Missouri Journalism Students, Faculty, Staff Earn More than 500 Awards and Honors in 2013-14 Academic Year

The Recognitions Celebrate Excellence in Research, Multimedia, Writing and More
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 8, 2014) — Missouri School of Journalism students, faculty and staff earned more than 500 top awards, honors and other recognitions during the 2013-14 academic year.
Among the listings are national Hearst Journalism Awards winners, a National Edward R. Murrow Award and a student’s multimedia project being one of 20 selected for exhibition at the Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalists in Germany.
Only honors that were selected in competitions sponsored by outside organizations or those external to the School are included in the list. Missouri students, faculty and staff were recognized for excellence by 74 international, national and regional organizations for writing, design, research, design, advertising, public relations, photography, editing and other areas. A total of 84 of the awards earned first-place and top-honors distinctions.
The 500-plus awards earned by Missouri Journalism students and faculty are listed below.

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
- 114 peer-reviewed research papers presented by Missouri journalism faculty, students and alumni
- 11 top paper awards
- Cultural and Critical Studies Division: Top Faculty Paper – Third Place
- Electronic News Division: Top Student Paper
- Korean American Communication Association: Top Paper
- Law and Policy Division: Top Student Paper Award
- Law and Policy Division: Third Place Student Award
- Magazine Division: First Place, Student Paper
- Mass Communication and Society: First Place, Moeller Competition
- Media Ethics Division: Top Faculty Paper
- Minorities and Communication Division: First-Place Faculty Paper
- Newspaper and Online News Division: Winner, First Place Open Competition
- Visual Communication Division: Top Faculty Paper
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Divisional Journals
- Faculty member serves as editor of the Visual Communication Quarterly
- Professor emerita serves as editor of the Journal of Mass Media Ethics
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Standing Committee
- Professor elected to Teaching Committee
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Student Magazine Contest
- First Place, Consumer Magazine Article: Feature
- First Place, Consumer Magazine Article: People
- First Place, Start-up Magazine Project: Team
- Third Place, Start-up Magazine Project: Team
China Academy Awards for Documentary Film
- First place, Best Foreign Language Film
East-West Center International Media Conference
- Four undergraduate, three graduate students selected to provide coverage of meeting in Yangoon, Myanmar
- Professor participated as a keynote speaker
German-American Fulbright Commission
- One student among select few from U.S. schools for Young Journalists in Germany program in Berlin
Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics
- Two master’s students received fellowships to study journalism ethics practiced during the Holocaust

International Communication Association
- 39 peer-reviewed research papers presented by Missouri journalism faculty, students and alumni
International Conference on Crisis Communication
- Two peer-reviewed papers presented at Erfurt, Germany, conference
International Conference on the Global View
- Peer-reviewed article coauthored by three doctoral students accepted for presentation
International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Religion and Media
- Faculty member selected to serve as keynote speaker at this meeting in Liverpool, England
International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies
- Professor selected as associate editor
International Federation of Library Associations
- Journalism librarians presented paper on digital news preservation at Geneva, Switzerland, conference
International Press Institute
- Professor appointed to four-year term on IPI’s executive board
International Public Relations Research Conference
- Graduate students and alumni presented eight peer-reviewed papers
Lumix Festival for Young Photojournalism
- Student’s multimedia project one of only 20 selected for exhibition at international festival in Hannover, Germany
OCLC Worldwide Online Catalog Library Cooperative
- Frank L. Martin Journalism Library designated an “area of distinction”

