Missouri Journalism Scholars to Present More Than 75 Papers at International Conference

Missouri faculty, students and alumni will present more than 75 papers at the 67th annual International Communication Association Conference in San Diego, May 25-29.
Assistant Professor Brett Johnson Earned a Top Paper Award in the Communication Law and Policy Division
Columbia, Mo. (May 24, 2017) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present more than 75 papers at the 67th annual International Communication Association conference in San Diego, May 25-29. They also will serve in numerous leadership roles as session chairs, respondents and panel participants. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Interventions: Communication Research and Practice.”
A paper by Assistant Professor Brett Johnson was selected as one of three top papers in the Communication Law and Policy division. The rankings will be announced at the meeting.
The ICA is the largest international academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching, and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication.
Current faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face. Missouri journalism degrees are listed for alumni.
Children Adolescents and the Media
- Romantic Motivations for Social Media Use, Social Comparison, and Online Aggression Among Adolescents. Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa; Maria E. Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia.
Communication History
- “Is This Justice?” Charlotta Bass and the Wesley Robert Wells Case, 1950-1954. Rachel Grant, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
- The South Through British Eyes: Journalism of Thomas Butler Gunn at the Dawn of the Confederacy. Michael Fuhlhage, MA ’07, Wayne State.
Communication Law and Policy
- Top Paper: The Supreme Court and “Robust” Public Debate: Use of the Word “Robust” in First Amendment Jurisprudence. Brett Johnson, Missouri.
- FCC’s Indecency Regulation: A Comparative Analysis Between Broadcase and Online Media. Maria I. Fontenot, Tennessee-Knoxville; Michael T. Martinez, PhD ’12, Tennessee-Knoxville.
- Issues, Technology, and Time: Why Policy Principles Are Crucial for Effective and Enduring Policy. Robert Picard, PhD ’83, Oxford.
Communication and Technology
- Contextualizing Nonprofits’ Use of Links on Twitter During the 2014 Ebola Epidemic. Melissa Tully, Iowa; Kajsa Dalrymple, Iowa; Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa.
- If A Tree Falls in a Forest: Experimental Investigation of Level of Immersion in a PSA and Resulting Prosocial Behavior. Donna Davis, Oregon; Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD, ’14, Oregon; Wes Pope, Oregon.
- Multilevel Analysis of Networked Movements in the Digital Age. Hyunkin Seo, MA ’92, Kansas; Fengjun Li, Kansas; James Sterbenz, Kansas.
- Securing Online Privacy: An Empirical Test on Internet Scam Victimization, Online Privacy Concerns, and Privacy Protection Behaviors. Hongliang Chen, Texas A&M; Christopher Beaudoin, MA ’95, PhD ’01, Boston; Traci Hong, Boston.
- The Visible Audience: How Journalists Deal With New Forms of Audience Feedback. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
Environmental Communication
- When Scientists Tweet for Social Changes: Dialogic Communication and Collective Mobilization Strategies by Flint Water Study Scientists on Twitter. Mi Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State; Namyeon Lee, MA ’16, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
Feminist Scholarship
- A Feminist Perspective of Media Ethics: Does “Ethics of Care” Provide a Universal Framework for Global Media Ethics in the New Media Age? Mohammad Delwar Hossain, James Aucoin, PhD ’93, South Alabama.
- More Than Words: Disability, Class, Race, and Gender Performances on TV’s Speechless. Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17; Rachel Grant, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
Game Studies
- The Power of Digital Games in Disaster Preparation and Postdisaster Resilience. Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State; Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, Appalachian State; MatthewVan Dyke, Appalachian State.
Health Communication
- Can Second Life Make Health a First Priority? Examining Exercise Efficacy and Motivations in a Virtual Environment. Jennifer Lewallen, post doctoral fellow, communication, Missouri; Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, associate professor, communication, Missouri.
- Effects of Conspicuity and Integration of Warning Messages in Instagram Alcohol Ads: Balancing Between Persuasion and Reactance Among Underage Youth. Chen Lou, Nanyang Technological; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- Effects of Message Framing on Influenza Vaccination: Understanding the Role of Risk Disclosure, Perceived Vaccine Efficacy, and Felt Ambivalence. Sungsu Kim, Georgia; Ivanka Pjesivac, Georgia; Yan Jin, MA ’02, PhD ’05, Georgia.
- Effects of a Personalized Antidrinking Mobile Game on College Students’ Responses to Binge Drinking. Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, North Dakota; Soojung Kim, University of North Dakota.
