Archives: Class Notes
Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11
Saleem Alhabash, MA ’08, PhD ’11, assistant professor of public relations and social media at Michigan State University, is the first person to receive the Mary Alice Shaver Promising Professor Award, a national award established by the American Academy of Advertising (AAA) to honor junior faculty who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in advertising teaching … Continued
Kim England, BJ ’88
Kim England, BJ ’88, was named Teacher of the Year by the Missouri Interscholastic Press Association during its 45th annual Scholastic Journalism Awards Day held at the University of Missouri on April 2, 2014. England teaches journalism at Lee’s Summit North High School.
Steven Lane Smith, BJ ’69
Steven Lane Smith, BJ ’69, recently won the Reviewers Choice Best Humorous Novel Prize for 2014 for his novel, “Caledonia Switch.” Set in a deceptively peaceful-looking New England town, protagonist John Hardin is the brightest star in the village’s universe. His vestiges of infantile omnipotence allow him to tread fearlessly on risk as he illegally … Continued
Frank Whitsitt, BJ ’49
Frank Whitsitt, BJ ’49, died Dec. 24, 2013. After graduation from the Missouri School of Journalism, he wrote for newspapers in Indiana and Texas before beginning a 14-year career on the editorial staff of the Kansas City Star. Whitsitt then worked at Farmland Industries for 25 years, retiring in 1991 as editor of Farmland News.
Steven Rich, MA ’13
Steven Rich, MA ’13, along with colleagues Debbie Cenziper and Michael Sallah of The Washington Post are the winners of the Local Accountability Reporting Award in the 2014 American Society of News Editors competition. The honor recognizes outstanding work done by a news organization that holds important local institutions accountable for their actions. From the … Continued
Mireille Zieseniss, BJ ’93
Mireille Zieseniss, BJ ’93, is the director of the U.S. Department of State’s U.S.- European Media Hub located in Brussels, Belgium. The Media Hub helps media organizations from across Europe gain access to U.S. government policymakers on top foreign policy issues. As a foreign service officer who specializes in public diplomacy, Mireille’s previous assignments include … Continued
Rosemary D. White, BJ ’74
Rosemary D. White, BJ ’74, died Feb. 22, 2014, after a yearlong struggle with bile duct cancer. She studied radio-television journalism while in school. White started her career as a TV news reporter in Laredo, Texas, before moving on stations in Tucson, Ariz.; Dayton, Ohio; Philadelphia; Providence, R.I.; and, finally, to WCVB Channel 5 in … Continued
Marilyn Miller Sklyar, BJ ’48
Marilyn Miller Sklyar, BJ ’48, is the author of “Tales from a Mad Man’s Wife.” The book chronicles the career of husband David Skylar, BJ ’49, as he entered the Missouri School of Journalism after serving in the Air Force during World War II. David Skylar wanted to be a newspaper reporter and worked on … Continued
Rich Oriez, MA ’09
Rich Oriez, MA ’09, won Civilian Photographer of the Year honors in the 2013 Air Force Global Strike Command Public Affairs Media Contest. He was also named Civilian Print Journalist of the Year and the winner in the pictorial and sports photography categories.
Mike Bruno, MA ’99
Mike Bruno, MA ’99, has been named Billboard’s VP of digital content and programming. Bruno joins Billboard after seven years at Entertainment Weekly. His resume includes stints at Citysearch, music editing at a digital startup, freelance writing for the NY Press, Chicago Reader and several EDM magazines. Bruno began at as the news editor … Continued