American Academy of Advertising
- 12 peer-reviewed papers presented
American Academy of Advertising Top Awards
- Best Conference Paper
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award, $1,500 prize
- Graduate Student Travel Grant, $500 grant
- Mary Alice Shaver Promising Professor Award
American Association of Advertising Agencies
- Undergraduate selected for the Multicultural Advertising Internship Program
American Copy Editors Society
- Undergraduate one of five national winners of $1,000 scholarship
American Journalism Historians Association
- Professor named AJHA Educator of the Year
Applied Environmental Education and Communication Journal
- Peer-reviewed coauthored by doctoral student accepted for publication
- KBIA-FM ranked No. 4 in the nation among Corporation for Public Broadcasting-funded operations in the U.S.
Associated Press Sports Editors
- Top five, Daily sections (under 15,000)
- Top five, Sunday sections (under 15,000)
- Honorable mention, Sunday sections, under 30,000
- Fourth place: Multimedia, under 500,000 uniques
- Seventh place: Explanatory writing
- Ninth place: Multimedia, under 500,000 uniques
- Tenth place: Beat writing
Ball State University
- Professor received 2014 Outstanding Journalism Alumna Award
City and Regional Magazine Association
- Professor received RR Donnelley Lifetime Achievement Award
College Photographer of the Year
- Gold, Interpretive Project
- Silver, Feature
- Bronze, Large Group Multimedia Project
- Award of Excellence: Large Group Multimedia Project
- Award of Excellence: Individual Multimedia Story or Essay
- Bronze, Solo Journalist Multimedia Story or Essay
- Award of Excellence: Solo Journalist Multimedia Story or Essay
Davidson College
- Professor emeritus named the James Knox Batten Visiting Professorship in Public Policy for the spring 2014 semester
- Student is one of five interns in the nation to manage an online photo contest geared toward men in college
Disaster Journal
- Peer-reviewed article coauthored by doctoral student accepted for publication
Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute-KQED Public Media Hackathon
- Student a member of a student-winning team of a $500 prize for best use of Public Media Platform API (application programming interface)
Dow Jones News Fund
- 3 students selected as summer interns
- An undergraduate and a master’s student selected for the Alfred Fleishman Diversity Fellowship program
Gender, Race, and Representation in Magazines and New Media Conference
- Doctoral student presented peer-reviewed paper
Handbook of Research Trends in Gamification
- Two chapters by two doctoral students included in book

Hearst Journalism Awards
- National Championships
- Third place, Multimedia, $3,000 award
- Finalist, Television Broadcast News, $1,500 scholarship
- Best Multimedia Story of the Year, $1,000 award
- Intercollegiate Journalism Awards
- First place, Broadcast News, $10,000 prize
- Second place, Overall
- Fifth place, Multimedia
- Fifth place, Photojournalism
- Fifth place, Writing
- Monthly Competitions
- First place, Radio News and Features, $2,600 scholarship
- First place, Narrative Multimedia Storytelling: Features, $2,600 scholarship
- Second place, TV News Competition II, $2,000 scholarship
- Third place, Breaking News, $1,500 scholarship
- Fourth place, Enterprise Writing, $1,000
- Fourth place, TV News Competition I
- Fifth place, TV News Competition II
- Seventh place, Multimedia II
- Eighth place, Sports Writing
- Ninth place, Intercollegiate Photojournalism
- Ninth place, Television News
- Ninth place, Photo Picture Story/Series
- Tenth place, Multimedia II News
Howard Journal of Communications
- Peer-reviewed article by professor and doctoral students accepted for publication
Indiana University
- Professor received 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award
Investigative Reporters and Editors
- Student story earned finalist honors in the annual competition in the student category
Jonathan Murray Documentary Journalism Center
- $6.7 million gift to create a first-of-its-kind documentary journalism program
Journal of Media and Religion
- Peer-reviewed article authored by doctoral student
Journalism Studies Journal
- Peer-reviewed paper by professor and two doctoral students accepted for publication
Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism Journal
- Peer-reviewed article by two doctoral students accepted for publication
- Peer-reviewed article coauthored by doctoral student accepted for publication
Jurist Academic Commentary
- Professor invited to comment on the federal shield protection
- Student magazine article selected as the best of college journalism for the week of Aug. 30, 2013
National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Mid-America Chapter
- Professor named president
- Students win 6 of the 11 Student Pillars of Excellence for Newscast, General Assignment-Serious News and General Assignment-Light News categories
National Association of Black Journalists
- NABJ MU named one of three finalists for Student Chapter of the Year
National Endowment for Humanities
- $40,000 grant awarded for project on historical Mississippi photographs of O.N. Pruitt
- Aug. 28 front page of the Columbia Missourian recognized as one of the top 10 designs of the day
Newspaper Research Journal
- Peer-reviewed paper by four doctoral students accepted for publication
NewsPro-Radio Television Digital News Association
- The Missouri School of Journalism named the top J-School in the country
N.Y.U. Journal of Legislation and Public Policy
- Peer-reviewed paper by two doctoral students accepted for publication
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies
- Peer-reviewed paper by two doctoral students accepted for publication
Online News Association
- Two students among the 20 selected to serve in the student newsroom for the 2013 national convention in Atlanta
Radio Television Digital News Association National Edward R. Murrow Award
- Winner, KBIA-FM, Website Category for Small Market Radio Division
Religion News Association
- Second place, Chandler Student Religion Reporter of the Year
Reynolds Journalism Institute
- Three professors named to sixth class of Reynolds Journalism Institute fellows
Science Communication
- Peer-reviewed paper by two professors accepted for publication
Society of American Business Editors and Writers
- Senior is a finalist in Best in Business student publication category
Society of News Design, College News Design Contest
- First place, Breaking news
- First place, Multi-page feature
- Second place, Designer of the Year
- Second place, Multi-page feature
- Third place, Illustration
- Third place, Multi-page feature
- Third place, Photo story design
- Honorable mention, Cover of a special section
- Honorable mention, Multi-page news/sports
- Honorable mention, Multi-page news/sports
- Honorable mention, Sports
Society of Professional Journalists Region 7 Mark of Excellence Awards
- National Winners
- Best Digital-Only Student Publication, Vox Magazine
- Feature Writing, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Online Feature Reporting, Vox Magazine
Sports Journalism Institute
- Student one of 11 selected nationally for boot camp and internship at MLB.com
Teen Vogue Fashion University
- Undergraduate one of 300 from around the world selected to participate in this New York City event
U. S. Department of State
- Student selected to intern in the political-economic branch of the U.S. embassy in Rabat, Morocco
White House Correspondents Association
- Six master’s students selected as White House Correspondents’ Association Fellows and attended the group’s annual dinner with the President and first lady
Women in the World Summit
- Senior one of three volunteers selected to tweet an international event. Panelists included Hillary Rodham Clinton, actress Meryl Streep and former President Jimmy Carter
Women’s Studies in Communication Journal
- Peer-reviewed article coauthored by doctoral student accepted for publication
Regional Awards & Recognitions

