Archives: Class Notes
Brett Austin, BJ ’93
Brett Austin, BJ ’93, is the coordinating producer of College Sports/GameDay at ESPN. He oversees all college football and basketball shows for the network.
John Mark Eberhart, BJ ’83
John Mark Eberhart, BJ ’83, died on March 19 after a fight with cancer. During his career, Eberhart served as the reader’s advisory coordinator for the Johnson County Library in Overland Park, Kan. He was a former book review editor for The Kansas City Star, poet and regular “Book Doctor” on KCUR-FM in Kansas City.
Bob Breeden, MA ’52
Bob Breeden, MA ’52, died recently. He was a writer and editor for National Geographic during his career. Breeden received the Missouri Honor Medal in 1992.
Constance A. Johnston, BJ ’57
Constance A. Johnston, BJ ’57, recently died.
Ed Finkelstein, BJ ’59
Ed Finkelstein, BJ ’59, publisher of the award-winning St. Louis/Southern Illinois Labor Tribune, has been inducted into the St. Louis Media Hall of Fame (Print). The Labor Tribune is the official AFL-CIO labor newspaper for the eastern half of Missouri and Southern Illinois. Finkelstein was also recently elected to the executive council of the International … Continued
Jacquelinne Mejia, BJ ’11
Jacquelinne Mejia, BJ ’11, was one of two journalists awarded a $1,000 fellowship to attend the 50th annual conference of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers in Washington April 4-6. Mejia is a producer/correspondent for EC Hispanic Media in California.
Mike Bizelli, BJ ’72
Freelance photographer Mike Bizelli, BJ ’72, has been documenting the work of the Animal Cruelty Task Force for 15 years. His new 200-image exhibit, “Cruelty to Compassion,” will be presented April 5-7 at the Humane Society of Missouri, 1201 Macklind Ave. in St. Louis, on April 5-7. The exhibit includes Trooper, a dog who gained … Continued
Nancy J. Jenkins, BJ ’82
Nancy J. Jenkins, BJ ’82, writes, “After years in business journalism, and living 10 years in South Florida, I returned to the Midwest and worked five years at Fleishman-Hillard in Kansas City. During that time, I received a master’s degree in marketing communications from the University of Kansas. I also received the Silver Anvil award, … Continued
Russell Barclay, BJ ’75
Russell Barclay, BJ ’75, is a professor of communications at Campbellsville University in Kentucky.
Matt Jacob, MA ’00
After a six-year stint in public relations, Matt Jacob, MA ’00, is back to his journalism roots. Jacob recently returned to The Dallas Morning News to join the investigative projects team as a newsroom data specialist.