Missouri Journalism Students and Faculty Earn 485 Awards, Honors and Other Recognitions During Recent Academic Year
Columbia, Mo. (June 26, 2013) — Missouri School of Journalism students and faculty earned an impressive 485 top awards, honors and other recognitions during the 2012-13 academic year.
Only honors that were selected in competitions sponsored by outside organizations or those external to the School are included in the list. Missouri students and faculty were recognized for excellence by 65 international, national and regional organizations for writing, design, research, design, advertising, public relations, photography, editing and other areas. A total of 52 awards earned first-place and top-honors distinctions.
The 485 awards earned by Missouri Journalism students and faculty in 2012-13 are the following:

International Awards
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
- 105 peer-reviewed papers presented.
- Article by professor cited as “One of the Top 50 Classics in Journalism and Mass Communication Scholarship During Past 80 Years.”
- Professor emeritus named Newspaper and Online News Division’s 2012 Educator of the Year.
- School recognized as a founding member of AEJMC.
- Two faculty were top vote-getters in standing committee elections for publications and teaching.
Top AEJMC Paper Awards
- Ecquid Novi African Journalism Studies Award for the Best Journalism Research Paper, International Communication Division.
- Bob Stevenson Top Paper Competition Award, International Communication Division.
- Winner, Top Open Division Paper Award, Newspaper and Online Division.
- Top Faculty Paper, Magazine Division.
- Top Faculty Paper, Community Journalism Interest Group.
- Top Faculty Paper, Sports Communication Interest Group.
- First Place, Student-Faculty Collaboration Paper, Commission on the Status of Women.
- First Place Faculty Paper, Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division.
- First Place, Carol Burnett Graduate Student Research Paper Award, Media Ethics Division.
- Second Place Faculty Paper, Commission on the Status of Women.
- Second Place Student Paper, Mass Communication and Society Division.
- Second Place Faculty Award, Public Relations Division.
- Third Place Paper, Advertising Division.
- Third Place Faculty Paper, Communicating Science, Health, Environment, Risk Division.
- Third Place Faculty Paper, History Division.
- Third Place Paper, International Communication Division.
- Third Place Faculty Paper, Mass Communication and Society Division.
- Fourth Place Faculty Paper, Mass Communication and Society Division.
- Fourth Place Student Paper, Mass Communication and Society Division.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Divisional Journals
- Faculty member serves as editor of the Visual Communication Quarterly.
- Faculty member serves as editor of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Standing Committees
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Student Magazine Contest
- First Place, Consumer Magazine Article: Places.
- First Place, Consumer Magazine Article: Service and Information.
- Second Place, Consumer Magazine Article: Places.
- Second Place, Single Issue of an Ongoing Print Magazine: Design.
- Honorable Mention, Consumer Magazine Article: Service and Information.
- Honorable Mention, Single Issue of an Ongoing Print Magazine: Editorial.
- Honorable Mention, Start-up Magazine Project: Team.
Chiang Mai Documentary Arts Festival, Thailand
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Fellowship
Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark
- Student selected as one of 10 for the international photojournalism program.
European Association for Communication in Healthcare
- Two peer-reviewed poster sessions and a paper presented.
German-American Fulbright Commission
International Communication Association
- Top Faculty Paper, Environmental Communication Interest Group.
- Second Place Paper, Visual Communication Studies Division.
- 33 peer-reviewed papers presented at London conference.
International Conference on Culture, Politics and Climate Change
- Peer-reviewed paper presented.
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
- Faculty member was an invited speaker at meeting for foreign journalists.
Pulitzer Prize
U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa
National Awards and Recognitions
Adobe Digital Analytics National Competition
Alliance for Community Media
American Academy of Advertising
- Doctoral student receives $2,000 prize for dissertation research.
- Graduate dean receives Outstanding Contribution to Research Award.
- One peer-reviewed paper presented.
American Advertising Federation
- Student selected as one of the 50 “most promising minority” seniors in national competition.
