Research News
Life-Saving Information on Cancer Delivered in More Effective Manner Through New MU Program
Columbia, Mo. (July 21, 2003) — Every day, researchers throughout the world strive to find a cure for cancer. Although no cure exists, scientists find new ways to prevent and treat this disease. Experts think this life-saving information is not reaching the minority population in a quick and effective manner. The University of Missouri-Columbia will … Continued
Panel Discusses, Offers Tips Regarding Journalistic Accountability
Washington (June 5, 2003) — Journalists shaken by five weeks of scandal at The New York Times were reminded Thursday that living up to their own standards is the first line of defense. The panel, examining the fallout from the Jayson Blair misdeeds, and the resignation of the two top Times editors, was co-sponsored by … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Student Receives 2003 MU Distinguished Dissertation Award
Columbia, Mo. (April 28, 2003) — For the first time in the history of the Journalism School, a doctoral student’s dissertation has been recognized as the most accomplished of the year by an MU student. Seow Ting Lee, now an assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University Singapore, received the MU Distinguished Dissertation Award — and … Continued