Faculty, Alumni, Students to Present Papers at Global Research Conference
11 Papers Earn Top Awards; 30 Scholars Serve in Leadership Roles
Columbia, Mo. (July 15, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present an impressive 99 peer-reviewed research papers – 11 of these earning top research awards – at the upcoming Aug. 6-9 conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in San Francisco.

Eleven top paper awards were earned in seven divisions and interest groups: Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk; Communication Technology; International Communication; Magazine; Mass Communication and Society; Media Ethics; Minorities and Communication; Participatory Journalism; and Scholastic Journalism.
In addition, 30 Missouri journalism scholars will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders during the four-day conference. More than 1,600 scholars from the U.S. and abroad are expected to attend.
The annual paper competition attracted 1,893 submissions from some of the top educators and students in journalism and mass communication from around the world. Of this number, 943 were accepted for presentation at the conference. Roughly 10 percent of all accepted papers have a Missouri School of Journalism connection.
Founded in 1912 in Chicago, AEJMC is an international nonprofit organization composed of more than 3,700 faculty, students and administrators at journalism and mass communication schools from more than 50 different countries. AEJMC is dedicated to providing the means necessary to journalism and mass communication educators and students to foster generations of practitioners and educators dedicated to better professional practices and a more informed public.
Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face.
AEJMC Elected Standing Committee on Teaching
- Grading and Rubrics with Earnest Perry, Missouri
AEJMC 2015 Emerging Scholars
- What’s the Buzz? Find Out How Buzzfeed Is Transforming the Journalistic Field by Edson C. Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological
Advertising Division
- #AirbrushingREJECTED: Testing Millennials’ Perceptions of Retouched and Unretouched Images in Advertising Campaigns by Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, and Nicole Dahmen, Oregon
- Corporate Advertising and Crises: Understanding the Effects of Advertisements Before and After Crises on Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Organization by Benjamin Ho, Wonsun Shin and Augustine Pang, PhD ’06, Nanyang Technological University
- Do You See What I See? Exploring the Effects of Sponsorship of a Sporting Event on the Image of the Sponsoring Brand by Eunseon Kwon and Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Missouri
- Fierce Competition While Playing Nice in the Sandbox: Trends in Advertising & Public Relations Agencies by Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor and Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
- A Mutualist Theory of Processing PSAs and Ethically Problematic Commercials by Esther Thorson, Margaret Duffy, Eunjin (Anna) Kim, Heesook Choi, Tatsiana Karaliova and Eunseon Kwon, Missouri
- Opening the Advertising Crayon Box: Applying Kobayashi’s Color Theory to Advertising Effectiveness by Nasser Almutairi, Carie Cunningham, Kirstyn Shiner and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State
- Would I Go? US Citizens React to a Cuban Tourism Campaign by Alice Kendrick, Southern Methodist; Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas and Jami Fullerton, Oklahoma State
- “Wow! I Want to Share This With My Twitter Followers:” Influencing Factors on Intention to Retweet of Branded Tweet by Nazmul Rony; Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03; Seunghyun Kim; and Rahnuma Ahmed; Oklahoma
Commission on the Status of Women
- Gender Trouble in the Workplace: Applying Judith Butler’s Theory of Performativity to News Organizations by Joy Jenkins and Teri Finneman, Missouri
Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Division
- Emotional Appeals and the Environment: A Content Analysis of Greenpeace China’s Weibo Posts and Audience Responses by Qihao Ji; Summer Harlow, BJ ’99; Di Cui; and Zihan Wang; Florida State
Communication Technology Division
- Conceptualizing Private Governance in a Networked Society: An Analysis of Scholarship on Content Governance by Brett Johnson, Missouri
