Freshmen Tackle iLife Challenge, Learn Career-Building Multimedia Skills

Columbia, Mo. (Dec. 6, 2006) — Hundreds of University of Missouri students, faculty and staff members recently filled Bush Auditorium in Cornell Hall for the awards presentation of the third annual Freshman iLife Challenge, a multimedia contest designed by the Missouri School of Journalism. The Challenge, sponsored by the School of Journalism, the Colleges of … Continued

Judging of National College Photography Competition Now Online through Vodcasting

Columbia, Mo. (Nov. 15, 2006) — For decades Missouri School of Journalism photojournalism students have had the unique opportunity to observe and collaborate with professionals during the annual College Photographer of the Year (CPOY) contests. This opportunity is now available to anyone in the world through the technological advance of vodcasting. Remote audience members can now go … Continued

Career Fair Attracts Prospective Employers from Coast to Coast

Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 30, 2006) — Missouri Journalism students had the opportunity to rub shoulders, visit and interview with recruiters from 16 media organizations from across the United States during the Missouri School of Journalism’s sixth-annual Fall Media Career and Internship Fair, which took place Oct. 18-19. In addition to a day-long open interview session … Continued

Strategic Planning for Strategic Communication Education

Alumni Contribute Ideas, Resources at Strategic Communication Summit Columbia, Mo. (Oct. 24, 2006) — For one day, five decades-worth of advertising and public relations professionals gathered at the Missouri School of Journalism with a common mission. Some of them grew up before television – others have not lived without the Internet. Generation gaps, however, gave … Continued

‘New Media, Enduring Values’

Partnerships to Drive Innovation and Change Introduced at Hurley Symposium By Brett Mueller Committee of Concerned Journalists Washington, D.C. (Oct. 19, 2006) — The Missouri School of Journalism, the Committee of Concerned Journalists (CCJ) and the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute announced the details of upcoming research partnerships with three news organizations around the country during the 2006 Curtis … Continued

Upcoming Symposium to Discuss “New Media, Enduring Values”

Four Projects Studying Related Journalism Principles to Be Announced Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 26, 2006) — The Missouri School of Journalism and the Committee of Concerned Journalists will commemorate their alliance at an upcoming symposium at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The theme of the event – the 2006 Curtis B. Hurley Symposium – will … Continued

Missouri Faculty, Students to Present at Upcoming AJHA Conference

By Janelle Walker Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 15, 2006) — Seven Missouri School of Journalism faculty members and graduate students will present their scholarly research or speak on academic panels next month at the 25th annual convention of the American Journalism Historians Association. The AJHA convention, which will take place Oct. 11-14 in Wichita, Kan., brings together … Continued

Missouri Journalism and Law Schools Set to Blaze New Paths in Study of Media and Conflict

Center for the Study of Conflict, Law and the Media to Host International Conference Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 13, 2006) — The Center for the Study of Conflict, Law and the Media, a groundbreaking collaboration linking the Missouri School of Journalism and University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law, is hosting an international conference, “News Reporting and Its Impact … Continued

“Fall Welcome” Serves Up Journalism Possibilities, Tiger Stripe Ice Cream

By Alexandra Rampy Columbia, Mo. (Sept. 11, 2006) — Another opportunity for freshman students to enjoy free Tiger Stripe ice cream came recently as faculty and upperclassmen presented various journalism opportunities at “Fall Welcome.” Representatives from journalism-related organizations and programs gathered at Peace Park, sharing the scoop on ways for incoming freshmen to develop their journalism … Continued