Missouri Journalism Scholars to Present 39 Papers at the International Communication Association Conference
Theme of ‘Communication and the Good Life’ Allows Exploration of the Challenges of the New Media Environment
By Caroline Murray
Columbia, Mo. (May 5, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty, students and alumni will present 39 papers at the 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association, which begins May 22 in Seattle.

The papers to be presented cover a variety of topics, including media coverage of health issues, journalists’ social media use and visual communication studies. Each of the papers falls under the larger theme of this year’s conference, “Communication and the ‘Good Life,'” which considers what the “good life” might be like in today’s new media environment and the challenges that might come with attaining it. Missouri scholars will present in 36 different sessions throughout the four-day conference.
Manu Bhandari, a doctoral student and one of School’s most prolific presenters at this year’s conference with five papers, said the support from faculty and staff has been vital to his success.
“The School and faculty members provide an encouraging atmosphere and support for research,” Bhandari said. “Like my fellow doctoral students, I am very grateful to have this opportunity to travel to conferences. Without the School’s and the University’s generous support, financial and otherwise, this wouldn’t have been possible.”
The conference is slated to be the largest in ICA history, with an estimated 2,200 scholars from more than 40 countries expected to attend more than 500 sessions.
Current faculty, students and alumni are identified in bold face. Missouri journalism degrees are listed for alumni.
Pre-Conference: Strategic Communication Campaigns in a Contemporary, Digital, and Networked Society
- Social Media and Image Repair: Celebrity Type, Moral Character and Performance In Crisis Cases Involving Racial Issues” by María Len-Ríos, associate professor; Teri Finneman, doctoral student; Kyung Hung Han, doctoral student; and Earnest Perry, associate professor.
Children, Adolescents and Media
- Latino Adolescent Use of Mass Media and Mediated Communication in Romantic Relationships by María Len-Ríos, associate professor; Sarah Killoren, MU assistant professor; Arielle Deutsch, MU post-doctoral fellow; Cara Streit, MU doctoral student; Lynne Cooper, MU curators’ professor; Gustavo Carlo, MU professor.
CCA Research Panel: Impact of New Media, Social Media and Media Technology on Chinese
- Third Person Effect and Pandemic Flu: The Role of Perceived Severity, Self-Efficacy, and Message Source by Hyunmin Lee, PhD ’11, Saint Louis University; Sun-A Park, MA ’07, PhD ’10.
Communication History
- Mediating Video Game Violence: A Case Study of GamePro Magazine, 1991-1999 by Greg Perreault, doctoral student.
Communication and Technology
- Effects of Social Interface Cues on Blogs and Traditional News Sites by Manu Bhandari, doctoral student; María Len-Ríos, associate professor.
Communication and Technology: Threats Responses on Social Media
- Anticyberbullying Civic Participation: Effects of Virality, Arousal Level, and Commenting Behavior for YouTube Videos on Civic Behavioral Intentions by Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Jong-hwan Baek, Carie Cunningham, Michigan State, Amy Hagerstrom, all of Michigan State.
Communication and Technology: Multitasking With Technology
- Why Do We Multitask With Media? Predictors of Media Multitasking Among Internet Users in the United States and Taiwan by Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Michigan State; Yi-hsuan Chiang, Shih Hsin.
Communication Law and Policy
- McBurney v. Young: 19th Century Precedents Used to Downplay 21st Century FOIA Statutes by Michael T. Martinez, MA ’80, PhD ’12, and Dwight L. Teeter Jr., both of Tennessee.
Feminist Scholarship: Critical Readings of Media Representations
- “It’s a Two-Woman Race … Doesn’t That Have a Nice Ring?” by Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, and Mandy Hagseth, both of South Dakota.
Journalism Studies and Communication History: The Past Brought Into the Present: Collective Memory and Journalism
- @todayin1963: Commemorative Journalism, Digital Collective Remembering, and the March on Washington by Brendan Watson, MA ’08, and Michelle Chen, both of Minnesota.
Journalism Studies and Communication and Technology: News and Networks: Journalists’ Social Media Use
- “Stay Tuned”: A Case Study of Trustee Networked Journalism by Mimi Perreault, doctoral student; Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; Esther Thorson, associate dean of graduate studies.
Health Communication: Health Message Framing Issues
- News Framing of Suicide: A Personal or Public Health Issue by Roma Subramanian, doctoral student; Amanda Hinnant, assistant professor.
Health Communication: HIV Message Framing and Risk Perceptions
- Coming Down From the Ivory Tower: Visual Frames of HIV/AIDS in Academe and Society by Viorela Dan, Free U of Berlin; Renita Coleman, MA ’97, PhD ’01, Texas.
Health Communication: Media Coverage of Health Issues
- The Role of Media Coverage in Cities With/Without Smoke-Free Ordinances: A 7-Year Content Analysis by Shelly Rodgers, professor; Zongyuan Wang, doctoral student.
Health Communication: Technology and Health Communication
- The Effects of Rotoscope Animation on Attention and Memory of Depression Drug Messages by Russell Clayton, doctoral student.
Health Communication: Talking Tobacco: Cognition and Emotional Messages
- Motivational Processing of Antitobacco Messages: The Effects of Anger and Disgust by Glenn Leshner, professor; Russell Clayton, doctoral student; Manu Bhandari, doctoral student.
Information Systems: Analyses of Content and Structural Features of Messages
- The Impact of Image Intensity and Text Color on Responses to Health Warnings by Erika Johnson, doctoral student; Ginny Chadwick, master’s student; Rachel Davis, doctoral candidate; Qin Liu, visiting scholar; Michelle Reed, master’s student; Dawn Schillinger, master’s student; Jennah Sontag, master’s student; Zongyuan Wang, doctoral student.