- Drawing the Line: Effects Theories and Journalism Studies in a Digital Era Jane B. Singer, PhD ’96, City University London
- Generational Differences in Online Safety Perceptions, Knowledge and Practices by Mengtian Jiang, Hsin-yi Sandy Tsai, Shelia R. Cotton, Nora Rifon, Robert LaRose and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State
- How Much is Your Facebook Account Worth? The Monetary Value of Facebook as a Function of Its Uses and Gratifications Using the Second-price Auction Technique by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Sean Cash, Carie Cunningham and Chen Lou; Michigan State
- Up, Periscope: Live Streaming Apps, the Right to Record, and the Gaps in Privacy Law by Daxton Stewart, MA ’04, LLM ’07, PhD ’09, Texas Christian, and Jeremy Littau, MA ’07, PhD ’09, Lehigh
- Understanding Online Safety Behavior: The Influence of Prior Experience on Online Safety Motivation by Ruth Shillair, Robert LaRose, Mengtian Jiang, Nora Rifon, Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, and Shelia R. Cotton, Michigan State
Communication Technology and Communicating Science, Health, Environment and Risk Divisions
- Second Place Faculty Paper Communal Risk Information Sharing: Motivations Behind Voluntary Information Sharing of Late Blight Infection in U.S. Agricultural Communities by Wang Liao, Connie Yuan and Katherine McComas, BJ ’90, Cornell
- Fourth Place Faculty Paper Social Representation of Cyberbullying and Adolescent Suicide: A Mixed-Method Analysis of News Stories by Rachel Young, Roma Subramanian, Stephanie Miles and Amanda Hinnant, Missouri and Julie Andsager, Tennessee
- Revisiting Environmental Citizenship: The Role of Information Capital and Media Use by Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Anthony Van Witsen and Ran Duan, Michigan State
- Seeking Treatment, Helping Others: Thematic Differences in Media Narratives between Traditional and New Media Content by Sarah Smith-Frigerio, Cynthia Frisby, Joseph Moore, Abigail Gray and Miranda Craig, Missouri
Communication Theory and Methodology Division
- Blowing Embers: An Exploration of the Agenda-Setting Role of Books by Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State; Donald Shaw, North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Lynette Holman, Appalachian State; Sun Young Lee, Texas Tech; and Jason Moldoff, Durham Tech
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- The Discursive Construction of Journalistic Transparency by Tim Vos, Missouri, and Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois
- The Ghosts in the Machine: Toward a Theory of Social Media Mourning by Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State; Sara Magee, Loyola-Maryland; Ellada Gamreklidze, MA ’04, Louisiana State.
- The Naked Truth: Post-Feminism in Media Discourse in Response to the Kardashians’ Nude Magazine Images by Joy Jenkins and David Wolfgang, Missouri
- Print vs. Digital: How Medium Matters on House of Cards by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder, and Chad Painter, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- Musicality and Uses of Music in Satirical Animation: A Qualitative Analysis by Calli Breil and Samuel Tham, Missouri
Graduate Student Interest Group
- Tribunes of the Marginalized? Institutional Role Performance in the American Alternative Press by Joseph Moore, Missouri
- The Usage of Soft and Hard News Delivery Techniques in Articles of Women’s Weight: A Content Analysis of Differences Across Media Genres by Calli Breil and Samuel Tham, Missouri
History Division
- El Gringo, Travel Writing and Colonization of the Southwest: W.W.H. Davis’ Journalism in New Mexico by Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State
- The Place of Quantitative Methods in Media Historical Research by Yong Volz, Missouri
History and Minorities and Communication Divisions
- The #FergusonSyllabus Twitter Campaign: A Tool for Teaching by Marcia Chatelain, BJ ’01, Georgetown
- From “Black Codes” to “Poverty Violations:” What Reconstruction-era Laws Can Tell Us About Ferguson and Beyond by Ernest Perry, Missouri
History and Newspaper and Online News Divisions
- Herstory: The Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) Oral History Project by Yong Volz, Youn-Joo Park and Teri Finneman, Missouri
International Communication Division
