Missouri Journalism Students and Faculty Present 32 Papers, Win Four Student Awards at 2005 AEJMC Convention
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 8, 2005) — Missouri School of Journalism faculty and graduate students presented 32 research papers at the 2005 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) convention Aug. 10-13 in San Antonio, Texas.

Missouri doctoral students highlighted the convention, winning four “best student” paper awards. They won twice as many awards as any other school, led by doctoral student Scott Reinardy, who won the MacDougall Student Paper Award in the Newspaper Division. Four other doctoral students were honored for top finishes, including Zengjun Peng in the Mass Communication and Society Division; Jensen Moore and Keith Greenwood in the Advertising Division; and Fred Vultee in the Visual Communication Division.
Missouri students and faculty presented papers in 15 out of the 27 established divisions and interest groups, ranging from topics such as communication theory, newspaper and media management to public relations and advertising.
The AEJMC exists to promote the highest possible standards for education in journalism and mass communication and to defend and maintain freedom of expression in day-to-day living. It encourages a wide range of communication research and the implementation of a multi-cultural society in the classroom and curriculum. Founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1912, AEJMC has some 3,500 members around the world.
Advertising Division
- Cancer Ads: A Comparison of Advertising Strategies in Black vs. Mainstream Newspapers Jiyang Bae, Crystal Y. Lumpkins, Shelly Rodgers, Glen Cameron, University of Missouri-Columbia, Doug Luke, and Matthew Kreuter, St. Louis University
- The Effect of Negative Publicity on Consumers’ Brand Evaluations: The Moderating Role of Corporate Advertising Yoon Yong Cho, and Shelly Rodgers, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Unselling the Cigarette: A Content Analysis of Persuasive Elements of Two Types of National Anti-Tobacco Advertisements Winner, Best Student Paper Award: Jensen Moore and Keith Greenwood, Missouri Journalism doctoral students.
Communication Technology and Policy
- My Missourian: A Case Study of Open Source Journalism Clyde Bentley, Missouri Journalism professor, Brian Hamman, Jeremy Littau, Hans Meyer, Brendan Watson, and Ben Welsh, Missouri Journalism master’s students.
- Interactivity, Perceived Interactivity and Parasocial Interaction on a Political Candidate Website Kjerstin Thorson, Missouri Journalism master’s student, and Shelly Rodgers, Missouri Journalism professor.
- How Consumers Process Cultural Cues on Commercial Websites: The Role of Felt Targetedness in the Communication Model of Cultural Cues Tae-Il Yoon, Hallym University, South Korea, and Esther Thorson, University of Missouri.
Communication Theory & Methodology Division
- Indexing Hypothesis and Discourse Analysis: A Case Study of the Impeachment of South Korean President Jeongsub Lim, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Cultural and Critical Studies Division
- Images and Sounds as Representation in Print Media: Locating Power and Identity in Image-Sound Relationships Katy June-Friesen, Missouri Journalism master’s student.
International Communication Division
- Does the Internet Affect Attitudes? Comparing Democratic Values Of U.S. Journalism Students With Those in Post-Soviet Nations Byron T. Scott, Missouri Journalism professor, Anya Litvak and Irma Guseva, Missouri Journalism, and Stanley Ketterer, Oklahoma State University
Mass Communication and Society Division
- Rationalizing War: A Path Analysis Model of Agenda Building Shahira Fahmy, Southern Illinois University, Juyan Zhang, Monmouth University, and Wayne Wanta, Missouri Journalism professor.
- An Empirical Investigation of the Relationships Among Fear and Efficacy of Breast Cancer, Media Use, and Knowledge About Breast Cancer Prevention in Caucasian and African American Women Kenneth Fleming, Missouri Journalism doctoral student, and Cynthia Frisby, Missouri Journalism professor.
- “Always a Bridesmaid and Never a Bride:” Portrayals of Women of Color as Brides in Bridal Magazines Cynthia Frisby, Missouri Journalism professor.