- Student one of four students to receive the Young Talent Award.
- 11 students inducted in Alpha Delta Sigma, a national honor society.
American Copy Editors Society
American Journalism Historians Association
- Six peer-reviewed papers presented.
American Society of Magazine Editors
- Two professors served as judges of the National Magazine Awards competition, the top honors of this industry.
American Society of News Editors
- Master’s thesis research on design hubs featured during second leadership and management webinar of the year.
Associated Press Sports Editors
- First Place, Project Reporting.
- First Place, Multimedia.
- Second Place, Multimedia.
- Fourth Place, Breaking News.
- Fourth Place, Feature Story.
- Honorable Mention, Explanatory.
- Honorable Mention, Feature Story.
- Top 10 Daily Sports Section.
- Top 5 Special Section.
- Top 5 Sunday Sports Section.
- Honorable Mention Special Section.
- APSE member sponsors Missouri student for membership.
Boston Globe
Broadcast Education Association
- One peer-reviewed paper presented.
Carnegie Corporation of New York
College Photographer of the Year
- Silver, Interpretive Eye.
- Silver, Interpretive Project.
- Bronze, Sports Action.
Donald W. Reynolds Foundation
Dow Jones News Fund
- Two students selected as summer interns.
- Missouri Urban Journalism Workshop participant selected for one of eight national high school scholarships.
Drake University
- Professor selected to participate in E.T. Meredith Visiting Professionals Series.
Editor and Publisher Magazine
- Faculty article about reporters covering polling places during voting selected for publication.
Fox Sports Network
Friends of Public Radio Arizona
Hearst Journalism Awards
National Championships
- Second Place, Photojournalism
- Third Place, Multimedia
Intercollegiate Awards (34)
Monthly Competitions
- First Place, Photo I – News/Features , $2,600 scholarship.
- Second Place, Enterprise Reporting, $2,000 scholarship.
- Third Place, Enterprise Reporting, $1,500 scholarship.
- Fourth Place, Feature Writing, $1,000 scholarship.
- Fourth Place, Multimedia, $1,000 scholarship.
- Fourth Place, Personality Profile, $1,000 scholarship.
- Seventh Place, Photo II – Picture Story/Series.
- Eighth Place, Broadcast News II.
- Eighth Place, Multimedia Team Reporting
- Ninth Place, Enterprise Reporting.
- Ninth Place, News/Feature Photos.
- Ninth Place, Photo II – Picture Story/Series.
- Ninth Place, Radio Broadcast.
InfoSocial 2013
- Peer-reviewed paper presented.
Jurist Academic Commentary
- Professor invited to comment on Third Circuit ruling on media rights at polling places.
Media Diversity Forum
- Professor and alumna are two of eight national scholars appointed to the staff.
- YAYA Connection blog entry published in Engage: GenY column.
Mindfire, an Idea Engine by Ketchum
- Challenge winner.
National Communication Association
- One peer-reviewed paper presented.
National Press Photographers Association
- Undergraduate recognized as an “emerging talent.”
- Alumna featured in Photo Journal column.
- Honorable Mention, Best Use of Photography: Newspaper Front Page.
National Press Photographers Association Best Use of Photography Quarterly Clip Contest
- Third Place, picture page, first quarter 2012.
- Third Place, news page, second quarter 2012.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
- Two faculty members chosen to judge the annual “Spotlight on Excellence” national competition.
NBC Nightly News Weekend Edition
- Missouri’s drone journalism program featured on March 10, 2013.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- American Journalism, 30(1). 36-43.
- Communication Law & Policy 18(1), 1-61.
- Communication Research Trends, 31 (2), 4-27.
- Computers in Human Behavior, 29; 687–693.
- Health Communication Research, 6(1), 1-36.
- Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. (forthcoming).
- Journal of Health Communication (in press).
- Journal of Marketing Communications Vol. 19.
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 90(3).
- Journal of Media and Religion, 12(2).
- Journalism Practice [DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2012.726503].
- Journalism Studies, 13(3).