- Third Place, James W. Markham Student Paper Competition Spotlight on Qatar: A Framing Analysis of Labor Rights Issues in the News Blog Doha News by Elizabeth Lance, MA ’11, Ivana Vasic and Rhytha Zahid Hejaze, Northwestern Qatar
- Predicting International News Flow from Reuters: Money Makes the World Go Round by Beverly Horvit, Missouri; Peter Gade, PhD ’99, Oklahoma; Yulia Medvedeva, Anthony Roth, Michael Phinney, Missouri
- The Promise to the Arab World: Attribute Agenda Setting and Diversity of Attributes about U.S. President Obama in Arabic-Language Tweets by Mariam Alkazemi, Florida, Shahira Fahmy, PhD ’03, Arizona; Wayne Wanta, Florida; and Ahmedabad Abdelzaheer Mahmoud Farghali, Arizona
- To Share or Not to Share: The Influence of News Values and Topics on Popular Social Media Content in the U.S., Brazil, and Argentina by Victor Garcia, Texas at Austin; Ramón Salaverría, University of Navarra; Danielle Kilgo, Texas at Austin and Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Florida State
Law and Policy Division
- Differential Reasonableness: A Standard for Evaluating Deceptive Privacy-Promising Technologies by Jasmine McNealy, Florida, and Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, Oregon
- Facebook’s Free Speech Growing Pains: A Case Study in Content Governance by Brett Johnson, Missouri
- The Value and Limits of Extreme Speech in a Networked Society: Revitalizing Tolerance Theory by Brett Johnson, Missouri
Magazine Division
- First Place Faculty Paper Picturing Cities: A Semiotic Analysis of City and Regional Magazine Cover Images by Joy Jenkins and Keith Greenwood, Missouri
- First Place Student Paper The Ethics of Common Sense: Considering the Ethics Decision-making Processes of Freelance Magazine Journalists by Joy Jenkins, Missouri
- Second Place Student Paper Sexuality and Relationships in Cosmopolitan for Latinas Online and Cosmopolitan Online by Chelsea Reynolds, MA ’12, Minnesota
- App Assets: An Exploratory Analysis of Magazine Brands’ Digital Drive for Audience Attention by Elizabeth Hendrickson, BJ ’94, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Ohio
Magazine and Visual Communication Divisions
- On the Fly: Writing and Shooting on Study Abroad Trips by Carol Schwalbe, Arizona, and William Silcock, PhD ’01, Arizona State
Mass Communication and Society Division
- Erasing the Scarlet Letter: How Media Messages about Sex Can Lead to Better Sexual Health by Erika Johnson, MA ’12, Missouri, and Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, Oregon
- Predicting Time Spent With News Via Legacy and Digital Media by Esther Thorson, Eunjin (Anna) Kim and Roger Fidler, Missouri
- Media Literacy and Political Engagement: What’s the Connection? by Seth Ashley, MA ’02, PhD ’11, Boise State; Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast; and Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois
- Visual Gender Stereotyping and Political Image Perception by Tatsiana Karaliova, Valerie Guglielmi, Sangeeta Shastry, Jennifer Travers and Nathan Hurst, Missouri
- Processing Entertainment vs. Hard News: Cognitive and Emotional Responses to Different News Formats by Sara Magee, Loyola-Maryland, and Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State
- The Link Between Affect and Behavioral Intention: How Emotions Elicited by Social Marketing Messages of Anti-Drunk Driving on Social Media Influence Cognition and Conation by Chen Lou and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State
- The Effects of Race Cue and Emotional Content on Processing News by Heesook Choi, Sungkyoung Lee and Frank Russell, Missouri
- A New Look at Agenda-Setting Effects: Exploring the Second- and Third-level Agenda Setting in Contemporary China by Yang Cheng, Missouri
- Blogging the Brand: Meaning Transfer and the Case of Weight Watchers by Erin Willis, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Memphis; Ye Wang, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Missouri-Kansas City
- Keeping Up with the Audiences: Journalistic Role Expectations in Singapore by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Andrew Duffy, Nanyang Technological University
- What Did You Expect? What Roles Audiences Expect from Their Journalists in Singapore by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, and Zse Yin How, Nanyang Technological University