- #Engagement: Use of Twitter chats to Construct Nominal Participatory Spaces During Health Crises. Rachel Young, MA ’01, PhD ’13, Iowa; Melissa Tully, Iowa; Kajsa E. Dalrymple, Iowa.
- Familiarity Breeds Less Contempt: The Effects of Familiarity in Reducing Stigma Attributed to News Stories. Sarah Smith-Frigerio, Missouri; Benjamin Warner, courtesy faculty, communication, Missouri.
- Health Information Seeking Among Singaporeans: Roles and Collective Contexts. Mohan Jyoti Dutta, National University of Singapore, Satveer Kaur-Gill, National University of Singapore, Pauline Luk, National University of Singapore; Julian Lin; Seow Ting Lee, MA ’99, PhD’ 02, Colorado-Boulder.
- Image and Framing Effects on Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Body Satisfaction: Messaging to Encourage Employees to Participate in Wellness Programs. Maria E. Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia; Yen-I Lee, Georgia.
- Interplay of Personal Value Orientation and Freedom Threat on Psychological Reactance and Behavioral Intention for Persuasive Diabetes Messages. Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’15, California State-Bakersfield.
- Is it the Celebration or Who’s Drinking? Predicting Celebration Drinking with a Revised Look at Perceived Social Norms in the Age of Social Media. Duygu Kanver, Michigan State; Greg Viken, Michigan State; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State; Sandi Smith, Michigan State; Pang-Ning Tan, Michigan State.
- Media Agenda-Building in Health: Perceptions of Public Health Information Officers and Health Journalists. Hyun Jee Oh, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Hong Kong Baptist.
- My Blogger Told Me It Was Okay to Drink: PSI Effects on Alcohol Purchase. Erika Johnson, MA ’12, PhD ’16, East Carolina; Sungkyoung Lee, Missouri; Glen Cameron, Missouri.
- Trust in Cancer Health Information Seeking. Seow Ting Lee, MA ’99, PhD ’02, Colorado-Boulder; Mohan Jyoti Dutta, National University of Singapore, Julian Lin, Pauline Luk, National University of Singapore; Satveer Kaur-Gill, National University of Singapore.
Information Systems
- #Authenticity in Ads: Exploring Effects of Perceived Authenticity, Model Size, and Social Cues on Body Image State, Social Media Engagement. Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, Oregon; Eunkin Kim, PhD ’15, Southern Methodist; Erika Johnson, PhD ’16, East Carolina; Nicole Smith Dahmen, Oregon.
- Effects of Infographics During Science News Processing: Prior Knowledge and Learning Process as Moderating Variables. Namyeon Lee, MA ’16, journalism doctoral student, Missouri; Sungkyoung Lee, Missouri.
- Measurement of Social Reward Processing of Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Micah Mazurek, Missouri; Glenn Leshner, professor emeritus, Oklahoma; Paul Bolls, Texas Tech; Russell Clayton, PhD ’15, Florida State.
- News Media Literacy and Topic Involvement as Predictors of Comment Credibility. David Wolfgang, MA ’11, PhD ’16, Colorado State; Manu Bhandari, MA ’10, PhD ’15, Arkansas State.
- Overloaded: Investigating The Effects of Working Memory and Perceptual Load On Attention And Memory for Online News Push Notifications. Carie Cunningham, Duquesne; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
- What Happened in Ferguson Stayed in Ferguson? The Influence of Physical Distance on Information-Sharing Behavior. Seoyeon Hong, PhD ’14, Webster; Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Drexel; Mi Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State.
Instructional and Developmental Communication
- GIFTS: Teaching Editorial Design Using Induction. Yulia Medvedeva, MA ’08, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
Interpersonal Communication
- Cyberbullying and Supportive Communication: Interactions Between Source and Message Characteristics. Andrew High, Iowa; Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa.
Journalism Studies
- Audiences and Journalistic Capital: Roles of Journalism. Tim Vos, Missouri; Martin Eichholz, Kelton Global; Tatsiana Karaliova, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
- Building the Journalistic Paradigm: Beyond Paradigm Repair. Tim Vos, Missouri; Joseph Moore, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
- Charting the Development of a Field: A Systematic Analysis of Comparative Studies of Journalism: Folker Christian Hanusch, Vienna; Tim Vos, Missouri.
- Comments, Analytics, and Social Media: The Impact of Audience Feedback on Journalists’ Market Orientation. Folker Christian Hanusch, University of Vienna, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
- Field, Flows, and Frankenstein Journalism. Andrew Duffy, Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Rich Ling, Nanyang Technological.
- From Letters to Numbers: How Audience Quantification Affects News Construction. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Sonny Rosenthal, Nanyang Technological.