- Journalism Studies, 14(3). [DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2012.697686].
- Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, 13(7) 848-866.
- International Communication Gazette 74(7): 619-635.
- International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 7(3), 25-37.
- Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 76-88.
- Newspaper Research Journal 34 (1): 89-103, Winter 2013. (30)
- Reynolds Courts & Media Law Journal. Winter 2012.
- Social Indicators Research. [DOI: 10.1007/s11205-012-0109-6].
- Visual Communication Quarterly, 19:3, 177-187.
PBS NewsHour’s Inauguration Multimedia Short Course
- Two students – one graduate, one undergraduate – selected to be among 14 to create original content for 2013 presidential inauguration for PBS NewsHour.
Religion News Association
- First Place, Chandler Student Religion Reporter of the Year.
- Honorable Mention, Chandler Student Religion Reporter of the Year.
Reynolds Journalism Institute
Society for Consumer Psychology Conference
- Two peer-reviewed paper presented.
Society of Professional Journalists National Mark of Excellence Awards
- National Finalist, Non-Fiction Magazine Article.
- National Finalist, Television Feature Reporting.
- National Finalist, Television Sports Reporting.
Society of American Business Editors and Writers
- Professor honored with President’s Award.
- Top Student Prize, Best of Business contest.
- Honorable Mention: Best of Business contest (1).
- Honorable Mention: Best of Business contest (2).
Society of News Design College News Design Contest
- First Place: Multi-page Story Package, News or Sports.
- First Place: Photo Story Design.
- Second Place: Breaking News.
- Second Place: Best Newspaper Cover Design.
- Second Place: Photo Story Design.
- Third Place: Mini Site/Special Section of a News Website.
- Honorable Mention: Sports Page Design.
Sports Journalism Institute
Telly Awards
- School’s Health Communication Research Center participated in an award-winning film produced by MU Cooperative Media Group.
University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Arkansas
U.S. Department of State
- Doctoral student recipient of a critical language scholarship.
White House Correspondents’ Association
Regional Awards and Recognitions
Kennedy Center American College Festival 45, Region V
Mid-America Emmy Award, Regional
- Student Award for Excellence.
- Regional Emmy, Historical/Cultural.
- Regional Emmy, Human Interest.
- Regional Emmy, Interactivity.
- Regional Emmy, News Features.
Jim Murray Memorial Foundation
Radio Television Digital News Association: Edward R. Murrow Region 5 Awards
- Continuing Coverage.
- Hard News Reporting.
- News Documentary.
- Sports Reporting.
- Website.
Society of Professional Journalists Region 7 Mark of Excellence Awards
- Best All-Around Radio Newscast, KBIA-FM.
- General News Reporting, KPBS.
- In-Depth Reporting, Columbia Missourian.
- Online News Reporting, Vox Magazine.
- Online Sports Reporting, PowerMizzou.com.
- Non-Fiction Magazine Article, Vox Magazine.
- Non-Fiction Magazine Article, Vox Magazine.
- Radio Feature, KBIA-FM.
- Radio In-Depth Reporting, KBIA-FM.
- Radio News Reporting, Missouri Digital News.
- Radio Sports Reporting, KBIA-FM.
- Sports Writing, Columbia Missourian.
- Television Breaking News Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television Feature Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television Feature Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television General News Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television General News Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television In-Depth Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television In-Depth Reporting, KOMU-TV.
- Television News Photography, KOMU-TV.
- Television Sports Reporting, KOMU-TV.
State Awards and Recognitions
- Missouri Broadcasters Association for KOMU-TV
- Best documentary/public affairs.
- Best feature.
- Best news series.
Missouri Interscholastic Press Association
- Professor emeritus named recipient of the Knight Award for service to scholastic or minority journalism.
Missouri Press Association
Missouri Press Association for the Columbia Missourian
- Gold Medal, Class 2.
- General Excellence, Class 2.
- First Place, Best Ad Idea or Promotion of an Advertiser.
- First Place, Best Business Story.