Mass Communication and Society and International Communication Divisions
- Third Place, Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition Liberation Technology? Understanding a Community Radio Station’s Social Media Use in El Salvador by Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Florida State
- The Dependency Gap: Story Types and Source Selection in Coverage of an International Health Crisis Fred Vultee, MA ’04, PhD ’07; Fatima Barakji and Lee Wilkins, BJ ’71, Wayne State
- Military Intervention or Not?: A Textual Analysis of the Coverage on Syria in Foreign Affairs and China Daily Cristina Mislan, Missouri, and Haiyan Jia, Pennsylvania State
- Reimagining Internet Geographies: A User-Centric Ethnological Mapping of the World Wide Web by Angela Xiao Wu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Harsh Taneja, Missouri
Media Ethics Division
- Professional Relevance Award Journalism Under Attack: The Charlie Hebdo Covers and Reconsiderations of Journalistic Norms by Joy Jenkins, Missouri and Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological
- How Do Ads Mean? A Mutualist Theory of Advertising Ethics by Margaret Duffy, Esther Thorson, Tatsiana Karaliova and Heesook Choi, Missouri
- A Duty to Freedom: Conceptualizing Platform Ethics by Brett Johnson, Missouri
- An Update on Advertising Ethics: An Organization’s Perspectives by Erin Schauster, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
Media Management and Economics Division
- Crossing the “Interregnum:” Group Cohesion among Adaptive Journalists by Mark Poepsel, BJ ’02, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville
Minorities and Communication Division
- Second Place Faculty Paper Framing #Ferguson: A Comparative Analysis of Media Tweets in the U.S., U.K., Spain, and France by Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, and Lauren Antista, Florida State
- Celebrity Capital of Actresses of Color: A Mixed Methods Study by Yulia Medvedeva, Cynthia Frisby and Joseph Moore, Missouri
- Roughing the Passer: Audience-held and Applied Stereotypes of NFL Quarterbacks by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder, and Edson C. Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological
Minorities and Communication and History Divisions
- Exploration of themes emphasized in the retelling over the Civil Rights Movement Over the Years. The Division in Civil Rights Leadership and Coverage of the Federal Response in the Black Press by Earnest Perry, Missouri
Religion and Media and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Groups
- Truce in a Culture War? The Curious Case of Religion and Gay Marriage by Debra Mason, Missouri
Newspaper and Online News Division
- Effect of Negative Online Reader Comments on News Perception: Role of Comment Type, Involvement and Comment Number by Manu Bhandari and David Wolfgang, Missouri
- Error Message: Creation and Validation of a Revised Codebook for Analyses of Newspaper Corrections by Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Northern Kentucky and Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran
- Gatekeeping and Unpublishing: Making Publishing and Unpublishing Decisions by Nina Pantic, MA ’14, and Tim Vos, Missouri
- Incivility, Source and Credibility: An Experimental Test of How University Students Process a News Story by Yanfang Wu and Esther Thorson, Missouri
- Likeable News: Three Experimental Tests of What Audiences Enjoy About Conversational Journalism by Doreen Marchionni, PhD ’09, The Seattle Times
- A Little Birdie Told Me: Factors That Influence the Diffusion of Twitter in Newsrooms by Alecia Swasy, MA ’11, PhD ’14, Illinois
- Objective, Opaque, and Credible: The Impact of Objectivity and Transparency on News Credibility by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University and Ryan Thomas, Missouri
- Opening the Advertising Crayon Box: Applying Kobayashi’s Color Theory to Advertising Effectiveness by Nasser Almutairi, Carie Cunningham, Kirstyn Shiner and Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State
- Radically Objective: The Role of the Alternative Media in Covering Ferguson, Missouri, by Mark Poepsel, BJ ’02, PhD ’11, Southern Illinois-Edwardsville, and Chad Painter, MA ’09, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico
- Social Responsibility a Casualty of 21st Century Newspaper Newsroom Demands by Scott Reinardy, MA ’03, PhD ’06, Kansas
