John D. Graham

What is a typical day for you? My day to day varies a great deal. I travel a lot. If I were to go to New York, I would be meeting with one of our key clients, perhaps talking about some of the work we’re doing for them and some of the opportunities and challenges … Continued

Margie Pollock Bridges

What was most interesting about your career? I have had a variety of jobs, sometimes holding three part-time jobs at a time. I proofread, edited others’ work, wrote newsletters, counseled and taught and helped people find jobs. I liked best of all being the main news person in a small town, interviewing interesting people and … Continued

Larry Postaer, BJ ’59

Larry Postaer, BJ ’59, has penned a 300+-page memoir “Pickett, Plunkett and Puckett. My 50 Years in Advertising.” (Inkwater Press) Postaer’s adventures and misadventures as a journalism undergrad are recounted in two lively chapters featuring a series of anecdotes that include his experiences as a staffer on Harlequin, the campus humor magazine, and as an … Continued

Elliott “Skip” Ames, BJ ’51

Elliott “Skip” Ames, BJ ’51, “one of Ed Lambert’s boys,” hosts a cabaret/jazz program on the Whitney station, WVOX 1460 AM, Westchester, N.Y. and streamed worldwide on, Sunday afternoons 2:05 p.m. New York Time, following the Fox news.

William Daniel, BJ ’50

William Daniel, BJ ’50, still enjoys living in Hollywood, Calif. “Well into my 80s, I hang out at the gym…mandatory in Los Angeles. One of these days, I’m not going to be able to handle the stairs in my condo. Then back to Webster Groves? I try not to think about it. The ‘William O. … Continued

Richard Lee, MA ’58

Richard Lee, MA ’58, died March 3, 2011. He worked for the University of Missouri in several agricultural journalism capacities during his career.