Research Takeaways

Columbia, Mo. (June 30, 2016) — One of the things that distinguishes the Missouri School of Journalism is the opportunity for all – from undergraduates to master’s and doctoral students – to be involved in the research process.
In June, students, faculty and alumni presented 50 papers at the International Communication Association annual conference in Fukuoka, Japan.
In August, they’ll travel to Minneapolis to present their research at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference.
At both conferences, some of our scholars earn top paper awards, the “best of the best” in peer-reviewed competition.
This summer, Missouri Journalism will offer some key insights for use in research. The new knowledge we create is used in classrooms, newsrooms and agencies. It’s published in books, textbooks and journals used by students all over the world. It’s how the Missouri School of Journalism prepares our students for their futures.
Professor Tim Vos says, “Research is ultimately about explaining things and understanding how the world ticks.” We hope to continue to shine a light on how research makes a difference in your life.
Updated: September 29, 2020