- What’s The Big Deal with Big Data? Norms, Values, and Routines in Big Data Journalism by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological University and Soo-Kwang Oh, William Paterson
Participatory Journalism Interest Group
- Second Place, Student Paper Pursuing the Ideal: How News Website Commenting Policies Structure Public Discourse by David Wolfgang, Missouri
- #FergusonOctober: Gatekeeping and Civic Engagement in St. Louis News Media Tweets by Frank Russell, Anthony Roth, Margaret Duffy, Esther Thorson and Heesook Choi, Missouri
Political Communication Interest Group
- Overcoming Hard Times: Televised U.S. and Russian Presidential Rhetoric in Times of Crisis by Tatsiana Karaliova, Missouri
Public Relations Division
- Change Management Communication: Barriers, Strategies & Messaging by Marlene Neill, MA ’07, Baylor
- Crisis Communication and Corporate Apology: The Effects of Causal Attributions and Apology Types on Publics’ Cognitive and Affective Responses by Surin Chung, Missouri and Suman Lee, Iowa State
- Is There Still a PR Problem Online? Exploring the Effects of Different Sources and Crisis Response Strategies in Online Crisis Communication via Social Media by Young Kim and Hyojung Park, PhD ’11, Louisiana State
- A New Look at Organization-Public Relationship: Testing Contingent Corporation-Activist Relationship (CCAR) in Conflicts by Yang Cheng, Missouri
- Reassessment of Audience in Public Relations Industry: How Social Media Reshape Public Relations Measurements by Surin Chung and Harsh Taneja, Missouri
- Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right: Journalist Perceptions of Reputation and Errors in Corporate Communication by Melanie Formentin, Towson University; Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran; and Alyssa Appelman, BJ ’08, MA ’09, Northern Kentucky
Religion and Media Interest Group
- God and Sport: Orientalism in Sports Illustrated Coverage of Religion by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder, and Greg Perreault, Missouri
Scholastic Journalism
- Top Student Paper What’s in a Name? Boundary Work and a High School Newspaper’s Effort to Ban “Redskin” by Marina Hendricks, Missouri
- Self-Censorship in the High School Press: How Principals, Advisers, and Peers Influence Comfort with Controversial Topics by Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast
- The Usefulness of a News Media Literacy Measure in Evaluating a News Literacy Curriculum by Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast; Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois; Seth Ashley, MA ’02, PhD ’11, Boise State and Dean Miller, Stony Brook
Sports Communication Interest Group
- The Effects of Second-Screen Use on the Enjoyment of the Super Bowl by Jordan Dolbin and Brendan Watson, MA ’07, Minnesota-Twin Cities
- To Tweet and Retweet: How NFL Writers Gatekept the Ray Rice Scandal on Twitter by Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder
- The Use of Twitter as a News Source in Sports Reporting by Brian Dunleavy, MA ’14, and Tim Vos, Missouri
Faculty and doctoral students who will serve as moderators, discussants, panelists and workshop leaders are: Kent Collins, Teri Finneman, Keith Greenwood, Amanda Hinnant, Berkley Hudson, Lynda Kraxberger, Mitchell McKinney, Keith Sanders, Ryan Thomas, Esther Thorson, Yong Volz and Tim Vos.
Missouri School of Journalism alumni who will serve in these roles are:
- Bob Britten, MA ’04, PhD ’08, West Virginia
- Carrie Brown-Smith, PhD ’08, CUNY
- Sheri Broyles, MA ’81, North Texas
- Tracy Everbach, PhD ’04, North Texas
- Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State
- Summer Harlow, BJ ’99, Florida State
- Elizabeth Hendrickson, BJ ’94, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Ohio
- Paul Kandell, MA ’92, Palo Alto High School
- Adam Maksl, PhD ’12, Indiana-Southeast
- Jensen Moore, PhD ’07, Louisiana State
- Chad Painter, PhD ’12, Eastern New Mexico
- Scott Reinardy, MA ’03, PhD ’06, Kansas
- Jae-Hwa Shin, PhD ’03, Southern Mississippi
- Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech
- Daxton (Chip) Stewart, MA ’04, LLM ’07, PhD ’09, Texas Christian
- Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Southern California
- Fred Vultee, MA ’04, PhD ’07, Wayne State
- Brendan Watson, MA ’07, Minnesota-Twin Cities
Updated: October 22, 2020