- First Place, Best Feature Story.
- First Place, Best Front to Back Newspaper Design.
- First Place, Best Coverage of Government Dailies.
- First Place, Best Story about Education.
- First Place, Best Headline Writing.
- First Place, Best Story about History.
- First Place, Best Information Graphic.
- First Place, Best Investigative Reporting.
- First Place, Best News Content.
- First Place, Best News Story.
- First Place, Best Page Design.
- First Place, Best Photo Package.
- First Place, Best Story about Religion.
- First Place, Best Story about Rural Life or Agriculture.
- First Place, Best Sports News Story or Package.
- First Place, Best Story about the Outdoors.
- First Place, Best Sports Photograph.
- First Place, Best Video.
- Second Place, Best Ad Idea or Promotion of an Advertiser.
- Second Place, Best Ad Idea of Promotion of the Newspaper.
- Second Place, Best Feature Photograph.
- Second Place, Best Investigative Reporting.
- Second Place, Best Information Graphic.
- Second Place, Best News Story.
- Second Place, Best Page Design.
- Second Place, Best News Photograph.
- Second Place, Best Photo Package.
- Second Place, Best Story about the Outdoors.
- Second Place, Best Story about Rural Life or Agriculture.
- Second Place, Best Sports Columnist.
- Second Place, Best Sports Feature Story.
- Second Place, Best Sports News Story or Package.
- Second Place, Best Sports Page.
- Second Place, Best Sports Photograph.
- Second Place, Best Video.
- Third Place, Best Ad Idea or Promotion of an Advertiser.
- Third Place, Community Service Award.
- Third Place, Best Coverage of Community/People/Lifestyles.
- Third Place, Best Coverage of Government.
- Third Place, Best Story about Education.
- Third Place, Best Feature Photograph.
- Third Place, Best Front Page.
- Third Place, Best Information Graphic.
- Third Place, Best News or Feature Series.
- Third Place, Best News Photograph.
- Third Place, Best News Story.
- Third Place, Best Story about the Outdoors.
- Third Place, Best Page Design.
- Third Place, Best Story about Rural Life or Agriculture.
- Third Place, Best Special Section.
- Third Place, Best Sports Feature.
- Third Place, Best Video.
- Honorable Mention, Best Business Story.
- Honorable Mention, Best Feature Story.
- Honorable Mention, Best Story about History.
- Honorable Mention, Best Investigative Reporting.
- Honorable Mention, Best News Story (1).
- Honorable Mention, Best News Story (2).
- Honorable Mention, Best Photo Package.
- Honorable Mention, Best Sports Feature Story.
- Honorable Mention, Best Story about the Outdoors.
University of Missouri
- School receives $93,730 in funding to create two new online master’s emphasis areas: health communication and interactive media.
- Career Explorations course receives a $40,000 redesign grant, one of seven grants campus-wide.
Faculty and Staff
- Faculty member and co-investigators awarded $25,000 Mizzou Advantage Pitch Grant.
- Three faculty members selected for the inaugural UM Faculty Scholars program.
- Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award in the office/secretarial category.
- One faculty member selected for a Mizzou Alumni Association Faculty-Alumni Award.
- One professor selected to participate in 24th Annual Wakonse Conference on College Teaching in Michigan.
- Faculty member receives $2,500 Southeastern Conference Visiting Faculty Travel Grant.
- Faculty member recognized for contributions to the Freshman Interest Group program.
- Seven undergraduates selected for Mizzou 39, an award that honors 39 outstanding MU seniors for their academic, leadership and service achievements.
- Student selected as one of MU’s 15 top teaching assistants.
- 13 journalism students selected to be 2013 Summer Welcome leaders.
- Five incoming freshmen selected as Discovery Fellows, an undergraduate research program that is part of the Honors College.
- 18 inducted on Tap Day: 7 Omicron Delta Kappa, 5 Mortar Board, 3 QEBH, 2 LSV Society, 1 Mystical Seven.
Updated: July 17, 2020