- News Organizations’ Use of Native Videos on Facebook: Tweaking the Journalistic Field One Algorithm Change at a Time. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Julian Maitra, St. Gallen.
- Mo “Meta” blues: Metajournalistic Discourse, Mesolevel Actors, and Popular Television, Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Colorado-Boulder.
- Staying True to the Mission: How C-SPAN Translated Espoused Into Lived Values to Pull off a “Boring” Social Media Strategy. Hans Karl Meyer, MA ’06, PhD ’09, Ohio; Christy Zempter, Ohio.
- Student Perceptions on Journalistic Roles Across the World. Tim Vos, Missouri; Dimitri Prandner, Johannes Kepler-Linz.
- Taming the Trolls: How Journalists Negotiate the Boundaries of Journalism and Online Comments. David Wolfgang, MA ’11, PhD ’16, Colorado State.
- Twitter, News Media, and Predictors of Secondary Gatekeeping. Frank Russell, PhD ’16, Cal State Fullerton.
- Unpublishing the News: An analysis of U.S. and South Korean Journalists’ Discourse About an Emerging Practice. Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois; Hye Soo Nah, Illinois; Regina Anh, Illinois; Alejandro Ortiz, Northwestern.
- Whose Community? Mapping Perceptions of Power, Issues, and Solutions Across Communities: Kimberly Kelling, journalism doctoral student, Missouri; Brett Johnson, Missouri.
Mass Communication
- Addressing Climate Change as a Collective Action Problem: Revisiting Media Effects in Promoting Proenvironmental Behavioral Intention. Xiaodong Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Xiaoming Hao, MA ’90, PhD ’93, Nanyang Technological.
- Framing #October: Depictions of Social Dissent and Sports Celebration in St. Louis News Media Tweets. Frank Russell, PhD ’16, Cal State Fullerton.
- How Media Influence Illusion? An Examination of Media Effects on Illusion in Perceived Knowledge Differential Between Self and Other. Xiaodong Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Xiaoming Hao, PhD ’93, MA ’90, Nanyang Technological.
- Instagram and College Women’s Body Image: Investigating the Roles of Appearance-Related Comparisons and Intrasexual Competition. Joshua Hendrickse, Florida State; Russell Clayton, PhD ’15, Florida State; Jessica Ridgway, Florida State.
- Periodical and Serial as Contested Newspaper, Magazine and Journal-Related Concepts. Marcia Prior-Miller, MA ’81, Iowa State.
- Third-Person Effects of China News in Foreign Media and Support for the Chinese
- Government’s Global Profile-Raising Campaigns. Ran Wei, National Chiao Tung U, Ven-Hwei Lo, PhD ’85, National Chengchi; Guy Golan, Syracuse.
- Twitter, News Media, Interactivity, and Reciprocity: A Hierarchy of Influences on Social Media Gatekeeping. Frank Russell, PhD ’16, Cal State Fullerton.
- What Journalists Think Audiences Want: Social Media, Web Analytics, and Journalists’ Perception of Audience Preferences. Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Sonny Rosenthal, Nanyang Technological.
- Young Citizens, Social Media, and the Dynamics of Political Learning in the U.S. Presidential Primary Election. Stephanie Edgerly, Northwestern University, Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’92, Michigan State; Christopher Wells, Michigan State.
Media Industry Studies
- Selling Horses When Consumers Prefer Sports Cars: The Fundamental Product Problem of Legacy News Providers in the Digital World. Robert Picard, PhD ’83, Oxford.
Organizational Communication
- “We Just Don’t Talk About Sex at Work”: Silencing and the Push-Pull Process of Cosexuality in the Workplace. Cristin Compton, Missouri; Debbie Dougherty, courtesy faculty, communication, Missouri.
Political Communication
- “A Plague on Both Your Sides”: Benevolent Sexism in the Debate on Gender-Neutral Toilets. Lindsey Erin Blumell, Jennifer Huemmer, Texas Tech University, Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Texas Tech.
- Comedic Cognition: The Impact of Elaboration on Political Comedy Effects. Fred Jay Jennings, Josh Bramlett, Missouri; Benjamin Warner, courtesy faculty, communication, Missouri.
- Constructing the Socialism of the 21st Century on the Airwaves: A Rhetorical Analysis of President Hugo Chavez’s Characterization of Venezuela’s Socioeconomic Shift on Alo Presidente. Ayleen Cabas-Mijares, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
- Effects of intergroup Contact on Affective Polarization, Attribution of Malevolence, and Acceptance of Political Violence. Benjamin Warner, courtesy faculty, communication, Missouri; Astrid Villamil, Missouri.
