News Releases
KOMU News Director Meets with President Bush
Washington, D.C. (June 3, 2005) — Stacey Woelfel and other members of the board of directors of the Radio-Television News Directors Association met with President Bush on Wednesday. During the hour-long discussion, the president demonstrated his support for free speech, acknowledged the importance of local media in shaping public debates, but stopped short of endorsing a federal shield … Continued
James Carlson Wins National Writing Championship; Matt Talhelm Places in Television Category
Columbia, Mo. (June 2, 2005) — James Carlson, a May 2005 magazine graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, won first place and a $5,000 scholarship in the 2005 William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s National Writing Championship. In addition, Matt Talhelm, also BJ ’05, won a $1,000 scholarship as a semi-finalist in the Television Broadcast News … Continued
Justin Heckert, BJ ’02, Named CRMA Writer of the Year
Las Vegas (May 20, 2005) — Justin Heckert, BJ ’02, was named Writer of the Year by the City and Regional Magazine Association (CRMA) in its 20th Annual National Awards competition May 16 at the group’s annual conference in Las Vegas. This is not the first such award for Heckert; he took second place awards for Best … Continued
Two Longtime Missouri Journalism Professors Retire
Columbia, Mo. (May 20, 2005) — Missouri School of Journalism professors George Kennedy and Don Ranly will retire effective June 30. Both have been faculty members for 31 years. “George Kennedy and Don Ranly are legendary exemplars of journalism faculty; demanding teachers whose scholarship has improved both the practice and understanding of journalism. They have had an impact on … Continued
Miró-Quesada Awarded Second Tina Hills Fellowship
Columbia, Mo. (May 19, 2005) — María Inés Miró-Quesada of Lima, Perú, has been awarded the second Tina Hills fellowship by the Missouri School of Journalism. Miró-Quesada will work with journalism students as Spanish language managing editor of Adelante!, the J-School’s bilingual monthly community newspaper. The fellowship will fund her tuition in the graduate school … Continued
Recent Advertising Graduate Selected for Northern India Program
Columbia, Mo. (May 16, 2005) — Jonathon Coulson, BJ ’05, is one of 12 students nationwide who has been selected to travel in northern India for three weeks this summer through the American Institute of Indian Studies. Coulson received his bachelor’s degree from the Missouri School of Journalism last week, graduating magna cum laude with an … Continued
Missouri School of Journalism Places Second in Hearst Writing Awards, Fourth Overall
Columbia, Mo. (May 16, 2005) — The Missouri School of Journalism placed fourth in the overall intercollegiate competition and second in the writing competition in the 2004-2005 Hearst Journalism Awards Program. Often called “The Pulitzers of College Journalism,” the Hearst program holds year-long competitions in writing, photography and broadcast news. Journalism schools accumulating the most points … Continued
Getsinger and Hoops Among Top 20 Winners in Hearst Spot News Writing Contest
Columbia, Mo. (May 13, 2005) — Annie Getsinger and Brandon Hoops are among the top 20 winners in the Spot News Writing category of the Hearst Foundation‘s Journalism Awards Program. “Spot news is the bread and butter of journalism,” said Tom Warhover, executive editor of the Columbia Missourian. “Getsinger and Hoops prove we can put a little … Continued
J-School Senior Creates New Campus Niche Magazine
By Sheniqua Faulkner Columbia Missourian Columbia, Mo. (May 10, 2005) — Oprah Winfrey, watch out. Another Chicagoan has her eye on your job. Tyra Hughley, originally from Naperville, Ill., a suburb of the city, believes she has what it takes to be the next media queen. “One day, I hope to have my own media … Continued
Missouri Journalism Students Win 16 Awards in SND Contest
Columbia, Mo. (May 10, 2005) –– The Society for News Design chapter at the Missouri School of Journalism recently hosted the annual College News Design Contest. The contest is a college version of SND’s international competition. Judges looked at more than 750 entries from around the country and selected winners in daily and non-daily divisions. Categories covered … Continued