun-A Park, doctoral student
- Effects of African American Breast Cancer Survivor Testimonies on Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Outcomes, Glenn Leshner, MU journalism professor; Paul Bolls, MU journalism professor; Elizabeth Gardner, doctoral student; Jensen Moore, PhD ’07; Sara Peters, MU staff member; Rachel Bailey, master’s student; and Anastasia Kononova, doctorial student
- Time to “Get” Religion? An Analysis of Religious Literacy Among Journalism Students, Jeremy Littau, doctoral student; and Debra Mason, Center on Religion & the Professions
- Journalism-as-a-Conversation: A Concept Explication, Doreen Marchionni, doctoral student
- When Newspaper Reporters Blog: The Credibility of News and Blogs That Match or Mismatch People’s Socio/Political Leanings, Doreen Marchionni, doctoral student; Hans Meyer, doctoral student; and Esther Thorson, graduate dean
- Anonymous Sources in Nightly News Programs, Renee Martin-Kratzer, MA ’99, PhD ’05, now at Florida; and Esther Thorson, graduate dean
- Perceived Impact of Threat Levels in a Declaration of War, (Korean American Communication Association’s Top Three Student Paper) Sun-A Park, doctoral student
- Proactive Approach in a Crisis Communication, Sun-A Park, doctoral student; and Glen Cameron, MU journalism professor
- “Truthiness” and Satire News: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Television News Credibility, Daxton Stewart, MA ’04, now at Texas Christian; and Jeremy Littau, doctoral student
- Reporter Blogging, Social Presence, and Newspaper Credibility, Esther Thorson, graduate dean; Hans Meyer, doctoral student; and Doreen Marchionni, doctoral student
- Explaining Objectivity as an Occupational Norm: The Role of Education, Tim P. Vos, MU journalism professor
- The Credible Brand Model: The Effects of Ideological Congruency and Consumer-Based Brand Equity on News Credibility, Tayo Oyedeji, doctoral student
AEJMC Panel Presentations
The following Missouri Journalism graduate students and faculty members participated in AEJMC panel discussions:
- Clyde Bentley, faculty
- Hans Ibold, doctoral student
- Ed Lambeth, emeritus faculty
- John C. Merrill, emeritus faculty
- Katherine Reed, faculty
- Keith P. Sanders, emeritus faculty
- Wayne Wanta, faculty
Missouri Journalism Alumni Participation
The following alumni of the Missouri Journalism master’s and doctoral programs also presented papers or spoke on panels at AEJMC:
Updated: August 28, 2020