- People vs. Objects in Media Texts: Effects of Content Features on Attention, Arousal, and Memory by Miglena Sternadori, MA ’05, PhD ’08, Brandon Harley Nutting, Frank Hulscher, Charlie Dalldorf, all of South Dakota.
Information Systems: Analyses of Stereotypes, Gender Roles, and Expectancy Violations in Media
- Violating Viewers’ Expectations During Narrative Processing by Freya Sukalla, Augsburg University; Heather Shoenberger, doctoral candidate; Paul Bolls, associate professor.
Information Systems: Analyses of Gaming, Mobile Devices, and Technology
- Cell Phone Devices as an Extension of Self and Impedance on Cognitive Tasks by Russell Clayton, doctoral student; Anthony Almond, BJ ’11, MA ’13, Indiana; Glenn Leshner, professor.
Information Systems: Cognitive Resource Allocation
- Effects of Testimonial and Informational Comments on News Perception by Manu Bhandari and David Wolfgang, both Missouri Journalism doctoral students.
Information Systems: Online Media I: Analyses of Communication Processes
- Credibility of Anonymity in Third-Party Content Online by David Wolfgang and Manu Bhandari, both doctoral students.
Information Systems: Psychological Processes Underlying Health Communication
- Anger and Disgust: Understanding Smokers Psychophysiological Responses to Antitobacco Public Service Announcements by Glenn Leshner, professor; Russell Clayton, doctoral student; Roma Subramanian, doctoral student; Manu Bhandari, doctoral student; Paul Bolls, associate professor.
- Goal Refreshing and Stimulation: Can Media Multitasking Help Keep Focus While Reading Health-Related Information Online? by Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Shupei Yuan, Eunsin Joo, all of Michigan State.
Information Systems: Processes Underlying The Communication of Science and Health Information
- Who Tweeted What? Effects of Race and Weight Status on Memory for Obesity Online News Stories by Nasser N Almutairi, Michigan State; Erin Willis, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Memphis; Lea C. Hellmueller, former visiting doctoral scholar, Texas Tech; Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, Michigan State.
Journalism Studies
- “Mrs. Jesus?” A Hegemonic Press Love Affair With Jesus the Bachelor by Greg Perreault, doctoral student; Joy Jenkins, doctoral student; Alecia Swasy, doctoral candidate; Mimi Perreault, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies: Journalism-State Relations: Views From Four Countries
- Tools and Techniques of Propagandistic Framing on State-Run Belarusian Television by Tatsiana Karaliova, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies: Journalism and its Communities
- Reporting Resilience: Narratives of Preparedness and Recovery in the Joplin Globe by Mimi Perreault, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies: Journalism, Accuracy, and Criticism
- Reader Comments as Press Criticism: Implications for the Journalistic Field by Stephanie L. Craft, MA ’90, Illinois; Tim Vos, associate professor; David Wolfgang, doctoral student.
Journalism Studies: Negotiating New Tensions in News Production
- The Ethics of Web Analytics: Implications of Using Audience Metrics in News Construction by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Ryan Thomas, assistant professor.
- Journalism Hits a Wall: Changing Metaphors of the Separation of Editorial and Advertising Functions in News Organizations by Katie Artemas, BJ ’12, MA ’13; Tim Vos, associate professor; Margaret Duffy, professor.
Journalism Studies: Reconsidering the Role of News in Democratic Governance
- Journalists as Moralists: A Multimodal Metaphor Analysis of Government Shutdown Coverage by Janis Teruggi Page, PhD ’05, Florida Institute of Technology; Margaret Duffy, professor; Greg Perreault, doctoral student.
Mass Communication: Issues of Credibility in Online News Media
- The Journalist Is Marketing the News: Social Media in News Construction by Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological.
Mass Communication
- Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurial Decision-Making in Media and Communication Firms by Frank Russell, doctoral student.
Mass Communication: Audience and Advertising in Social Media
- Predicting Individuals’ Interactions With Facebook Sponsored Stories: The Application of TRA and Personal Norms by Soojung Kim, Oregon; Joonghwa Lee, PhD ’12, Middle Tennessee State; Doyle Yoon, MA ’99, PhD ’03, Oklahoma.
Mass Communication: Issues of Credibility in Online News Media
- Facebook Use, Envy, and Depression Among College Students: Is Facebooking Depressing? Edson Tandoc, PhD ’13, Nanyang Technological; Patrick Ferrucci, PhD ’13, Bradley; Margaret Duffy, professor.
Public Relations: Outcomes of CSR-Related Initiatives
- The Cultural Mediated Moderation Effects of CSR Campaigns: Perceived CSR as a Mediator by Soojung Kim, Oregon; Jiyang Bae, PhD ’06, Chonnam National.
Visual Communication Studies: Visual Design, Visual Complexity, and Impact
- Personality and Demographic Predictors of Preference for Visual Complexity by Zongyuan Wang, doctoral student; Brittany R. L. Duff, Minnesota.
Visual Communication Studies: From a “Life Line” to a “Bridging Model” of Visual Research? Theoretical and Methodological
- Accentuate the Negative? The Importance of Valence in Visual Framing by Renita Coleman, MA ’97, PhD ’01, Texas.
In addition, a faculty member and alumna will serve in leadership roles during two sessions. Paul Bolls, associate professor, will serve as chair of the Cognitive Resource Allocation session that includes eight paper presentations. Anastasia Kononova, PhD ’10, Michigan State, will serve as a respondent for the Communication and Technology session on Relationship Maintenance on Facebook.
ICA is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication. The international association has more than 4,800 members in 77 countries.
Updated: July 24, 2020