American Advertising Federation Foundation-Kansas City
- 5 students selected to receive $1,500 scholarship
American Advertising Federation National Advertising Student Competition – District 9
- Missouri team earned a Top 3 win
- Professor received Advisor of the Year award
Mid-America Emmy Awards, Regional
- Regional Emmy: Best News Story in Sports
- Winner: Walter Cronkite scholarship
- Student Award: Serious News
Radio Television Digital News Association: Edward R. Murrow Region 5 Awards
- Continuing Coverage: KBIA-FM
- Feature Reporting, KBIA-FM
- Website, KBIA-FM
Society of Professional Journalists Region 7 Mark of Excellence Awards
- Regional Winners
- Best Digital-Only Student Publication, Vox Magazine
- Best Use of Multimedia, Vox Magazine
- Feature Photography, Vox Magazine
- Feature Writing, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Non-Fiction Magazine Article, Vox Magazine
- Online Feature Reporting, Vox Magazine
- Television Sports Reporting, KOMU-TV
- Regional Finalists
- Nonfiction Magazine Article, Vox Magazine
- Television Sports Reporting, KOMU-TV
- Television Sports Reporting, KOMU-TV
- Staff member wins top prize for investigative reporting in online, independent category.
- Student received $1,500 Journalism Foundation Scholarship
Kansas City Press Club
- Undergraduate receives $750 scholarship
Kansas City Press Club for KOMU-TV
- Gold Award, feature reporting
- Gold Award, general reporting
- Gold Award, public service
- Gold Award, sports reporting
- Bronze Award, feature reporting
Missouri Broadcasters Association
- Best Documentary/Public Affairs, KOMU-TV
- Best Feature, KOMU-TV
- Best News Series, KOMU-TV
- First Place, Feature Reporting, KBIA-FM
- First Place, Special Programs, KBIA-FM
- Certificate of Merit, Documentary/Public Affairs, KBIA-FM
Missouri Interscholastic Press Association
- Dean received 2014 Knight Award

