Tag: Virtual Reality
Students Push New Virtual Reality Software to Give Readers Control of the Story
Missouri students recently used VIAR360 to produce a pre-event review of venues for the Columbia’s True/False documentary film festival in early March. The Emerging Technologies Course Experiments with Imaging, Audio and Text Capabilities Columbia, Mo. (March 21, 2017) — Can virtual reality change the very way journalists tell stories? A program at the Missouri School … Continued
New Benchmark Established with Publishing of Virtual Reality Feature
In a Columbia Missourian Oct. 26 article, Emily Shepherd wrote about a Harry Potter-themed astronomy lesson; the article included 360-degree photo coverage. The Technology Identifies the Need for New Workflows to Getting the Content Online Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 1, 2016) — The Missouri School of Journalism’s virtual reality program hit a benchmark recently by publishing … Continued
Missouri Students Team Up with Associated Press to Produce Virtual Reality View of the New York City Subway
Columbia, Mo. (March 1, 2016) – A team of three Missouri School of Journalism students – Berkeley Lovelace Jr., Taylor Nakagawa and Haley Reed – went underground to report on a collaborative project with The Associated Press. Students joined forces with the Associated Press through their capstone class in convergence journalism at the School and their … Continued