News Releases
Writer at Charlotte Observer Wins Second Sifford Prize
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 30, 2006) — Elizabeth Leland, a reporter for the Charlotte (N.C.) Observer, is the 2006 Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism winner. The Missouri School of Journalism administers the prestigious award. Leland also won the Sifford Prize in 2001. Her features editor, Michael Weinstein, writes of his star reporter, “Elizabeth says she … Continued
Special Section of Columbia Missourian Receives 1st Place Award
By Kim Trokey Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2006) — A Columbia Missourian newspaper special section titled “Connections-How mid-Missourians stay plugged in to a world ruled by technology” received the first place award at the Inland Press 2006 Newspaper Special Sections & New Products/New Revenue contest. The winning entry was chosen from more than 600 entries submitted by 80 … Continued
Faculty Member Publishes New Edition of Public Relations Textbook
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2006) — Coverage of global markets, new technologies, and multiculturalism throughout make the recently published edition of Public Relations: The Profession and the Practice one of the leading college textbooks on the topic. The book is co-authored by Suzette Heiman, associate professor and director of planning and communications at the Missouri School … Continued
Magazine Students Win Five Awards at AEJMC
By Brenda Escobar Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 29, 2006) — Vox magazine and a magazine publishing class took home five awards in the 2006 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Student Magazine Contest. The awards were presented during a special ceremony at the group’s annual meeting held recently in San Francisco. Vox magazine won first place in … Continued
School’s Viewbook Wins Bronze Medal in National Contest
Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 28, 2006) — The Missouri School of Journalism’s viewbook, already a success in the eyes of prospective students, faculty and alumni, has gained yet another accolade. “The World’s Journalism School” won a bronze medal in the “Visual Design in Print” category of the 2006 CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) Circle of … Continued
New Book Explores Media, Mission and Morality in Journalism
By Kelly Peery Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 28, 2006) — A new book by Missouri School of Journalism Professor Emeritus John Merrill explores moral and theoretical issues in the field of journalism. Media, Mission and Morality: A Scholarly Milestone Essay in Mass Communication is the first in a series designed to stimulate thinking and challenge ideas while encouraging journalists … Continued
Homeland Security and Media Evaluate Terror Threats Differently
By Katherine Kostiuk MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (Aug. 28, 2006) — When faced with a terror threat like the recent plot to blow up planes traveling from the U.K. to the U.S., the American public turns to the media for information about the level and duration of the threat. However, the information people receive … Continued
Journalism Students and Faculty to Present 31 Papers at 2006 AEJMC Conference
By Kim Trokey Columbia, Mo. (July 17, 2006) — Thirty-one scholarly papers – including five receiving top recognitions – will be presented at this year’s Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference by Missouri School of Journalism faculty and current and recent graduate students. Their work covers an impressive breadth of topics including advertising, public relations, … Continued
Recent Journalism Graduate Named a Finalist for National Religion Writing Student Award
Columbia, Mo. (July 13, 2006) — Leah Lohse, BJ ’06, is one of ten finalists for the highest national award given to young writers on religion. The Chandler Award for the Student Religion Writer of the Year recognizes excellent reporting skills at the collegiate level and a grasp of religion issues that is fair and balanced … Continued
Having Control Might Be Good, but It’s Not Interesting
Study Found That Established Psychological Theories about Control Don’t Apply to Interactive Media By Katherine Kostiuk MU News Bureau Columbia, Mo. (July 7, 2006) — Having control is better than not having control, psychological research shows. When people don’t have control, they feel uncertain, worried and nervous. However, a recent University of Missouri-Columbia study found … Continued