Missouri Journalism Announces Big Plans for Twin Celebration in 2008
Columbia, Mo. (Feb. 12, 2007) — The Missouri School of Journalism today announced plans to celebrate the centennial of the School and the dedication of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.

The festivities on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus are scheduled for Wednesday through Friday, Sept. 10-12, 2008. It was on Sept. 14, 1908, that the world’s first school of journalism held its first day of classes, and the faculty-run, student-staffed Columbia Missourian published its first issue. The newspaper lab introduced the then-revolutionary method of hands-on learning in real media.
A tradition of innovation has distinguished Missouri Journalism since it first opened its doors. The Reynolds Journalism Institute, funded by a $31 million gift from the Las Vegas-based Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, will expand the spirit of entrepreneurship. The 53,700 sq. ft. facility, occupying three buildings on the historic Francis Quadrangle, will include a high-tech Journalism Futures Laboratory where new journalism technologies and strategies will be tested and demonstrated.
Many of the School’s more than 20,000 alumni are expected to return home for the centennial celebration, along with other media leaders, political figures and academics.

Events and activities will include high-tech demonstrations in the Journalism Futures Laboratory; a multimedia extravaganza celebrating the First Amendment; a premiere of a new historical documentary about the School; seminars, workshops and tours; a 2 p.m., Friday dedication of the Reynolds Journalism Institute; Friday evening banquet, and networking activities.
Additionally, the Missouri Press Association, a key player in the establishment of the School and a continual partner, will host a Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008, golf tournament.
A preview of the festivities is being mailed to alumni and other friends of the School. All information about the 2008 centennial-dedication events, registration, timeline and any other aspects will be added to a dedicated website as details become available.
Image Credits:
1. Courtesy of University Archives C:11-13-3.
2. Savitar, 1939, p. 143.
Updated: April 16, 2020