- Partisanship, Interest, or Friends? Testing Competing Hypotheses of Political News Flows. Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State; Emily Vraga, George Mason; Christopher Wells, Samuel Tham, MA ’15, Michigan State.
- Protest Communication Ecology and Community Racial Crisis: The Case of the Michael Brown Shooting Death. J. Brian Houston, courtesy faculty, communication,frisby Missouri; Esther Thorson, professor emerita, Michigan State; Cynthia Frisby, Missouri; Rocio Galarza Molina, Missouri; Jennifer First, Missouri.
Public Diplomacy
- Framing the Syrian Refugee Crisis: Securitization in the U.S. News Media. Mi Rosie Jahng, PhD ’12, Wayne State.
Public Relations
- Aligning Core Values With CSR Communication: Diversity and Accountability. Maria E. Len-Rios, PhD ’02, Georgia.
- CSR Communication as a Bolstering Crisis Response Strategy: Public Inferences of CSR Attributions and Leadership Styles. Jeesun Kim, PhD ’09, Incheon National; Hyun Jee Oh, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Hong Kong Baptist.
- Exploring Gendered Assumptions of Social Media Expertise and Practitioner Power in Public Relations. Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Drexel; Katie Place, Quinnipiac; Brian Smith, Purdue.
- The Environment as a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Relationship Management in Public Relations. Seow Ting Lee, MA ’99, PhD ’02, Colorado-Boulder; Amanda Kee, National University of Singapore.
- The “Halo Effect” in Online Crisis Communication: Exploring the Effects of Organization-Public Relationship on Crisis Communication via Social media. Young Kim, Marquette; Hyojung Park, PhD ’11, Louisiana State.
- The Status of the Social Mediated Crisis management (SMCM) Research: An Analysis of Published Research Articles. Yang Cheng, journalism doctoral student, Missouri.
- To Post or Not to Post on Organizational Facebook Pages? Testing a Privacy Management Model for Millenials on Social Media. Kyung Jung Han, PhD ’16, California State-Bakersfield; Joongwha Lee, PhD ’12, North Dakota.
- University Reputation Management: Testing the Effects of Identity and Image on Reputation and Behavioral Intentions. Youngah Lee, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Ball State; Hyojung Park, PhD ’11, Louisiana State.
Visual Communication Studies
- Picturing Race: Toward a Critical Model of Visual Racism. Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, George Washington; Margaret Duffy, Missouri.
- Symbolic Convergence in Depictions of Syrian Migrants: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of the Humans of New York Series “The Syrian Americans”. Gregory Perreault, PhD ’15, Appalachian State; Newly Paul, Appalachian State.
Preconference Session: Media Performance and Democracy: The Debate Continues
- Youth in Revolt: The Democratic Potential of Campus Newspaper Protest Coverage. Marina Hendricks, journalism doctoral student, Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17.
Missouri Leadership
- Participants, Heesook Choi, journalism doctoral student, Missouri; Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois; Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Tim Vos, Missouri; Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium.
- Chair, Stephanie Craft, MA ’90, Illinois. Journalists’ Discourses About Journalism: Negotiating Professional Practices and Boundaries.
- Participants, Marina Hendricks, journalism doctoral student, Missouri, Joy Jenkins, PhD ’17. Media Performance and Democracy: The Debate Continues.
- Respondent, J. Brian Houston, courtesy faculty, communication, Missouri. Strategic Environmental Communication and Exploration of Research in Crisis, Risk, and Disaster Communication.
- Chair, Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, Appalachian State. Media Effects and Audience Behavior in Environmental Communication.
- Chair, Mimi Perreault, PhD ’16, Appalachian State. Strategic Environmental Communication and Exploration of Research in Crisis, Risk, and Disaster Communication.
- Respondent, Jae-Hwa Shin, PhD ’03, Southern Mississippi. Theory Interventions II: Organization-Public Relationships.
- Chair, Heather Shoenberger, MA ’06, PhD ’14, Oregon. To Understand Communication and Social Networks I.
- Chair, Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State. Digital Campaigns, Social Media, and Elections: New Platforms, New Research.
- Chair, Kjerstin Thorson, MA ’07, Michigan State. Fakes, Facts, and Misperceptions on Social Media.
- Participant, Yanfang Wu, journalism doctoral student, Missouri. Journalism Studies Graduate Student Colloquium.
- Chair, Rachel Young, PhD ’13, Iowa. Stress, Coping, and Social Support.
Updated: October 22, 2020