Missouri Press Association
- Gold Medal, Class 2
- General Excellence, Class 2
- First Place, Best Business Story
- First Place, Best Story About Education
- First Place, Best Feature Story
- First Place, Best Coverage of Government
- First Place, Best Headline Writing
- First Place, Best Columnist-Humorous
- First Place, Best Story About History
- First Place, Best Investigative Reporting
- First Place, Best News or Feature Series
- First Place, Best News Photo
- First Place, Best News Story
- First Place, Best Story About the Outdoors
- First Place, Best Page Design
- First Place, Best Photo Illustration
- First Place, Best Photo Package
- First Place, Best Special Section
- First Place, Best Story About Rural Life or Agriculture
- First Place, Best Sports Feature Story
- Best Sports News Story or Package
- First Place, Best Sports Photo
- First Place, Best Video
- Second Place, Best Business Story
- Second Place, Community Service
- Second Place, Best Coverage of Community/People/Lifestyles
- Second Place, Best Story About Education
- Second Place, Best Feature Photo
- Second Place, Best Feature Story
- Second Place, Best Front Page
- Second Place, Best Info Graphic
- Second Place, Best Investigative Reporting
- Second Place, Best News Story
- Second Place, Best Story About the Outdoors
- Second Place, Best Photo Package
- Second Place, Best Story About Religion
- Second Place, Best Story About Rural Life or Agriculture
- Second Place, Best Sports Feature Story
- Second Place, Best Sports Photo
- Second Place, Best Video
- Third Place, Best Ad Idea-Promotion of Newspaper
- Third Place, Best Columnist-Serious
- Third Place, Best Story About Education
- Third Place, Best Feature Story
- Third Place, Best Investigative Reporting
- Third Place, Best Story About the Outdoors
- Third Place, Best News Photos
- Third Place, Best News Story
- Third Place, Best Story About Religion
- Third Place, Best Story About Rural Life or Agriculture
- Third Place, Best Special Section
- Third Place, Best Sports Pages
- Third Place, Best Video
- Honorable Mention, Best Story About Education
- Honorable Mention, Best Information Graphic
- Honorable Mention, Best Investigative Reporting
- Honorable Mention, Best News or Feature Story
- Honorable Mention, Best News Photo
- Honorable Mention, Best Story About the Outdoors
- Honorable Mention, Best Page Design
- Honorable Mention, Best Photo Package
- Honorable Mention, Best Story About Rural Life or Agriculture
- Honorable Mention, Best Sports Photo
- Honorable Mention, Best Video
Missouri Broadcasters Association for KOMU-TV
- Best Documentary/Public Affairs
- Best Local Website
- Best Spot News
- Best Weathercast
Missouri Press Foundation
- 4 students awarded funding for summer internships
Missouri Professional Communicators
- Student received $1,000 Journalism Foundation Scholarship
Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis
- Student received Press Club and St. Louis Post-Dispatch $5,000 David S. Lipman Scholarship
- Student received Press Club $1,000 Internship Scholarship
University of Missouri
Faculty and Staff
- Two professors selected for the MU Faculty Scholars program
- Staff member selected to participate in the MU Chancellor’s Emerging Leaders Program
- Four faculty and alumni selected for a Mizzou Alumni Association Faculty-Alumni Award
- Faculty member named honorary coach for a Mizzou home football game
- Four professors selected for the MU Global Scholars Program: Two went to Turkey; two to India
Academics and Research
- 3 undergraduates selected as inaugural recipients of the Award for Academic Distinction
- The research of an undergraduate selected for presentation at the MU Undergraduate Research Day at the Missouri State Capital
- Junior was one of 20 selected campus-wide to present at the MU “Inspired!: Facilitating Student Creativity Panels and Poster Session“
- 9 students, 1 faculty member inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, nation’s oldest, most selective honor society
- Undergraduate academic advisor received campus Shout Out award for spring semester
MU Honors College
- 7 incoming freshmen selected as Discovery Fellows, an undergraduate research program
- Senior received Outstanding Honors College Senior award
Leadership and Scholarships
- Three journalism students selected as a Freshman Interest Group Spotlight Peer Adviser
- Senior won a 2014 Inclusive Excellence Award in Diversity
- 11 undergraduates selected for Mizzou 39, an award that honors 39 outstanding MU seniors for their academic, leadership and service achievements
- Student selected as a Mizzou Homecoming tri-director and three others as royalty candidates
- Junior selected as an ambassador in the MU Office of Undergraduate Research
- Two students each received $750 scholarship from Campus Dining Services
- Six new journalism graduates selected to serve as advisers for the Missouri College Advising Corps
- Nine students selected to be Summer Welcome leaders
- 14 inducted on Tap Day: 14 journalism students selected for three of MU’s secret societies: 4 Mortar Board, 9 Omicron Delta Kappa, 1 QEBH
Updated: July 30, 2020