Elizabeth Lucas named Missouri School of Journalism’s Houston Harte Chair
By Austin Fitzgerald COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 25, 2024) — The Missouri School of Journalism today announced that Elizabeth Lucas, MA ’10, formerly senior training director for Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), is the new Houston Harte Chair in Journalism. In this role, effective Aug. 1, she will further develop the School’s investigative and data journalism … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism receives reaccreditation with high praise
By: Joanie Straub The Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications unanimously voted to reaccredit the Missouri School of Journalism at their May 2024 meeting in Washington, D.C. The School was found to be in full compliance with all eight standards at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, reaffirming its status as one of … Continued
Students innovating with multiplatform sports coverage at Missouri School of Journalism
L-R: Wilson Moore, Emily Leiker, Calum McAndrew, Gerald Hopkins By Austin Fitzgerald Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 4, 2021) — At a time when the Missouri School of Journalism is leaning into collaborative, cross-platform education through a curriculum that emphasizes cross-training and a newly created shared newsroom space, senior Gerald Hopkins has taken this philosophy to heart. … Continued
A glimpse into the future of media: Missouri School of Journalism brings news outlets together into ‘one newsroom’
The second floor of Lee Hills Hall underwent demolition and renovation during the summer of 2021 in order to accommodate the School’s new shared newsroom concept. | Photo: Nate Brown By Austin Fitzgerald Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 19, 2021) —The journalism landscape has changed dramatically in the last two decades, with everything from online news, social … Continued
Change in journalism school curriculum leads to Strategic Communication classes offered over summer for first time
By Abby Werner Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 22, 2021) — For the first time ever, three strategic communication classes were offered over the summer: JOURN 2200 Audiences and Persuasion, JOURN 4200 Principles of Strategic Communication, and JOURN 4952 Strategic Communication Research. This change was prompted by the restructuring of the School of Journalism curriculum. With this … Continued
New School of Journalism core curriculum course debuts with a Strategic Communication spin
Associate Professor Holly Higginbotham leads her J2200 Audience & Persuasion class via Zoom on Feb. 24, 2021. The course is required of all current freshman and sophomore students as part of the school’s new curriculum. By Zach Taylor Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 25, 2020) – The Missouri School of Journalism prides itself on staying on top … Continued
School of Journalism curriculum overhaul continues apace despite COVID
By Steve Ackermann Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 8, 2021) — The curriculum overhaul at the School of Journalism should remind us of the old Post Office adage about “neither snow, nor rain” ever being allowed to cause delays — probably more applicable here than to the USPS these days. The convergence of the global pandemic, domestic … Continued
Missouri Method modernizes with journalism school curriculum overhaul
The School – often referred to as The World’s Journalism School – proudly celebrates Dean Walter Williams launching the first professional journalism school 111 years ago. Republished by permission of RTDNA By Steven Ackermann Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 4, 2019) — This semester’s incoming journalism students at the University of Missouri are enrolled in nearly 50 … Continued
Journalism professors equip students with science and information literacy skills
J-School faculty Sara Shipley Hiles and Katherine Reed teamed up with Peter Tipton, professor at the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources to offer a new interdisciplinary class entitled, “Manipulation and Misrepresentation of Science: Combating Threats to Democracy.” Interdisciplinary class serves as model for other educators, findings shared in recent research paper By … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Launches Online Learning Tool to Help Teach Journalism, Strategic Communication to Junior High, High School Students
In its inaugural year, the Missouri School of Journalism’s free, 25-module online learning tool will have the capacity to help up to 300 middle school and high school teachers revamp their journalism or strategic communication lesson plans. Program will accept up to 300 teachers in first year. By Jennifer Nelson Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 28, 2019) … Continued