- Ideology and Source Credibility: Partisan Perception Bias in Believability of CNN, Fox News and PBS Winner, Best Student Paper Award: Zengjun Peng, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Media Management and Economics Division
- Do Medium and Small Market Dailies Produce Abnormal Profits? Stephen Lacy and Arvind Diddi, Michigan State University, and Esther Thorson, Missouri Journalism graduate dean.
- Managing News in a Managed Media: Mediating the Message in Malaysiakini.com Augustine Pang, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Minorities and Communication Division
- Light or Heavy? Idealized Body-Type Images in Women’s Magazines, and Their Effects on African-American Adolescent Females’ Self-Body Image Rajah Maples-Wallace, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
- Stalemate, Xenophobia and the Framing of the Immigration Debate Brendan Watson, Missouri Journalism master’s student.
Newspaper Division
- Says Who? Examining the Use of Anonymous Sourcing in News Stories Renee Martin Kratzer, PhD ’05, now at the University of Florida, and Esther Thorson, Missouri Journalism graduate dean.
- Cancer Stories in Black vs. Mainstream Newspapers: Is There a Public Health Perspective? Jeongsub Lim, Jiyang Bae, Missouri Journalism doctoral students; Charlene Caburnay, St. Louis University; Jon Stemmle, Shelly Rodgers, Missouri Journalism professors; Doug Luke, St. Louis University; Glen Cameron, Missouri Journalism professor; and Matthew Kreuter, St. Louis University.
- Newshole Changes in Three Large Newspapers with Different Ownership Patterns Geneva Overholser, Missouri Journalism professor; Esther Thorson, Missouri Journalism graduate dean; Yan Jin and Yonghoi Song, Missouri Journalism doctoral students; and Steve Lacy, Central Michigan.
- Mental Map Making: The Role of Black Newspapers in Shaping Perceptions of Cancer in Black Community Qi Qiu, Missouri Journalism doctoral student; Cynthia Frisby, Shelly Rodgers and Glen Cameron, Missouri Journalism professors.
- It’s Gametime: The Maslach Burnout Inventory Measures Burnout of Sports Journalists MacDougall Student Paper Award Winner: Scott Reinardy, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
- Use of Anonymous, Government and Other Types of Sources in Newspaper Investigative Stories Miglena Sternadori, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Public Relations Division
- The Effect of Prior Corporate Reputation on Public Attitudes Toward a Company: Public Suspicion as a Mediating Variable Jiyang Bae, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
- Is the Press Legitimizing the “Truth”? An Examination of the Third Party Endorsements of the “Truth” National Anti-Tobacco Campaign Jensen Moore and Fred Vultee, Missouri Journalism doctoral students.
Radio-Television Journalism Division
- Boo-yah! Sports Journalists Identify ESPN’s Impact on Sports Writing Scott Reinardy, Missouri Journalism doctoral student, and Earnest L. Perry, Missouri Journalism professor.
- Intermedia Agenda Setting in the 2004 Presidential Elections: Issue Saliency in Television News, Political Advertising and Blogs Kaye D. Trammell, Guy Golan, Louisiana State University and Wayne Wanta, Missouri Journalism professor.
Visual Communications Division
- When May I Expect My Uniform? The World Through Chicago Political Cartoons Before and After Pearl Harbor Best Student Paper Award Winner: Fred Vultee, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Entertainment Studies Interest Group
- A Review of Literature on the Status, Effects, and Causal Factors Involved in the Differences in Media Coverage for Men’s and Women’s Athletics Elizabeth Ann Gibler, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Graduate Education Interest Group
- When Do Journalists Learn About Ethics? An Examination of Classroom and Professional Attitudes About Ethical Standards Scott Reinardy and Jensen Moore, Missouri Journalism doctoral students.
Commission on the Status of Women
- The Exclusion of Female Sources in the News Media Renee Martin Kratzer, PhD ’05, and Esther Thorson, Missouri Journalism graduate dean.
- The Intersection of Race, Class, Power, and Identity: A Theoretical Survey of Implications for African-American Women Lee Miller, Missouri Journalism doctoral student.
Updated: April 7, 2020